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Best Equality Quotes This Week

  1. Swag Unicorn* Swag Unicorn*
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2013 1:07am UTC
    "... the right wing conservatives think it's a decision, and you can be cured with some treatment and religion, man-made rewiring of some predisposition...", "... that holy water that you soak in has been poisoned, when everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless, rather than fighting for humans who have had their rights stolen, i might not be the same but thats not what's important, no freedom until we're equal, da.mn right i support it."
    Just another meaningless rap song...

  2. Fireiscatching Fireiscatching
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2013 1:00pm UTC
    So, I have this friend who is gay.
    He sits down and tells me this,
    then anxiously turns away
    as if expecting some sort of reaction
    like I'd be delighted or ashamed,
    and all I can do is hug him and tell him it's okay.
    Okay? Of course it's okay!
    Man, of all the words to say!
    Yet, okay on this day is the only phrase I manage to weakly portray.
    How brave, he is braver than most in the world today.
    Than you or I or anyone who thinks to be gay is just okay.
    Yet, I can see why he might be scared
    because there's always one,
    one in a group of three who says
    "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,"
    Man, those people infuriate me!
    When we live in a world where sometimes it's illegal
    for a man to hold hands with a man.
    Love is banned.
    Politicians debating what's natural, what's not,
    while third world kids, what have they got?
    Not enough to survive an impoverish life,
    and that's natural?
    With open-armed churches preaching
    "Love thy neighbor, but not like that,"
    Take a step back,
    That's the world he's looking at.
    And, what about me?
    Straight guy here!
    The way I've been called c**p, f**g, girly, qu**r,
    I've been called them all because my hair's quite fancy
    and I sing high notes,
    which makes me a stereotype
    and a p_wn to insults.
    But I'm not insulted.
    And when people ask if I'm straight or gay,
    I change my answer every day.
    But now gay marriage is becoming legal.
    Some have opened their eyes,
    finally accepting that gay rights are human rights.
    Now my friend can be himself,
    no threat of mental bruises.
    My friend is free to love whoever the hell he chooses!
    It's not gay marriage, it's just marriage,
    no horse drawn carriage,
    just two people in eternal bliss.
    And if you tell me it's not what God wants,
    then your God doesn't know what love is.
    -BriBry, Gay || Spoken Word

  3. breezy_mac breezy_mac
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 1:18am UTC
    The world can be a different place... if only the hearts of the people can turn towards hope instead of despair, towards forgiveness instead of condemnation, towards love instead of judgment.

  4. KatieInAStrangeLand KatieInAStrangeLand
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2013 3:08pm UTC
    "School teaches equality"

  5. cupcakes21 cupcakes21
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 11:55pm UTC
    God gave us rights and the freedom to be happy...if you're bi/gay/lesbian/straight and/or anything else, DON'T BE AFRAID. Life was meant to be lived happily. EXPRESS YOURSELF, don't hide.

  6. SarahDGirl SarahDGirl
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 9:12pm UTC

  7. emilygm* emilygm*
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 1:57pm UTC
    If you like it,
    You should be able to put a ring on it.

  8. breezy_mac breezy_mac
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 1:14am UTC
    There's nothing crazy about one person loving another.

  9. ᴏɴᴄᴇ-ᴜᴘᴏɴ-ᴀ-ᴍɪᴅsᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ-ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ* ᴏɴᴄᴇ-ᴜᴘᴏɴ-ᴀ-ᴍɪᴅsᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ-ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ*
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2014 11:22pm UTC
    I think learning about social justice was the most important thing I could have done at the time when I was most insecure. Once you start learn to treat everybody else as people, you eventually start doing the same to yourself.

  10. ImmortalTurtle ImmortalTurtle
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2015 8:17pm UTC
    Gender equality is not women shaming and hurting men.
    Gender equality is not women being prejudice towards men
    and generalizing men as a whole.
    It is not revenge for how women were once treated and
    are treated in other countries today.
    Gender equality is equality.
    women = men. men = women.

  11. Primadonna* Primadonna*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2015 9:20am UTC
    Opinions are things like "I think orange juice is rad", "I think TFIOS is overrated" or "I love Fall Out Boy more than I love myself"
    Not "I think gay marriage should be illegal", "pan and bi people are just confused", "asexuality doesn't exist" or "abortion should be illegal"
    Once your opinion involves groups of people, it becomes a social stance.

