Witty Profiles

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  1. MyWittyProfile MyWittyProfile
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 1:05pm UTC
    I want you forever, forever and always
    Through the good and the bad and the ugly
    We'll grow old together, and always remember
    Whether happy or sad or whatever
    We'll still love each other, forever and always
    Forever and always, forever and always

    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 7:38pm UTC
    To realize the value of ONE YEAR
    ask a student who failed a grade
    To realize the value of ONE MONTH
    ask a monther who gave birth to a premature baby
    To realize the value of ONE WEEK
    ask the editor of a weekly newspaper
    To realize the value of ONE DAY
    ask the person who was born on February 29th
    To realize the value of ONE HOUR
    ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
    To realize the value of ONE MINUTE
    ask the person who missed the train
    To realize the vaulue of ONE SECOND
    ask the person who just advoided an accident
    To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND
    ask the person who won silver medal in the olympics

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. brusiesandcutsleavemarks brusiesandcutsleavemarks
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 7:49pm UTC
    Abusive, Brusing, & Scarring.
    I, also known as Mckenna, awoke at exact 8:30am on a rainy, glum Saturday morning.
    My body ached from the night before. My boyfriend, Noah, was an abuser.. He hit me, starved me, & kicked me everywhere possible.
    & I was just too scared to do anything about it. No one knew execpt Noah & I. I was considering telling my favorite and most trusted teacher, Mrs.Moxley, but Noah had once told me that If I told a soul he would hurt me so bad, It'd kill me.
    I slid out of my bed, & stood up. As Usual, I whimpered. I was in so much pain by now. The beating has been going on for a few months now. I was forced to wear long pants, & long sleeves, even though it was almost spring. My parents & teachers were probably getting suspicious. I faked a doctors note for gym, to get out of it for the rest of the year.
    I was getting worried, If I didnt tell someone quick, I probably didnt have a chance of living. Yeah, He beat me THAT bad.
    I flipped my hair into a pony tail, Leaving my bangs down to
    hide my bruised eye. I limped down stairs, out the door, & over to my neighbor, Taylor's house. I could trust her. She was 21, She would know what to do.
    I knocked on her door about 3 times, and it opened slowly, her face apperred with a smile, but It slowly faded.
    Thanks for reading! ♥
    Comment what you think!

  5. JumpThenWritexx JumpThenWritexx
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 11:20am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 3:10pm UTC
    Before you kiss me
    -Grab my waist
    -Pull me closer to your body
    -Look into my eyes
    -Look at my lips while biting your lip
    -Look back into my eyes again
    -Grab my face gently
    -Then slowly lean in & kiss me
    It will drive me crazy, I promise.

  7. BabiiGurlBree BabiiGurlBree
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 7:28pm UTC
    Have you ever broke down sobbing after
    so long of being strong? Crumbled to the
    floor, hands by your face. Your face
    scrunches up and you let out that first gasp.
    You try to be quiet but eventually it
    becomes loud, heartwrenching sobs. You
    cry and cry, so much you can't breathe.
    You ask whoever's up there "Why? Why
    me? Why this? Why can't I just be dead?"
    You say you want to end it all right there
    right then. You sob, trying to gasp
    breaths in between. Eventually you
    completely collapse on the floor after,
    and you just lay there, numb.
    Well, if you have..
    You're not alone.

  8. ThePastIsPast ThePastIsPast
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 2:22am UTC
    i'm tired of crying.
    i'm tired of being sad.
    i'm tired of pretending.
    i'm tired of being alone.
    i'm tired of remembering.
    i'm tired of missing people.
    i'm tired of being different.
    i'm tired of feeling worthless.
    i'm tired of being left out.
    i'm tired of feeling empty inside.
    i'm tired of wishing i could start over.
    i'm tired of dreaming of a life i'll never have.
    but most of all... i'm just tired of being tired.

