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can i just tell you all a thing: if you send or give anyone naked/revealing pictures of yourself and you are under 18, BOTH of you can get ARRESTED for POSSESSING CHILD P0RN0GRAPHY.

- yes, even if he's your boyfriend.
- yes, even if you took the pictures.
- yes, even if they get deleted.

that will go on your record. do you think a future employer is going to care what context 'possessing child po/rnography' is in? no. they will not. it's not just embarrassing if everyone finds out; it. could. ruin. your. career. 


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can i just tell you all a thing: if you send or give anyone naked/revealing

107 faves · 11 comments · Jun 7, 2013 1:48am





dontdoit · itsnotworthit · school

polinaagoldberg* · 1 decade ago
You are also technically considered a "registered s.ex offender". You are on the same list as r.apists, mo.lesters...in my opinion, the lowest of the low.
You don't want to do that to yourself.
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Twilight_Saga23 · 1 decade ago
i thought that if it you like sent it and you knew who u were sending it to- it was fine (just wondering cuz thats what i heard)
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miss_shorty · 1 decade ago
One of my classmates switched to another school. From what I've heard, she'd been receiving rated r pics from her friends with the purpose of being funny. She decided to join in, but to her surprise, those pictures were sent to everybody at her school and uploaded to a website. And what's worst, her brother found out first. She was such a nice girl, and now she's getting all these inappropriate comments because of a stupid decision. Things like this can really ruin a life.
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booda456 · 1 decade ago
thats why is delete my history xD
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art of hatred* · 1 decade ago
there's this big computer that stores data of every computer

police have every right to see what you're doing at any time.

i was told (well my class and i) was told that if anyone, like our teachers, got suspicious with our use of the internet or our behaviour, then they could go to the police to search up what we're doing

deleting your history doesn't help. maybe it's invisible to your eyes but visible to anybody else
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booda456 · 1 decade ago
oh sh/t i haven't ever sent pics but thats pretty creepy
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lovecrazy · 1 decade ago
Deleting it won't do sh/t. It is and always will be on the phone. The cops can look at it. So you received one? They can see if it was opened and how long it was on the phone before being deleted. It doesn't matter whether you delete it or not. It will always be there.
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booda456 · 1 decade ago
i haven't ever sent pics but that is wierd...and people still don't see why i hate cops xD
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soccerboy14 · 1 decade ago
what if you dont want the pictures
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hiimawkward247* · 1 decade ago
Then you go to the cops and tell them you got the message. If you do it right away and be honest about it they'll believe you.
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BubblyGirl22 · 1 decade ago
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