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It doesn't make you "unpregnant".

It just makes you the mother of a 

Dead Baby.

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ABORTION It doesn't make you "unpregnant". It just

119 faves · 197 comments · Jun 14, 2013 1:08pm





dead · baby · abortion · advice

Maicy Rasmus* · 1 decade ago
Damn, this quote sickens me.
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fungirl · 1 decade ago
wish i gave a fcccck. gtfo my quote
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Muezza · 1 decade ago
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fungirl · 1 decade ago
AND last time I checked witty was for QUOTES and this does constitute a quote. It puts a pun to abortion. It IS witty. Don't like it? Go tell your mom because I not feel like listening to it
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fungirl · 1 decade ago
Im the one who made this quote. Notice how at the bottom I didn't ask for all of your opinions? Then stop commenting. I understand that it's a controversial issue. I found it on tumblr and thought it was clever and supported my beliefs. If you don't agree with it, it would be a lot better use of your time to just frown and scroll past rather than to comment your opinion which I won't even bother reading. What I'm trying to say... STFU AND STOP COMMENTING
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icanhearyou · 1 decade ago
Lol you posted your opinion we get to post ours. Don't like it? Don't make the quote.
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.* · 1 decade ago
I'm pro-choice and i'm fairly sure unpregnant isn't a word.
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fungirl · 1 decade ago
That's why it's in quotes smartassss. Its a quote. I dont care if you don't like it. Keep your opinion to yourself. NO ONE GIVES A CRAP THAT YOU'RE PROVCHOICE
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IKnewYouWereTrouble · 1 decade ago
I really love you like a lot for this.
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fungirl · 1 decade ago
haha u too
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BrokenTwilight · 1 decade ago
Why does everyone try to make witty into some debate club? If you get offended, Good for you. Scroll on. Abortion is a either a good or bad thing, according to your opinion. I'm so tired of reading stupid arguments, you guys are all being idiots.
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WantingTheEnd · 1 decade ago
Sometimes, babies need to be aborted for their own sake. If the mother is not willing to raise the child or cannot offer the child a good enough life that is stable and will enable them to live properly, then it would be unfair to bring them into the world. It's a person's own choice to get an abortion. Technically, a baby is not classified as an actual baby until a certain point in the womb, up to the first 14 days it is just an embryo consisting of pluripotent and totipotent stem cells, nothing else. If the heart has not developed and is not beating then it it just a cluster of undifferentiated cells. I'm not sure why, but this quote kind of sickens me.
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Primadonna* · 1 decade ago
What if the "baby" has already died? The mother has a chance of dying if blood poisoning. And even if that's not the case, do you really want a child to be born and feel unwanted? Children don't always get adopted.
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aimzxoxaimz1 · 1 decade ago
its youre choice weather you are ready or not or it could depend on the situation but nobody should ever feel bad or ever feel hurt because other peoples opinions are so harsh when youre ready to have a baby youre ready to have a baby
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dinosaur_rawr · 1 decade ago
Okay so firstly you have your opinion and I respect that but here is mine:
1 abortion could be a woman's only choice, maybe they have a high risk of death during pregnancy and/or childbirth, maybe they are pregnant with twins who share an umbilical cord and if one of them gets infected with something life threatening then it could spread to the other, so basically they are choosing between "killing" one of their "babies" which has a high risk of death anyway or letting it die naturally with risks of it causing problems including death for the other one.
2 A lot of people are saying adoption is a better option, and yes maybe adoption is an option but not a better one. I dont think you have thought this through very well. Do you know how many women have abortions per year? about 1.3 million and thats just in the US! Around 43 million babies are aborted worldwide every year. Now if you think about it if these babies hadnt been aborted and the mothers couldnt look after them where would they go? Give them up for adoption? You think there is enough families willing to adopt that many kids? You think if there aren't there will be enough space in care homes for them? The answer is no there won't. The government will need to spend a lot of tax payers money providing for all these children and that is money that could be spent on other, maybe more important, things.
3 Religion time! (Im not Christian but a lot of you are and I agree with the following teachings) LOVE THY NEIGHBOR! Jesus said it right? SO think to yourself are you following this teaching? Is it loving to force a woman to carry the child of a r@pist for 9 months and go through the pain of childbirth after the trauma of being r@aped? Is it loving to the child to force it to live in a place where it is not wanted, or may not be cared for properly? Is it loving to force thousands of babies onto the care system where they may not find a good home when it could of been avoided? Is it loving to put a child or a parent into a situation where they cannot afford to feed themselves let alone a child too? Is it loving to make women feel guilty by basically saying they are murderers? NO it's not! these women have gone through enough and they must have good reasoning to terminate the pregnancy, abortion is a very difficult decision as it is and it doesn't help to have people judging them on their decisions.
4 Have some empathy! (Bible teaching: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") If you were in the situation where maybe you know you cant care for the child or the birth of it may put you at risk, what would you want? I know for sure you wouldn't want people judging everything you say or calling you a murderer would you?
5 People say "You are killing your own child!" I think this is wrong, if you think about it life doesn't begin at conception. Life begins at 2 weeks when the fetus is starting to look like a baby. You may not agree but if you think about it what is a person? a person is a living being with 2 arms 2 legs 10 fingers 10 toes and the ability to think and feel emotions and to breath, cry and move. (may be some exceptions to the 2 arms and legs part) Before 20 weeks your "baby" hasn't developed enough to look like a human or to think/feel things and therefore is just a potential person so you are not a murderer you are just getting rid of a bunch of cells.
I do have more reasons but I think I have said enough now and I doubt anyone has read it all anyway, but if you have then please feel free to comment your opinion on anything I have said.
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dinosaur_rawr · 1 decade ago
*20 weeks* not 2 sorry
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
Women who are or victims of incest should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy. Odds are that 1 in 3 women will be victims of sexual violence in her lifetime. Does this mean that 33% of all women should be forced to carry out a pregnancy from this violation? Considering how many people are killed during childbirth, should we allow this further risk to endured on top of what has already been done?

