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  1. spence* spence*
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 1:12pm UTC
    Me: I think I'm gonna go to sleep now.
    TV: Lol but good shows are on
    Iphone: Sleep? Is that a new app?
    sleeping: Lol I'm not gonna be
    Position: comfortable.
    Mind: Whats the meaning of life though?
    Temperature: Lol it's too hot and too cold.
    Noises: Oh. you said be louder? okay.
    Body: Lol time for itches
    Person I like: hey

  2. alisonDB21 alisonDB21
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 1:53am UTC
    If a deaf child curses in
    sign langauge,
    do their mothers wash
    their hands with soap?

  3. RingoStar RingoStar
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 8:48am UTC
    i have a condition.
    where I eat when I can't sleep. It's called insom-nom-nom-nia.

  4. sarahmarlowXxx sarahmarlowXxx
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 5:21pm UTC
    forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.
    Do you have that one girl at your school
    that everyone loves but you don't get it
    and you don't like her at all and you sense something
    evil about her

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. MaggieHaha MaggieHaha
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 6:24pm UTC
    They say you find love around every corner...
    My life must be a circle.

  8. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 8:00pm UTC
    Me without you is like pepsi without cans
    Pedos without vans
    Jersey shore without tans

  9. MariaOchoa2014 MariaOchoa2014
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 8:17pm UTC
    I was gonna make a chemistry joke, but all the good ones argon.

  10. OhHoePlease OhHoePlease
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 8:23pm UTC
    If you see this, you're beautiful. <3 format by: OhHoePlease
    Friend: I wonder who invented the spoon...
    Me: Probably a cereal killer.

  11. chloefpz chloefpz
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 8:40pm UTC
    1. go on google and type in "50 most popular women"
    2. click on the first link
    3. look at #7
    4. laugh

  12. XxMeliRidesRainbowPoniesxX XxMeliRidesRainbowPoniesxX
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 8:51pm UTC
    Pizza is a circle.
    Pizza is my life.
    Pizza is

  13. ThatWeirdGirl* ThatWeirdGirl*
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 9:01pm UTC
    Clearing a calculator
    more than once

  14. T1nk3rF4iryk T1nk3rF4iryk
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 9:54pm UTC
    It's a joke. Not a d*ck. Don't take it too hard.

  15. inlovewithfinnharries inlovewithfinnharries
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 11:49pm UTC
    I hate it when your in the cinema ready
    to watch a movie and the next thing
    you know BOOM.Human giraffe sits infront of you

  16. inlovewithfinnharries inlovewithfinnharries
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 11:52pm UTC
    My life is a constant battle between my love
    of food and not wanting to be fat

  17. moonlight_magic02 moonlight_magic02
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 12:51am UTC
    me: hey,i like your shirt.
    friend: thanks,i got it for seventy dollars at a department store.
    me: really? because for seventy dollars at Burlington,i got the same shirt, three lamps, cashmere underwear, a golden retriever, and two puerto rican children.

  18. moonlight_magic02 moonlight_magic02
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 12:55am UTC
    plot twist
    Flo from Progressive is in a relationship with Jake from State Farm.
    extra plot twist
    their child is Mayhem from Allstate.

  19. FullOfFiction FullOfFiction
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    I like it when I step on ice and it doesn't crack or break.
    It makes me feel like I'm not fat.

  20. xxBMTH4Everxx xxBMTH4Everxx
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2010 8:56pm UTC
    Today in my biology class we were talking about hurricane([ Katrina}.
    My teacher asked this really slutty girl what some of the effects
    of the hurricane were, and she replied, "well everything got all wet and dirty."
    Suddenly the quietest guy in class looks up and goes,
    "Kate, no one asked about your weekend."


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