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On Sunday December 17, 2012, 2 days after the Connecticut shooting,
a man went into a restaurant in San Antonio to kill his ex-girlfriend. After he shot her, most people in the restaurant fled next door to a theater. The gunman followed them and entered the theater so he could shoot more people. He started shooting and people in the theater started running and screaming. It's like the Aurora, Colorado theater story plus a restaurant.
Now aren't you wondering why this isn't a lead story in the national media along with the school shooting?
There was an off duty county deputy at the theater. She pulled out her gun and shot the man 4 times before he had a chance to kill anyone.
So, since this story makes the point that the best thing to stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun, the media is treating it like it never happened.
Only the local media covered it. The city gave her a medal.
Just thought you'd like to know.
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On Sunday December 17, 2012, 2 days after the Connecticut shooting,

416 faves · 68 comments · Apr 16, 2013 3:24pm





true · media · honestly · texas · gun · violence · propaganda · gunviolence · sanantonio · away messages

dropdead* · 1 decade ago
In my own opinion they didn't broadcast it because, it was what, 2 days after the shooting.
2 Days, the World does not need a depressing story after hearing something tragic.
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caitiecatforever · 1 decade ago
No. The best way to stop a bad person with a gun is to take his motherf-ucking gun away from him. -_______-
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
How are you going to stop someone with a gun and ammunition while defenseless?
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caitiecatforever · 1 decade ago
Guarantee if 'someone' was never allowed to buy a gun or ammunition in the first place they wouldn't be killing defenseless people...
The American Constitution is at fault. Not the people who clearly have mental issues.
In Australia, if you have mental problems, you can't just walk down to the corner shop and buy a gun and kill heaps of people for no reason.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
People find other ways to kill. The marathon bombings didn't use a gun. A man killed and injured thousands with fertilizer as a main component. Crock pots (used in the marathon bombings) are not illegal. Fertilizer is not illegal. If someone wants to kill, they will find other ways. Banning guns is not going to solve the problem.
I'm assuming you don't live in the USA. If you did, you would not be saying our constitution is to blame for senseless violence and you would know why we have the right to bear arms.
People can purchase guns illegally. Banning guns will not stop that. If someone really wants a gun, they will find a way to get it. Drugs are illegal, but people still find a way to get them. Banning something can often be counter productive. It makes people want something more if they know they can't have it. If someone wants to kill, they will kill. I have stated this earlier.
Come at me with any other argument. I won a debate in my class on this issue.
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caitiecatforever · 1 decade ago
Nah, I don't live in the USA. So yes, it's probably harder for me to understand fully about your constitution and all that.
And it would be incredibly hard to ban guns altogether - what with the National Riffle Association and things like that?
I'm just saying, we were never allowed guns in Australia, therefore less than one hundred people die from shootings a year.
It's not the fact that you have 'the right to bear arms', but do you really need to be able to purchase guns that can shoot thirty people before you can count to three? There is absolutely no reason to have a gun like that. Is there?
Banning would also cause the problem of getting rid of all the guns. Considering there are more guns than people in America. So yeah, banning them would definitely not solve anything.

You're human. I'm sure you don't like the fact that tens of thousand of innocent people in your country die every year, because a few unstable people are able to pick up a highly powerful weapon. Sure, they could find other ways to kill people, but people still kill people in Australia. (I only keep using Australia as an example because that's where I live). The difference is, there's tens of thousands LESS people who die.
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changeisgood · 1 decade ago
The whole thing started from a gun though