Many would argue that these women could

And if this is based on religion, religious ideology is no foundation for any law. Freedom of religion is guaranteed to any citizen in the United States; so why would the beliefs and values of one religion mandate actual laws for all citizens? It would be unfair, unjust and immoral. We do not have laws against eating fish, nor do we have laws that declare it is legal to sell one’s daughter, someone, or keep a person as a slave—all things that are promoted in religious.

So I think we'd all take the advice of a doctor thanks.
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pluto* · 1 decade ago
Who cares about abortion? If its not in your stomach than leave it out of your mouth. Its the parents choice. You have no idea what they're going through as a mother of an unwanted baby, you have no idea what's going on in their life at the time, its a joke to me that people argue about this stuff.
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BlackButterflies · 1 decade ago
There are a whole lot of things wrong about this, including but not limited to transsexuals, cases and cases in which the mother or baby would die during the birth process.
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pluto* · 1 decade ago
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Jadialynn · 1 decade ago
you can't ignore that, in many cases, delivering a baby can kill the mother. should a girl have to die delivering the baby of a rapist?

that said, i understand and respect your point and i believe that in many cases abortion is not right.
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elizal1990 · 1 decade ago
I know you are getting A LOT of hate for this post. but I agree with you 100%. i'm pro-life and I'm glad other people aren't afraid to show it :)
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ImGoingAbsolutelyMad · 1 decade ago
Do you know how harsh an unwanted pregnancy is on a young woman's life? You have to deal with the weird cravings, cramping, and emotional toll for 9 months and the rest of her life. Plus, what if they are transsexual? Walking around as a pregnant man probably isn't all too fun. Maybe if you had to deal with the pregnancy scare you would understand. I'd much rather cancel a pregnancy and have a child when I'm ready to than end my childhood because I was playing 7 minutes in heaven when I was 14. (Not saying I ever played that game, just an example. However, I am not a supporter of abortion after 3 months because at that point, that is a baby that you chose to bring into this world rather than take out.
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uncle si* · 1 decade ago
If You Were Playing 7 Minutes In Heaven. Then That's On You, Not The Baby.
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maddig11 · 1 decade ago
A woman can do what she wants with her body, and she is the only one who can make personal decisions regarding it. If she doesn't want to be pregnant, then she shouldn't have to be.
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InsertAliasHere · 1 decade ago
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
You can believe that but don't force that belief upon others.
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So_done · 1 decade ago
Its a fact, that baby is still yours, even though you killed it. By stating it she is forcing her belief on others?
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
Way to incriminate a woman for her choice. It isn't a baby, it isn't dead, and it isn't your business or place to scrutinize a woman's choice for her own uterus. Your connotation is so rude; if you disagree, you don't need to do so in such a blaming manner. It isn't a fact. The fact is that fetus isn't a baby, nor is it being killed. Open your eyes.
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
It's an opinion. She didn't personally post it on your page. Everyone is pretty much free to post whatever they want. Got it? Good. :D
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MissBookSmart · 1 decade ago
It really isn't an opinion. The woman is still the mother of the aborted child.
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
I know and I agree with this quote. I'm just trying to say that Carson doesn't have to agree. It's still a fact.
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IKnewYouWereTrouble · 1 decade ago
HEY. I'm f.ucking done with this conversation. These "nonbelievers" are being stubborn and not even willing to listen to the logic of the "believers"
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