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Why do we look up to people? To movie stars?
To singers? To artists? To Wittians?
To gymnasts? To Youtubers?

{aren't we all}
human? Wnearly
worship these people, just because they have more recognition
than an average person socially. How 
yabout that person that you
passed by at the grocery store? Why didn't you beg him for an

autograph? I mean, he may 
                             sing too.
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Why do we look up to people? To movie stars? To singers? To artists?

58 faves · 4 comments · Aug 5, 2013 12:17pm





vent · lol · idk · random · inspirational

poodlelomein35 · 1 decade ago
I get what you're saying here...the only reason I kinda have an obsession (ok, not kinda lol) with my favorite singer is because of some stuff she's been through. She just reminds me to be strong with the disorders I'm battling. And I feel like she's more of a regular person than a celeb, if that makes sense. She replies to her fans' comments on Instagram. She follows fans on twitter an Instagram and stuff. And she's just very down to earth. It's like having a best friend who happens to be one of the biggest stars in a country. So I totally see what you're saying, it's true, but not for all celebs :)
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TakingTheLibertyWalk · 1 decade ago
Aw, i get what you mean. <3
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JJLovie · 1 decade ago
aww... my boyfriend is on the american national team for gymnastics. this just made me smile.
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TakingTheLibertyWalk · 1 decade ago
Omg that's so cool! I'm glad (':
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