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dreamweaver16 · 1 decade ago
I think it wasn't as public because not as many people died as the incident in Colorado. People get shot everyday and we don't hear about it. I understand what your getting at though , just saying
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jayciecutie01 · 1 decade ago
I wish I would have heard of this before now. It upsets me that we only hear half of the things that happens and the half is usually super horrible. I mean, this is horrible. That the man killed his ex girlfriend and went to kill more BUT hearing that he didn't get to flee or anything makes me happy.
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BravoSierra · 1 decade ago
i actually knew that.
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xxxdreamerxxx11 · 1 decade ago
This is an eye-opener...
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
And once again, the media's a biased jerk. Why am I not surprised?
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
County deputies need guns. Not *everyone* needs guns.
I believe only people that need guns for their jobs should have guns.
Besides, was killing him really the most *ideal* way to take care of that situation? No.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
Banning guns is unconstitutional, sweetheart. The right to keep and bear arms, ever heard of it?
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BiggestMusicFreak · 1 decade ago
daaamn you go girl you bring that constitution into it! but as i agree with you, i can't help but think of how much we evolved from the 1700 and 1800's. and the only reason that is in the constitution is because we were afraid that the british would come and attack. but honestly it's like drugs. even if it is banned, people easily are able to get it.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
Hey, I have actually! I'm not saying we should BAN guns. I'm saying we should have stricter gun laws.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
If someone is purchasing a gun to kill someone or to kill multiple people, do you think that they will obey any laws in purchasing said gun?
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
I think it will be harder for them to purchase a gun if there are stricter laws. No, it's not going to make everything peachy. But it will help. Read this: http://smartgunlaws.org/gun-deaths-and-injuries-statistics/
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
You can always purchase a gun on the black market, sweetheart.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
Obviously. I'm not stupid. Like I *just* said, it's going to make it a he// of a lot harder for bad people to get guns. It's not going to every one of them completely. But it'll for sure bring down the deaths caused by guns.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
No it won't make it harder. Gun laws are already strict and look at what's happening. Making them stricter won't help. I see both sides of the argument, but why punish law abiding citizens? Answer me that.
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pippi833 · 1 decade ago
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
Exactly! Thank you! I knew someone had to understand!
Killing someone is NEVER the BEST option.
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
Yes it f.cking was, so stfu.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
That was an intelligent response.
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
Actually I am intelligent, but why waste my intellect on a stupid comment like yours.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
Why was my comment stupid?
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dolph* · 1 decade ago
Because obviously it was the only way to stop the horror. How dare you judge him for being a brave man who probably saved a lot of lives from being lost.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
First of all, it was a woman. Second: It was most likely not the only option. But since I was not there and I am not informed on what went down, I won't say anything based on that. Third: I did not judge her*. All I said was killing him was not ideal. How could you disagree with that? Fourth: If you read my comment, you'll see that I said that I do believe that officers and deputies should have guns. But I am saying that not just anyone (excluding a few) should be able to have access to a gun. There is no need.
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FlorenceSong · 1 decade ago
Yes that was the ideal situation. What let him kill someone? Then risk more lives by trying to stop him. Then have the government pay medical bills, feed and clothe him for the rest of his life? The thing about banning guns is innocent people who need to defend themselves won't have guns, but criminals and monsters will.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
If we *restrict* guns, it will be less likely that criminals and monsters will be able to get their hands on guns in the first place.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
Restricting guns won't help anything. If someone wants to get a gun for reasons besides self defense (killing), do you think they'll obey any gun laws?
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FlorenceSong · 1 decade ago
No, for one you will just greatly expand the black market, and rates of stabbings will go UP thats a know statistic of places where guns are banned/greatly restricted. Also you said everyone can get a gun, that's wrong. If you have been convicted of a violent crime you can never buy and in some cases ever be near a gun again. Same goes for some hunting laws if they are broken.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
I said *almost* anyone. There's a big difference.
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thgcfmj123 · 1 decade ago
More likley they will have guns anyway because most criminals get them illegally anyway so crime rate would more likly go up
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
Exactly. It's not like a convicted murderer on parol would even bother trying to get a gun legally.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
I'm not sure how it would go *up*. Some people do get them illegally, but it sure would help if we made it harder for them.
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永久* · 1 decade ago
Go tell this to the government, not us, we're not interested.
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
Woah, wait, a second, I don't know when the lst time you checked the stats on Britian's crime rate, but ever since their banning of guns, there's been a whole lot of knives being stabbed into people. And I wouldn't trust the police and government all that much if I was you.
Last night, a fight broke out across the street and some guy almost got ran over but the police wouldn't come even though we gave them a call. Kids almost died, and apparently, it wasn't that "bad" for the police to come out and check it out at least.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
I'm not sure what your story had to do with this, so I will ignore it. Besides, I don't believe it anyway. And people are going to kill if they want to kill. That's true. But we are making it easy for them to get the things they need to kill! Almost anyone can go out and buy a gun if they want. Not everyone needs a gun. Some people do. Police officers do. I don't understand how you can feel saddened by all the shooting that are happening and NOT want to restrict gun laws. I'm not wanting for guns to be BANNED. Just restricted.
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
First off, it is a perfect example to say as why police do not need to be the only people with guns, when they don't even use them in the first place NOR do their duty to protect citizens.

