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Timothy McVeigh didn't use a gun.
He killed 168 people, killed 19 children under age 6, injured over 680 innocent people. You can still buy fertilizer. You can still buy racing fuel. You can still rent box trucks. Murderers will murder with or without a gun.
Guns are not the problem.
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Timothy McVeigh didn't use a gun. He killed 168 people, killed

142 faves · 16 comments · Jun 26, 2013 9:00am





guns · gunlaws · timothymcveigh · advice

Harper* · 1 decade ago
they are part of some problems so saying this is not fair
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
The intent to murder is the problem. This is saying that murderers will murder, whether they have a gun or not. So it is completely fair.
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Harper* · 1 decade ago
yea murderers will murder but have you seen how many people die from accidental gun violence? A 5 year old killed his dad. If there was no gun that wouldn't have happened. Either way there should be more watch on guns. Also we cant really control murderers unless they've already done something. So i agree with you but also not.
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munster · 1 decade ago
A gun gives you the opportunity but the thought is what makes you pull the trigger. So, with that said, what's more dangerous: the gun or the thought? So it doesn't matter what they choose to ban.
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DanHowell · 1 decade ago
In all honesty, I don't think they should ban guns, but I do believe assault weapons should be banned from average people. Assault weapons are military designed guns that only law force should be able to have in my opinion. I think we should still be allowed guns though for hunting and basic protection.
Honestly, I don't really see a reason why someone would feel the need to own a machine gun, but hey, maybe they are paranoid about a zombie apocalypse lol
Point still is if you want to kill you will. I'am surprised someone hasn't tainted school food with a deadly poison for a mass killing. Although school food alone seems lethal enough.

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munster · 1 decade ago
Poisoning school food? Wow, that's actually really smart. (Never eating school lunch again after reading this though.)
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greyskies · 1 decade ago
seriously? we just got over another abortion debate, and then you bring up guns again?
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ibahnaynay · 1 decade ago
im not against guns collectively, just weapons like assault rifles and automatics. There is no need for them anywhere in society, and they lead to the most harm. People want to pull the "protection" card, but break into my house, and watch me kill you just as easily with a handgun.
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glitter162* · 1 decade ago
Guns ARE NOT the problem.
It's the idiots behind them that are the issue.
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*gloomy* · 1 decade ago
Yeah, we had a big discussion on this in class a while back, and I brought up the topic that if guns are made illegal, then what about steak knives? Or machetes? Or heck, even a pillow could be a weapon if you want to look at it in that context. If a person is driven enough to kill, they're going to one way or another; with or without a gun.
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vibesthatshake · 1 decade ago
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glitter162* · 1 decade ago
You are wrong on so many levels.
You're basically saying that even people who use guns responsibly are dangerous. Well, my dad is a wildlife protector. He uses a gun, and is very responsible. He has had ZERO accidents with a gun, and has passed many crucial tests to be able to handle one. Besides, what if someone breaks into your house, and you need to defend yourself? Guns can save lives, too.
Guns are not the problem! It's the IDIOTS behind them that are the main issue.
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The_Sky_Is_Falling* · 1 decade ago
You know the Sandy Hook shooting (which seemed to be the start of gun control arguments)? Well, the same exact day in China, a guy stabbed 22 children. None of them died, but that's beside the point. If you're close enough to stab someone, you're close enough to murder them (slit throat only takes a couple of seconds.) So saying that guns are a bigger problem and make killing easier, isn't really a true point.

Side point- with guns you have to have good aim and be precise if you actually want to kill someone, instead of injure. With a knife you're close up, there's not really anyway to mess that up if you actually *want* them dead.

Either way, if someone wants to kill, they'll find a way to do it. Whether it means possessing an illegal gun (if they're ever made illegal) or it means making homemade bombs or it means buying an ax at walmart.
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BringMeTheEric · 1 decade ago
I'd rather be killed by a gun than beaten by a bat, or stabbed over and over, because that's how somebody is going to murder you if there's a gun ban.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
You can still by knives. You can still by pressure cookers (which is what the Boston Bombers used), you can still buy rope to choke someone with. Need I go on?
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lost dreamer* · 1 decade ago
omg I can't begin to put into words how much I love this quote like seriously. I love you.
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