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23 faves · 29 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




lexybaybay741 · 1 decade ago
wow. perfect. okay. bye.
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LauzHeys · 1 decade ago
I don't think it's fair that (using the example from someone else's comment) someone's grandad has a problem and she won't be able to have a gun from your opinion but I do understand what you mean though, I'm pretty damn sure that depression runs in my family (Mum has it, her mum had it and ect and also I have it and we're not sure if my brother has it) and with depression sometimes you can make crazy decisions and be very emotional so it would be wise for me to not have a gun (ha, I nearly typed out fun) but it is a little unfair if someone's relatives having a problem then that other relative not being able to have a gun.
But I do think background checks are good
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Melrose* · 1 decade ago
To own a gun. You should have to go through all the steps to be able to drive a car. Tests. Classes. Permits . The whole deal. Why should it be so easy to get a weapon but so hard to drive a vehicle .
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TheHeartVersusTheHead · 1 decade ago
Similar to cars, guns are licensed. They have serial numbers that register straight to you when you purchase the firearm legally, which includes participating in the background check. What do you mean by permits? Like having a license for it? What's going to be the determining factors on that? They're already laws in place that restrict certain purchasing of guns and activities, such as an age restriction and hunter safety classes for hunting, plus concealed weapons permits which already requires a class? What more can you add without breaking the 2nd amendment by taking away the rights to bare arms?
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Melrose* · 1 decade ago
I'm not for taking away guns. There needs to be stricter checks on people. Make them harder to get.
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TheHeartVersusTheHead · 1 decade ago
I find some points in your opinion agreeable, such as guns should not be made illegal, and people will commit crimes regardless of the laws in place. However, there are some ideas that you have brought up I find disturbing and uneducated. You state that "if anybody in your family had a mental disorder then you're automatically not allowed to own a gun". What you have failed to do is elaborate the definition of mental illness in this statement. Lets say you have a grandparent who is a war veteran and served in the military and has developed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which has been medically classified as a mental disorder, should they, or you for that matter since you are apart of that lineage, not be allowed to own firearms? After all, you claim that apparently all mental disorders, since you fail to classify such in this argument, are hereditary and I possibly could develope it later in life although I've never been in war or any other stressful situation. Another scenario; what if I had a parent with Down syndrome, another mental disorder you may or may not want to include in this, because again, you haven't made clear which ones should be apart of this rule (which is another point I want to make, who is going to decide which disorders are limiting and which are not)? If I had a parent with Down syndrome, which is a completely random mutation of genetics and uneven number of chromosomes that is not a directly inherited, should I not be allowed to purchase a gun because I have "someone in my family tree with a mental disorder"? What about autism? This is entire mental disorder business is taking away freedoms. You cannot control the actions of other people, including your family, nor can the government punish you for such offenses you had nothing to do with. Now onto my next disagreement...who in the government is going to go around and check your houses? Who's going to pay for that? People in the government want money and a task like that would require thousands of employees to keep track of all the guns. No one has that kind of time or money. Plus that is breaking another one of our amendments and is a complete invasion of privacy. That would be like saying when you buy a car the dealership needs to make sure you have a garage first. I think the background checks are already detailed enough. Using the patriot act, they check for felonies and criminal records, along with the threat of terrorism. And anyone else who wants to acquire a firearm and can't because of these limitations will get one off the streets anyway, so it is absurd to punish and make it inconvient for those who follow the laws and fit the requirements. Please, be more educated on how our country and government already is on gun control before you post an opinion.
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sammilynn_143 · 1 decade ago
Honestly? Does it even matter about the background checks? If someone wants a gun, they're going to get it, Like someone said before, SO many guns are un-registered, it's not like they can check EVERY single house in America for a gun, not to mention that they need a legit warrant to check a house for anything, not that they think the person has a gun. Sorry, but having more "background" checks and family checks on mental disorders isn't going to help anything, and just because you have a possibility to develop a mental disorder, then no one could own a gun because I'm sure down the line almost every family has a member that could have some mental disorder and all heck would break loose if the government tries to pull that crap. Sorry, not sorry.
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
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sammilynn_143 · 1 decade ago
I didn't say they didn't? And by background check, I meant with family; it's not going to do anything..Plus, millions of people have guns, there's not way authorities are going to check every single household that have guns to make sure they're put away properly. It won't happen.
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Weirderthanyou · 1 decade ago
i can see your point, but i disagree.
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Melrose* · 1 decade ago
In what way would you disagree
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JoshConnollyTheCoolKid · 1 decade ago
I think if it was illegal more people would do it, like drugs. c:
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whereismymind · 1 decade ago
Your "proposal" is unrealistic and unfair. So if my grandfather is biopolar than I'm automatically not allowed to have a gun? That's like punishing md for a condition that my family member has that they have NO control over. And how is the government going to send ppl out to check ALL the people who own guns? Half the ppl in this country has guns that aren't even registered so doing that would be a waste of and money.
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barakat* · 1 decade ago
I think that the main idea is that there should be more serious background checks and that guns should only be given to people who are mentally stable enough to not go on a killing rampage. Bipolar was only an example, and I'm sure that a better idea would be maybe (if you have a family member who has a mental disorder) to have regular psych checks done, and if something seems to be amiss you are put up for reconsideration for renewal of your gun license. If everything is fine and you're clean, your gun license simply stays the same and gets renewed.
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
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TheHeartVersusTheHead · 1 decade ago
Checking the number of homeless people and checking everyone's homes is completely different. One is a counting of citizenship, the other is a complete invasion of privacy and against our constitution. So why not? Time, money, and that is not how our government works. They are not police with that much control. An act like that is comparable to communism.
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barakat* · 1 decade ago
Can I marry you and can my wedding gift to you be a shotgun pls
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Hari* · 1 decade ago
I agree. Plus, a lot of the people who do bad things with guns have mental disorders. The guys who did the Colorado movie theater shooting and the Connecticut shooting both were mentally unstable. Coincidence? I think not. :P
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AAAAAAAAA · 1 decade ago
Totally agree
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
This is why I being British, we don't have to have this debate.
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
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.joyriding.* · 1 decade ago
Guns are illegal in Britian.
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Livelovemusic11 · 1 decade ago
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fallenangel* · 1 decade ago
even if they take the guns away its not going to stop violence. people will just start using knives.
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josie* · 1 decade ago
I agree, but i never knew people with mental health disorders weren't allowed guns, well in England its not the same but yeahh..
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
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josie* · 1 decade ago
Yeah, i just get angry sometimes about the way that people with mental health disorders are treated, like i understand some things can be a danger, but its not like we choose to have mental health problems:/ sorry im not ranting at you aha, im just ranting at life tbh..
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
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