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53 faves · 26 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




__loveistragic · 1 decade ago
I've been on witty for two years, and I never once have complained about the amount of followers I have or the amount of faves my quotes get. It's actually not a big deal to some people shockingly.
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Stiff_Smile · 1 decade ago
No, actually, I don't care all that much, nor do I whine and complain about it. I don't preach about followers, though, either.
Yes, I enjoy followers and faves, as I would be pleased if I got a top quote. But it doesn't make my life. There are things I care about quite a lot more. *shrugs*
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june321 · 1 decade ago
ok so i resepct your opinon, and it is nice to get followers sometimes, but i think that the "Elite" thing or whatever is kind of rubbing it inour faces that we arent as good as you, witty was supposed to be a place where you could say what you feel or whatever; somewhere you could go to to get away from society and i feel like the "elite group" thing is kind of saying that you guys are a higher class then us or something, idk, i dont care that some people are witty popular i just dont agree with those stupid groups you guys made
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GetInMyVanItHasFreeWifi · 1 decade ago
I don't make quotes to impress people or to get followers or faves or whatever, but I do love the amount of followers I have tbh and sometimes I get jealous of people who have so much more followers than me especially if they joined after me. (I only joined in August but still..)
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KaitlynIsDead · 1 decade ago
Nope, you're wrong. I know positively witty wasn't always like this because I had many accounts before this. To be honest I don't really care if I get "faves" or "followers". I write my quotes because its been my dream since day one to inspire people. Also, since you were honest- I'm going to be honest too. You're a disappointment to witty for making people feel lower than themselves. Thanks for your time, bye.

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BeingTrueWhileSomeoneIsWatchingYou · 1 decade ago
wow you quoted me in your quote thanks
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BeingTrueWhileSomeoneIsWatchingYou · 1 decade ago
and also this quote makes no sense it is sooooo ironic it is funny sooooo please stop this quote is so stupid I can only laugh, because even if I said that witty awards are bullshit I never said i didn't want more followers, and I am not jealous of them I just am mad that, an example, PaperLung isn't voted, only mainstream quoters are. so this quote makes no fricking sense..... wow you just embarassed yourself... You're litteraly saying all of us are jealous of them, but still won't admit that you are! Fair? I think not.... And the Elites?? wow stop
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Fails · 1 decade ago
Okay don't yell. I do think the "Elite" things are really stupid, most of the "Elite" people use quotes from the internet. I genuinely believe followers don't matter. Yeah it's nice that more people see your comments so I understand what you mean.
There really are people with more meaningful quotes then some of the top people so I think the "Elite" is unfair.
I bet I could make a 'Elite' account within a few months just by taking popular quotes and stuff.

And that's my opinion, I respect yours.
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ben23brocks · 1 decade ago
In the grand scheme of things, the world doesn't stop spinning.
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SoftballChick23 · 1 decade ago
to be honest, and im not trying to be mean at all, but you were not a member of witty when it was genuine. I think that if you saw witty before it became judegemental then you would know what these people are talking about. because i know what theyre talking about and it is right on target
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BravoSierra · 1 decade ago
I found witty in 2007. I was in seventh grade. my witty hero is xoxocutepieox102889 I bet you don't even know who that is. I bet you find know that you could rate quotes positive and negative, either. you didn't have to have an account an usually just hit + or - and it wwould go up and down. you could rate them a many times as you wanted an they could go negative. I mad my first account in 2009 and the username was Edwards_ babeh yeah like twilight Iowa obsessed, to ghost t along with everyone else on witty. nessieCullen mad the coolest quotes at that time. then in 2010, Thu Amazon thin happens thereafter gab US the ability to use CSS in our profiles. everlong was truly the CSS go d back then. unfortunately she ha been Lon off witty an he profile isn't compatible with th New witty :( look, you have only been on witty since 2011. DON' T TELL ME I find know witty when it was genuine.
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AAAAAAAAA · 1 decade ago
We need a detox weekend again
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FallingTower · 1 decade ago
If we are jealous how is making things like TheEliteNetwork going to help?Yet you still go ahead and rub it in our faces like you're better than us because your apart of it.So what if we are jealous we're only human.
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StayAwake__ · 1 decade ago
Okay, so I've been on witty since early 2009 and it has changed, this is not what it's ALWAYS been.. I don't make quotes to gain followers or faves, I like to add quotes that I feel mean something and share it with people. I had an account before this and had quite a few followers but it's only recently that the quotes by the people that you're following actually show when you log in or load witty so it never actually did matter to me then and it still doesn't.

I just think that if people stopped actually pointing stuff like this out by making quotes like this and 'the witty awards' or whatever they are, it wouldn't be such a big problem.

Witty isn't supposed to be about the faves or followers, it's supposed to be about the quotes but people have made it that way.

You can't really accuse everyone here of wanting followers, sometimes it's just a place to put something that you can't put anywhere else.
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greyskies · 1 decade ago
i totally agree with you.
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xele91097x · 1 decade ago
I agree that people are hypocrites and do care about followers, but to be honest, I don't know why it has to be turned into a competition and spark even more jealousy. The Elite thing was a terrible idea. Yes, some people just get more faves than others, doesn't mean we have to rub it in everyone's faces. I know you want to brag and feel special, but please do us all a favor and control yourself.
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ChocoTaco · 1 decade ago
How does the Elite network work anyway?
And since, I'm not in that, how will I be noticed. Because I want more followers and faves on my quotes, but no ones gonna even notice me since I only have like 200 followers so I'm not in your whole "witty famous" club....
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kiwi* · 1 decade ago
Tbh, I really do get happy if I get a top quote or if I get a new follower, but I NEVER make my quotes just to get faves or new followers... I just put quotes up that I enjoy and would want to share with others, in hopes they would like them too.
But, everyone at some point, DOES care about their followers or how many faves they get on a quote (I have and still do sometimes), but it really doesn't matter about how many followers/faves you get... really. But that's how Witty has always been, that's how Facebook pages have always been, that's how Youtube has always been, it's always about how many you can get.
Anyway, point is, I completely agree with this. lol
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jayciecutie01 · 1 decade ago
I'm getting sick of people classifying me as witty famous and getting when i get top quotes. I've been here for almost two years & gained followers since them. It's not MY fault people favorite my stuff.
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awesomenessandahalf · 1 decade ago
its cause it's good, if people want followers and faves, they need quotes like yours:):)
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katiebug1115 · 1 decade ago
Hallelujah! Amen! I like your quotes. I like "Witty famous" people's quotes. No, I don't like them just because they're famous. I like them because they're funny, inspirational, cute, etc. Thank you for bringing this to light.
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LilyLunaPotter · 1 decade ago
I've been on Witty for just short of two years and I admit I'm drifting away from it because I feel a lot of people are here for the wrong reasons, like mentioned above. And I have no earthly idea of how many followers I have. I guess I could go check. But really, I just have a small group of people who's quotes I really enjoy reading, and they read mine as well. We've become friends through this site, and I hope Witty doesn't loose that.
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BringMeTheEric · 1 decade ago
My leg hurts.
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SophieFayee · 1 decade ago
I may have only been on witty for a few weeks, but I agree with this.
I care about how many followers I have tbh:D
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