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Everything About You
Chapter 17

I just smiled at Niall, unsure of what to say. I hit the button that took us to the lobby. We got directions to the restaurant from the lady at the desk and the guys determined we could walk. My feet were starting to hurt, but I didn't want to complain. 
"Here." Niall said, giving me his shoes. 
"No, I'm fine. Thanks, though." I said, grateful that he would offer. 
"Haylie, they're just shoes." he said, and I took them. They were so much more comfortable than my shoes. 
Once we got to the restaurant, I gave Niall his shoes back. 
"Thanks." I whispered, taking a seat between Kristen and Louis. 
The restaurant was very nice, and the food was delicious. We spent the entire dinner just talking about random things, enjoying our vacation. 
"To the club!" Harry shouted after we had paid the bill. We walked out of the restaurant and got a cab to take to the club. It was almost ten o'clock, and I loved going to the club. I could hear the music loud and clear and saw the club was packed. I put my heels back on and walked up to the bouncer, flashed my ID, and walked into a crowd of dancers. I grabbed Kristen and pulled her on the dance floor, losing myself in the music. I walked over to the bar to get a drink, and Niall came up next to me. 
"You're quite the dancer." he mumbled in my ear. 
"So I've been told." I said, turning to make eye contact with him. He bit his lip and sighed. I just bit my lip, because I had to admit Niall looked ridiculously sexy right now. 
"Dance with me?" he asked, and I took his hand, although I'm not sure why. The song changed from a pop song to an upbeat techno song. Niall and I were really close, but I didn't really notice. We danced for a really long time, then I excused myself to get another drink. I don't know why I'm not telling Niall to stop, but maybe it was because I didn't want to. 
A few drinks and many dances later, it was time to leave. It was 2 in the morning, and I was tired, not to mention probably drunk. When we got back to the hotel, Niall and I stayed back from the rest of the crew. 
"So tonight was fun." he said, his hands in his pockets. 
"Yeah, it was..interesting." I said, trying to choose the best word. 
"Haylie, why are you with Danny?" he asked me, sighing. 
"I really like him. He's sweet, he's nice, and he's really funny. Why?" I asked, even though I knew why.
"Well, I'm drunk so forgive me if anything I say offends you..but he seems like a jerk. You deserve better." he said, moving closer to me. He started leaning in to me, and I flashbacked to Christmas Eve, when he kissed me. God, how could I be so stupid? One guy kisses me, and the next day I become some other guy's girlfriend. I really am a tease. 
"Niall, I'm going up to my room. See you tomorrow." I said, walking over to the stairs. I really didn't want to walk all eight flights of stairs, but it was better than being in the elevator with Niall. That would just be awkward. When I got to my room, I changed out of my dress and into my pajamas. Kristen was already passed out and spread across the entire bed, which meant I was going to have to sleep with Harry tonight. I sat on the bed and chacked my phone, noticing I had multiple text messages. 
Mom: How's the trip sweetie? Hope you're having fun! 
Ryan: Dude, have fun in the Bahamas!  
Tara: So jealous of you girl, don't have too much fun! ;)
Danny: Hey babe, hope you're having fun! 
Danny: Call me later!
 Danny: Who is that? And why is he so close to you? 
I re-read that last message, wondering what Danny was talking about. I looked at the last message I sent him, which I though was from the day before. Apparently not. Someone had taken my phone and sent a picture of Niall and I at the club dancing together to Danny. 
"HARRY." I screamed, knowing it was him. He came in through the connecting door, and Zayn trailed right behind him. 
"Yes?" they asked, smirks on their faces. 
"I'm not even kidding. You better explain." I said, shoving the phone in front of their faces. 
"You and Niall were dancing.." he said, as if it were obvious. 
"Guys, this isn't funny!" I said, sighing loudly. 
"You're laughing." Zayn pointed to the picture, and I slapped his arm. 
"This could ruin my relationship with Danny. Is that what you want? Why don't you like him?" I asked, wanting a good reason. 
"Because Niall likes you. And we like Niall better than Danny. So if Danny breaks up with you, then Niall can have you." Zayn explained. 
"That's terrible. How can you sabotage someone's relationship like that?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes. 
"Hayl, don't cry..." Harry said, walking over to me. 
"No. Go away. Sleep with the boys tonight." I said kicking them out of my room. I started to cry, tears falling fast and free. I was falling apart, and so was my relationship with Danny. 

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Everything About You Chapter 17 I just smiled at Niall, unsure

143 faves · 16 comments · Jul 31, 2012 5:17pm






macNcheese66 · 1 decade ago
sooooooooo good! you are very talented, Lizzie!<3
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xxDANCER22 · 1 decade ago
I love this story soo much can't wait for the next chapter!!
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SkylarJessica13 happy birthday! · 1 decade ago
IM OFFICIALLY OBSESSED! I love these boiis SOO damn much!:)
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TheMalfoyChick · 1 decade ago
And here I was, thinking that this story can't get any better.

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LoveMexXx · 1 decade ago
I haaaaaaaaaaate one direction but i feel like this story is changing my opinions about them. loool(:

P.S If i had to like 1D ( i dont, JB Is the only man for meeeee) then i'd like Niall. #justsayin lmao ♥
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JJLovie · 1 decade ago
i can't get over how amazing this is.
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xomeggie914 · 1 decade ago
love the story! sooooo addicting!
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ShakeItOffAndSmile happy witty anniversary! · 1 decade ago
im. so. addicted. omfg
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payton8713 · 1 decade ago
These stories are GREAT I cheak every 2 hours. Plllleeeeaaassee write more >_<
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littleleftofthemiddle · 1 decade ago
pleaseeee post another chapter tonight :)
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alisonz1234 · 1 decade ago
LOVE listen yo ur own ideas..and write more girl!
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lilbit3 · 1 decade ago
loved it! :)
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ShootForTheMoon176 · 1 decade ago
More tonight???????
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theglassbutterfly · 1 decade ago
Aww.. but mabye she should find out dannh cheated on her.. and then she should end up with niall.! But dont get to the end super quickly.. i hate when your really into the story then "oh, they broke up but now shes with some other guy THE END (even thou its only chapter 4)"
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hgirl · 1 decade ago
Aww poor Haylie!):
But atleast she might get with Nialler!
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xXxalixassaultxXx · 1 decade ago
He has to be with Niall!! More tonight please? It's early :)
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