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Quote #5972461

659 faves · 73 comments · Jul 6, 2012 9:06pm






rawrrrrx3 · 1 decade ago
Okay, well if you people knew about the government, you'd know that marriage was handled at the STATE level. Therefore, no matter what the national government says, they cannot really force same marriage upon the states. Separation of powers lets the state governments handle marriages, therefore, it's their choice on whether or not to allow same marriage.
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OtherSideLooksGreener · 1 decade ago
To all the people who @-ed me: Let me just say one thing, I love homosexuals. But I hate homosexuality. See the difference? And IF they have the right to get married, shouldn't the 1st Amendment cover my freedom of speech against it?
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completeinhim · 1 decade ago
@wittygiraffelover love that quote! Saw it on tumblr yesterday(:
@kaytbugg Wow I've never heard that but I hope it's true, because I hate being part of a religion where most people are homophobic because "it's in the bible!!!!1!!!1111!!"
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
Okay so everyone is done commenting and all but I just want homophobic Bible thumpers to learn what I just learned: Yes, the Bible was CHANGED. Apparently, the original Bible text said something about how a man should not lay with a *child* as with a woman. Roman's just changed it coz he wanted to stop homosexuality and keep the population going. So it is not wrong, humans have just changed the Bible over the years. I'm not sure if this is definitely true, but I do believe it.
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wittygiraffelover · 1 decade ago
The funny thing about arguing that same- couples will damage the lives of the children they raise is that never once has a same- couple conceived a child by accident. Every single gay and lesbian couple who decided to have a child together must plan for it, often in great detail; whether this is a lesbian couple who need to find a donor, a gay couple who must find a surrogate mother or either of these looking to go through the lengthy and often difficult process of adoption. Every single child brought into the home of a gay or lesbian couple is wanted.
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sayheyilyx · 1 decade ago
Alright. Here's my opinion if anyone wants it...
I'm not against gay people at all. I have a friend who is gay & I have family friends who are lesbians. I love them. However, I am against gay marriage. I will go the way most people are going: it is against my religion. God made marriage so man and woman could bond and keep the population thriving. A man and man cannot do that. Neither can woman and woman. I do believe, though, that a same- couple should be able to be legally together. Like, a legal partnership.
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completeinhim · 1 decade ago
@OtherSideLooksGreener Oh my gosh, when are you going to see that not everyone follows your religion? Who cares if it's wrong for Christians? Hell, /I'm/ a Christian and I don't think it's wrong! Love who you want. The God you say hates homosexuals is the same God who wants you to love everyone, so stop spreading hate. You're the real sinner here.
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charlieisnotaunicorn · 1 decade ago
So, can someone explain to me why their messed-up religion has any place stopping two people who are in love from being happy?
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maaddiissoonn · 1 decade ago
maybe you wish that, but I wish against it. We live in the united states when I can have my opinion, so don’t you dare come callin’ me a hater. I respect you for your opinion, and my God you better respect me for mine.
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sexy_strawberry101 · 1 decade ago
Bro, ya know half of the Bible is made up sh*t...if people want to love the same , well who the f*ck is you, me or God to stop them. And do you really think God would say a different type of love is evil and wrong and you should go to hell for it? (btw I am very aware that I sound like a total right about now, but I usually do) ok let's think about this...
murder is killing
gay is a different kind of love
why would god prevent love and say it's evil? I can't believe how ignorant people are.
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abbylovesmatthoran · 1 decade ago
yeah, & australia.
my uncle is gay , & wants to get married to his boyfriend. & they don't give a shhhit about the law, they're getting married on august 23 c:
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jmikayla · 1 decade ago
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jupiter · 1 decade ago
@OtherSideLooksGreener --
Maybe you should stop trying to force your religion on everybody.
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tropeeano0x · 1 decade ago
@othersidelooksgreener ~
you're comparing same marriage to MURDERS. how is letting two people, who are in love, get married anywhere close to taking someones life?
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_g0ldenkiid* · 1 decade ago
I am a christian and I am neither against or supporting gay marriage. My thing is, if gay marriage gets legalized, no one is forcing you to get one. It's simply stating that if you want one, you can get one. If you don't like gay marriage, don't get one.
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pleasespeaktomyface · 1 decade ago
it will happen. it will take time.
just like interracial marriages and women's rights came, it will come. you just have to wait for all the ignorant people to die. watch, our children will look back on all the oblivious people who fought against it and say, "Man, they were stupid." :)
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ImperfectionsAnonymous · 1 decade ago
yes, thank you. and i am lesbian, does that mean i deserve to suffer because of who i love? that just doesnt make sense. i am a wonderful person, i'm nice to everyone, never committed any crime, a christian, and i'm still denied my rights. and it hurts to think people think of me this way because of something i cant control. reasons i'm suicidal. society doesn't accept me.
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xxHelloLovelyxx · 1 decade ago
I agree completely.
And to people who are saying it's not in the Bible;
America is a very multiracial and ethnic country. We have people coming from around the world, bringing their religions with them. We also have the separation of church and state, meaning laws are not controlled by what a specific religion deems right and wrong, but what is morally correct and incorrect. So technically, the bible cannot be brought into play.
Saying gay people can't get married because it's against your religion is like saying I can't eat this cookie because you're on a diet. It's got nothing to do with you. Let them be happy. Let them love each other. Who are you to interfere with their happiness? Your rights should be the same, no matter who you love.
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emmygirl222 · 1 decade ago
@othersidelooksgreener-- i understand you may feel that way, but there are people reading your comments who are gay or lesbian, and accusing them of being as bad as a murderer is extremely inappropriate. you can think whatever you want, but you dont have to share it and insult people.
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OtherSideLooksGreener · 1 decade ago
Sorry 20:13 i meant
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