  9. nevercutyourbeautiful nevercutyourbeautiful
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 5:44pm UTC
    Happy Skyscraper Day!
    Last year,on this very day,Demi Lovato came out with
    A song called "Skyscraper" Noone would ever know
    how much of an impact it had on not only me, but so
    many others. Its stopped so many people from commiting
    suicide,and just plain old inspired some. Thank you Demi,not only for making this the song i turn to. But from everyone.I love you so much. Ill always be a little skyscraper<3
    Thank you Demi.(":

  10. LandonIsWitty LandonIsWitty
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 2:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. yonkers yonkers
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 12:40pm UTC
    Lucid Dreaming
    What is it?
    A lucid dream is a dream in which you're aware that you're awake. This means you're
    aware that nothing can hurt you. You can control yourself, and if you practice a lot,
    you can even control the dream and the things in it.
    How do you do it?
    There are a couple of methods of doing it, most people I know normally just lay completely
    still with their arms by their sides and their eyes closed. You must lay completely still. Your
    brain will start sending signals to your body like itches or wanting to move/open your eyes
    but you have to ignore all of these impulses! It's hard but totally worth it. Make sure you're
    in the right mindset while lying there (e.g. thinking about what you want to dream about
    and focusing completely on lucid dreaming). After about 20-30 minutes, you'll feel weight
    on your chest, but don't worry, it's not scary. This means you're finally in sleep paralysis!
    Open your eyes and you'll start to hallucinate, then close them again and you'll start to
    dream instantly.
    My experience
    I normally use the Wake Back To Sleep method (Google it) but some people find that
    annoying and it ruins your sleeping pattern. In some of my dreams I've met the care
    bears, been given a million dollars, visited Paris, and I've only had one bad experience
    but since you're aware your dreaming, it doesn't really matter. I try to lucid dream about
    once or twice a week, it's truly an awesome experience. So yeah I just wanted to share
    this with you guys so you could try it. If you have and questions, ask me! (:

  12. WonderfulLove WonderfulLove
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 12:22pm UTC
    "Once you break, you can never run the same. You will be forever changed."
    -Demi Lovato