Knives. Ropes. They all can kill. Are we going to start banning those as well? Because I hear the UK was banning knives bigger than seven inches as well.

Well... how about the fact that if I want to protect myself that I should have the right to? If I so choose to buy a machine gun and a couple thousand rounds, I should have the right to without a reason and the government riding on my back about it.

Yes, the shootings are a tragedy. But did you ever wonder why those shootings happened? I heard the shooting in Connecticut was manifested because the man had been bullied in school and went back to where it all started. Not to mention all the other situations out there.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
I don't think it's a true story, so... My dad is a cop and I know a lot of cops, and they take their job very seriously. Saying that all cops don't do their jobs and protect people makes you sound very, very ignorant.
I think banning knives bigger than seven inches is a great idea! There's no need for a knife that big. None.
Restricting guns will make it less likely that you will need to protect yourself! And if you want to be prepared just in case, take a freaking self defense class! There is absolutely NO reason to buy a machine gun and a "couple thousand rounds"!!!!!!!!! That is ridiculous!!!!! You should NOT have the right to own a machine gun!!! A handgun, maybe. But a MACHINE gun!??! Are you crazy???
So let's put a stop to bullying, too. That is a whole other conversation, honey. Shootings happen because bad people get their hands on deadly weapons. And sometimes the people aren't even what we see as bad. They snap, they go crazy! People aren't born bad. Sometimes things happen to cause people to do bad things.
I think it would be perfectly reasonable for anyone who wants to buy a gun to take a psychological test. And I also believe that we DEFINITELY need to restrict the types of guns people buy. So that some random person can't go out and buy a "machine gun and a couple thousand rounds." How can anyone be sure that *you* won't snap one day. I could snap one day. Anyone could. Why should we take that chance?
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
I wouldn't lie about it. I decided to not lie anymore a long time ago. Not every cop will do his duty or be there when needed. I won't snap. I'll guarantee that right now. If you think I will snap, might want to consider your own dad, who by the way, I'm sure, owns a gun.
I have the right to happiness. And if a gun makes me happy, then so be it. Guns are legal.

How come when a bomber sets a bomb, we blame him? When a murderer chokes a girl, we blame him? But when we see someone on the news who's shot someone, we blame the gun?

At this rate, we should ban batteries, electrical wire, movie theatres, scissors, tape, and, oh, masks. It's pretty much anti-american to say that banning guns is a good idea. Guns is what set us free. Okay? Move your butt to britian if you don't like freedom.
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Yo_Im_Ronan_ · 1 decade ago
Don't listen to her she's a ginger.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
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FlorenceSong · 1 decade ago
Wow, ok if they're already wanting guns for criminal reasons, they're so going to follow all laws and regulations, about buying and owning guns. Or maybe they'll just be a smart little criminal and run to the black market, get guns, and hurt innocent people who now have no means by which to defend themselves.
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
Some people do get them illegally, but it sure would help if we made it harder for them if we restricted gun laws. Right now, almost anyone can buy a gun. And sometimes people are criminals, they just snap, killing people out of anger, passion, heat of the moment. That would be less likely to happen if we restricted who we sold guns to.
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
They don't need permission to kill. They'll get weapons - illegally or legally. It doesn't have to be guns. It could be glass. It could be fire. It could be their own two hands.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
Yeah, we can use books to kill, and a pillow and a blanket too. We can use our hands and glass, and shoes and everything else. That does not mean it's likely to happen.
Guns have no other use but to kill. What's so bad about trying to make it harder to get guns that only bring forth pain?
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
Yes, but guess what? Guns give meat, protection, etc. I have a right to own a gun. And if the government so denies my right, then screw that because I have the right to protect myself.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
Guns give meat?
And stores, do they give meat?
A bat, does that give protection?
An Alarm system, does that give protection?
Making it harder to get guns, so those people who try to hurt others have a smaller chance to achieve that goal, doesn't seem right?
You cannot protect yourself in any other way?