  12. FluffyScamp FluffyScamp
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 6:49pm UTC
    I can't stand it when people hold others with cancer up on a pedestal. Sure, we go through a lot, but we can be just as bad as people without a life threatening disease. I can be a huge brat, and so can my friend. We're still normal, we don't like being referred to as "cancer patients." We're human beings. We're just human beings who will die of a disease, and sometimes, we're bald. That's it. WE ARE NO DIFFERENT.

  13. canyounot canyounot
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 12:37am UTC
    "Omg, I love gay people."
    Not all gay people are nice. Sure, their sexuality is different, but that
    doesn't stop them from being as sh/t of a human as a straight people.
    Equality is not about making a certain type of person
    out to be superior.

  14. woahman woahman
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 7:46pm UTC
    A world so hateful, some
    would rather die than be
    who they are.

  15. Tiny4 Tiny4
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2013 2:34pm UTC
    Anti-gay preacher comes to Iceland. Locals buy all tickets to his event in Reykjavik, and don't turn up, leaving an empty arena. Iceland, I salute you.

  16. FlorenceSong FlorenceSong
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2013 5:43pm UTC
    At first, man was enslaved by the gods.
    But he broke their chains.
    Then he was enslaved by the kings.
    But he broke their chains.
    He was enslaved by his birth, by his kin, by his race.
    But he broke their chains.
    He declared to all his brothers that a man has rights
    which neither god, nor king, nor other men can take away from him,
    no matter what their number,
    for his is the right of man,
    and there is no right on earth above this right.
    And he stood on the threshold of freedom
    for which the blood of the centuries
    behind him had been spilled.

  17. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2014 8:39pm UTC
    Love doesn't choose a boy or a girl.

  18. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    Here is a perfect example of how hateful our world is and how messed up the things our youth is being taught are.
    ~*True Story*~
    The other day I was taking a walk with some family. I was wearing a tanktop and a loose t-shirt over the tank top. It's really hot where I live right now, and so I took the top shirt off. While I was taking it off I kind of wrapped it around my head covering my hair so I could stop to check my phone really fast (yes I did have to check my phone before I finished taking my shirt off, haha). My little cousin walked up to me and said: "Are you trying to be a terrorist?"
    He assumed that I was trying to impersonate a terrorist just because I had something covering my head and my hair. Sort of like what some Muslim women can be seen wearing.
    I want to say right now that I love Muslims, I love the Islamic religion. Matter of fact, I believe I am going to convert to this religion. I was so horrified at what he said to me. I was mad at him at first, but then I realized something.
    Maybe it wasn't his fault that he associated the fact that my head was covered with being a terrorist. After all, the media makes people who wear headscarves look like terrorists, even though they are absolutely not. And then the people of our world take in the information they learn from the media, and they become very hateful towards those people the media calls bad. And then the people of our world pass that hate down to their children, so on, so on.
    I am determinded not to become part of that hateful cycle.
    I am not a part of that system.
    I am not conditioned by the media.

  19. hopefullyinlove hopefullyinlove
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 4:36am UTC
    My friend, Izzy (Crazyneoncolors) Already posted something similar to this, but I'm the one who brought it up, so this counts :p
    TEEN PREGNANCY IS MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN GAY MARRIAGE IN OUR SOCIETY. So, it's wrong for two people of the same gender to love each other, but it's okay for a child to be irresponsible and bring another child into this world?
    My aunt is a reverend, and she is a strong beliver in equality. She says that there is NOTHING in the Bible about homosexuality being wrong, so you all need to shut up.
    If God didn't want gay people in our world, then why did he create them?
    Homosexuality is not a "disease" and cannot be "cured". Homosexuality is also not just a "choice" or a "phase", and all of you beliving that it is, need to be high fived, in the face.
    Disgusting people like you are the ones who caused my gay uncle to commit suicide. He couldn't be accepted into this world.
    You caused someone who could have been my best friend to leave me.
    You caused so much pain and suffering to my family.
    Are gay people doing ANYTHING to harm you?
    So you need to shut up and stop judging others.
    I am so sick of our ugly society.

  20. ★♡flying high♥☆* ★♡flying high♥☆*
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 4:46pm UTC
    I hate how girls say "oh we want equality because we are the same as boys and we deserve to be treated the same"
    But then they go all
    "Try carry a baby for nine months and bleed out your va jay jay once a month. Yeah we are obviously stronger than you"
    No just no. Stop being hypocrites. Boys didn't choose not to carry children and not to be able to have a period just like girls didn't choose to have those things. You are born with it so deal with it.


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