  13. heyystories heyystories
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 7:29pm UTC
    Second Chance //
    Chapter 13
    I was at the playground with Rose, Lily, and Brett. Rose and Lily wanted to go to the playground, so Brett and I had to watch them. We were sitting at a bench, watching Rose and Lily play. I glanced at Brett, seeing him smile while watching Lily play with Rose. That made me smile too, seeing Rose really happy and having fun.
    This morning, when I was on my laptop, I received an email from my dad. This is what he wrote to me:
    Hi Melissa! How are you? I'm sorry that I can't make it for Thanksgiving but I'll see you at Christmas! Have a fun time at the mountains!
    "So, you have any plans for Thanksgiving?" Brett asked, interrupting my train of thoughts.
    "Yeah, I'm going up to the mountains with a couple of friends, even though I have no idea who they are." I replied.
    "No way, my family and I are going to the mountains too."
    There was a few second pause.
    "Wait... does that mean that..we both are going to the mountains together for Thanksgiving?"
    "Do I hear something about Thanksgiving?" Rose asked as she and Lily walked over to us.
    "Yeah, we were just talking about it."
    "Can you believe it Rose? We both are going vacation together!" Lily screamed. Lily and Rose both started jumping up and down. I couldn't help it but laugh. They are just too cute.
    "You girls knew about it too? Are we the only ones that didn't know about it?" Brett questioned.
    "You and Melissa didn't know? You both are sure late." Lily giggled.
    "Anyways, let's go home now. I'm hungry. Melissa, can we bake cookies?" Rose begged.
    "Of course, sweetie. Lily can come over to bake cookies too if she wants."
    "Yay!" Rose and Lily cheered.
    "But since Thanksgiving break is tomorrow, we have to pack. Because we are leaving to go to the mountains tonight." Brett informed.
    "Don't worry, me and Rose are already packed." I said.
    "Aw man, I still gotta pack."
    "Ha ha, I don't have to pack. Mommy is already packing for me." Lily sticked her tongue out at Brett.
    "I see how it is, little sis." Brett lifted Lily up. Aww. He's so cute. Wait, did I just think that? Okay I'm gonna pretend I never thought of that.
    "Let's go home now." Brett decided.
    We went into his car and he drove us home.
    Brett went back to his house to pack, meanwhile Lily came with us to bake some cookies. I texted the girls that we were baking cookies, and they imemediately came over, uninvited. A few minutes later, the guys (Seth, Brandon, Ryan, Nick and Timmy) arrived as well.
    "What are you all doing here? I didn't invite you guys here." I recalled.
    "You said that you were baking cookies. We had to come over! Your cookies are delicious! A bite of your delicious cookies at school isn't enough!" Stella protested.
    "And we came over here because the girls told us that they were coming over here. We wanted to come over too, just to see our beautiful girlfriends." Seth said.
    "Awww" the girls said in unison
    "No, I thought we came here for Melissa's cookies?" Timmy blurted.
    The guys hitted him in the head.
    "Ow, what was that for?!" Timmy exclaimed.
    "Okay anyways, did you bake those cookies yet?" Layla asked.
    "No! We just got home!"
    "I have a feeling that we are going to have to bake a lot of cookies..." Lauren said.
    * * * * * *
    After an hour, we were finished baking my "famous" and "delicious" cookies. We were all at my living room. The living room was of course crowded, with 13 people in the room.
    "Mmm, these are so good!" Emma and Ryan said at the same time. No wonder why they're a couple.
    "Hey, are you all having a party without me? I'm shocked and hurt." Brett sarcastically said as he entered the living room. He put his hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. Rose and Lily giggled.
    "No, I had no idea everybody was going to come over here." I replied.
    "Hey, Melissa's cookies are the best cookies I ever tasted in my life." Nick admitted.
    "How good can the cookies be?" Brett asked.
    "Try them for yourself." I told him.
    Brett snatched my cookie and took a bite.
    "Hey!" I snapped.
    "Not bad."
    "Not bad?!" everyone said in unison.
    "Okay, I guess you won't be having anymore of these babies." I said, waving my cookie at Brett's face.
    "Okay that's it, give me that." Brett snatched other cookie and took a bite. Everybody was laughing.
    Ha ha, this is just a fluffy chapter pretty much. :P I just had to make a chapter like this. lol. comment if you want to be notified for the next chapter. 50+ faves for the next chapter? (:

  14. summerl0vinn summerl0vinn
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 1:13pm UTC
    One Of The Guys
    Chapter 13.
    They put towels on my nose until it stopped bleeding.
    “I’m gonna go wash my face off, let’s stay out of the pool now.”
    I went up to my room to wash the dry blood off of my face.
    After I wiped my face dry, Nate appeared in my bathroom.
    “I’m seriously so sorry!”
    “Don’t worry, I can take it, I’m just like one of the guys.”
    I smiled to let him know I was being serious about it being okay.
    “Okay, good, I just feel bad.”
    “Don’t, it wasn’t your fault.”
    He looked around my humungous room.
    I started walking out of my bathroom when I slipped.
    I guess I got water on the floor?
    I almost came crashing down on my a** but Nate turned around and caught me.
    “Thanks,” I blushed when I realized he was still holding me.
    “Well you are just one clumsy mess.” He said.
    “I guess so!” I laughed, standing up.
    “Oh by the way, the guys are sleeping over!” Sydney said, popping her head into my room.
    “Well would you look at that, we’re sleeping over!” Nate said.
    “Not in my bed you’re not.” I raised my eyebrows and crossed my chest.
    “On your couch?” He said like a little kid.
    “Deal, I’ll get you a blanket.”
    I had a main control in my room for every light in the house.
    I shut them all off and locked the doors through the same control.
    I turned on some CSI: Miami’s that I have recorded on DVR.
    “I love this show!” He said.
    “Same! It’s my favorite!” I said, turning it up a few notches to mask his voice.
    I grabbed the food and brought it into my lap.
    “There’s food too!? It’s like Narnia in here!” He said, crawling onto my bed.
    “Actually, Narnia’s through that closet over there,” I joked.
    He sat next to me, sticking his hands in the bowl every two seconds.
    “Here, just take the freaking bowl!”
    “Shhhhh! They’re about to solve the murder.”
    We talked about the episode and how interesting it was.
    Somehow, I ended up falling asleep with one hand on his chest and another in the bowl of chips.
    *sorry this is boring, meh. another chapter today if this reaches 25-30+ faves (:
    *oh, and i've gained like, 60+some followers from this story, you're all amazing, and i love each follower. xoxoo
    *i'm sorry, but i am no longer notifying. there is a follow button for a reason. sorry to be a b*tch, but i don't have the time to notify, i'm getting ready for a month long trip, again, sorry.