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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
I'm just saying that it is my right to own a gun. Plain and simple. If I don't want to buy hormone filled turkey at the store, I don't have to. I don't think anyone has the right to take guns away from people who know how to use them properly and won't kill anybody. It's not like I'm a murderer. I have the right to buy a gun if I so wish.
I don't own a bat. I don't own an alarm system. I own a knife. And I sure as heck cannot throw knives and will not always be able to defend myself with a knife if someone holds a gun on me from five feet away.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
The thing is, we don't know the people who will use the guns wisely. We don't know every human been in the US, do we? We don't know all of their intentions, do we? Of course there are people who will use guns wisely, just like there are people who won't. Should we really risk people's life only for the ones who do know how to use them wisely?
See, if it's harder to get guns, the chances of someone holding a gun on you from five feet away is slimmer.

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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
If not a gun, then a knife, if not a knife, then glass, if not glass, then hands.

Maybe you should do some research on the crime rates in countries where guns have been banned. See where it's gotten them.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
Don't tell me 'look at the other countries that banned guns' because the USA isn't other countries. They're their own country, they need to make their own changes to see if that would possibly be the right change. They're not like other countries, their outcome can very well be different. But if they don't take a different approach, how could we ever know?
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
I'm just saying, they are examples. The USA is not immune to such stats, okay? We should take a look at actualy results before we do anything as big as gun control/restrictions. If it happened to them, then why wouldn't it happen to us?
There are people from the UK, Africa, Australia, etc. who live in America. People come from countries who have banned guns. The USA is a melting pot. Therefore things are subject to proceed as other countries as the USA is not invincible.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
I'm not talking about other countries, am I? I'm talking about the USA. I'm talking about the issues with their guns, aren't I? If I wanted to know about other countries, I would have brought the subject, wouldn't I? I'm talking about the USA. I'm talking about the troubles they have with guns. About the people dying by gun in the USA. About if no one makes a difference, if no one takes a step into a different direction than the one they've been walking in because that direction doesn't seem to do them any good, things might get better.
But if no one takes that step, how could we ever know?
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carson5482 · 1 decade ago
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
I honestly don't know why you live in america with the attitude that we should ban guns because guns are exactly how america became free. If you want to ban guns, that's just anti-american.
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FlorenceSong · 1 decade ago
Wow, guess you've never heard I hunting, or shooting as a sport. Or I dot know self protection.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
Because guns were created because of hunting?
People use it as a sport
People use it for hunting
But it wasn't created for that purpose.
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
I completely agree.
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BrookieeCookiee · 1 decade ago
are you serious? he was going to kill more people...it would have taken an instant to kill even more people. There was no other way to stop him...how else could they have stopped him?
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Melrose* · 1 decade ago
this is a perfect example of why i get so irritated when people say we need to ban guns.
no. that would be the worst mistake our country could make.
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sugrfree · 1 decade ago
Thank you! I agree completely.
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pluto* · 1 decade ago
Amen to you sista
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Jyeismine · 1 decade ago
banned guns. I don't think Obama is anything like Adolf but whos to say the next guy won't be. Sorry I'll leave now.
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Jyeismine · 1 decade ago
H*tler. Sorry steve.
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