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Have you ever broke down sobbing after
so long of being strong? Crumbled to the
floor, hands by your face. Your face
scrunches up and you let out that first gasp.
You try to be quiet but eventually it
becomes loud, heartwrenching sobs. You
cry and cry, so much you can't breathe.
You ask whoever's up there "Why? Why
me? Why this? Why can't I just be dead?"
You say you want to end it all right there
right then. You sob, trying to gasp
breaths in between. Eventually you
completely collapse on the floor after,
and you just lay there, numb.

Well, if you have..
You're not alone.


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Have you ever broke down sobbing after so long of being strong?

26 faves · Jul 12, 2012 7:28pm






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