  15. Fitness Fitness
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 7:21pm UTC
    Ways To Start Your
    Morning Off Right
    Stretch. It’s a wonderful way to loosen your joints and increase flexibility. It will also get rid of any knots in your muscles from sleeping! You can try yoga or meditation, too.
    Take a shower. Showers wake you up and will leave you feeling fresh and ready for the day!
    Make your bed. You’ll be less likely to get back in and it will make you feel productive!
    Eat a healthy breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day, so give your body the calories and nutrients it needs!
    Turn on some music. It’ll leave you feeling happy, relaxed, and ready for the day!
    Wear something cute. You’ll be feeling confident and comfortable all day long! To save time, prepare your outfit the night before.
    Read an inspirational quote. Find one that motivates you!
    Wake up early. Give yourself plenty of time to get ready in the morning. If you’re less rushed, you’ll be in a better mood for the rest of the day.
    Drink a tall glass of water. It’ll get you hydrated and feeling good!
    Make a list of things you want to accomplish. Reward yourself at the end of the day if you complete all of your tasks. A list will help keep you focused and satisfied when you can check everything off!

  16. Fitness Fitness
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2012 4:34pm UTC
    You want a flat tummy?
    First off, it's not going to come easy, and if you're not consistent, you'll never get a flat stomach.
    Everyone's body is different, but here are some basic guidelines:
    - Drink at least three cups of tea a day, and 8 cups of water.
    - Make sure you get enough sleep. Without sleep, your metabolism will slow down, making it harder to burn fat.
    - Suck in your stomach. It works your abs.
    - Drink a cup of water before and after every meal , you'll feel full faster.
    - If you want abs, lift weights.
    - Do abdominal exersizes everyday.
    - Do 30 mins. of cardio daily, and toning exersizes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_1e7g1Smks&feature=channel&list=UL ) three of four times a week.
    -No junk food. No fast food. Eat fruits, grains, nuts, and fresh meat instead.
    - Do not starve yourself. This will slow down your metabolism, will bring out stored fat (which, yes, means you'll gain weight) and may even bloat you.
    - If you have more than a bit of flab to loose, do more cardio.
    - Drink water with lemon, it raises your metabolism.
    - Don't eat anything after dinner, you may not be able to work it off.
    Note; This is what I do. It may not work for you, but there's no harm in trying.

  17. Jasminekaybutterfly Jasminekaybutterfly
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 9:35pm UTC
    The sadness is always there.
    Its just somedays I am not able to hide it.
    Somedays I break.

  18. thinkpink6360 thinkpink6360
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 4:11pm UTC
    S M A R T G I R L S .
    They're the overthinkers,
    the insecure ones, the different ones.
    They know what the real world is like.
    They analyze every little thing to
    avoid getting hurt, to find happiness.
    They stay up late at night thinking about
    every possible situation to get through
    all the problems.
    They think too much &+ trust less people.
    Their insecurity proves their
    respect towards themselves.
    Of course, they try to stay away from a
    drama filled life.
    Smart girls know their worth.
    They're the ones who are worth
    keeping by your side.
    The smart girls. ♥
    nmq/ format by jimmy365

  19. itzBreezy301 itzBreezy301
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 9:58pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. hisblueeyes hisblueeyes
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 8:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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