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I really hate when someone
posts a quote about being
and I really hate whe someone
posts a quote about being
And I really really hate when
someone makes a quote 
about a quote being "skinny" 
or "curvy" - positive.
Everyone lumps each other 
into either "curvy" or "skinny"
and it's like muthafucking war.
Like, I'm not "curvy", I'm down 
right fat. And I don't call skinny
people anorexic and I don't say
poeple with curves are more 
beautiful or less beautiful.
And when I see quotes like that
the comments just make me 
feel like sh.t about myself. 
The poeple that are pro-"skinny"
talk about how would "curvy"
poeple like to be called fat or whales
all the time, and that there is a 
difference between "curvy" and obese.
And the "curvy" people say there's a 
difference between "curvy" and fat,
that fat is gross yet curvy is beautiful,
and that "curvy" people are already 
bullied more than "skinny" people. 
I get uncomfortable because I feel like
both sides are anti-my body type,
and I feel as if everyone lumps
me into the category of calling skinny 
people anorexic and I'm not.
Personally, I'd rather be skinny,
but that doesn't mean I think
"curvy" is worse.
I'm the type of person that gets
dirty looks from both sides,
so I wear a hoodie 3 times too big
on days that are like 100 degrees,
because I don't feel confident.
And thats what it comes down to.
If people wouldn't bully "fat"or "curvy"
people they wouldn't feel the need to
bully "skinny" people, and everyone
would just be f.cking confident
with themselves to not f.cking start sh.t.
Don't make others feel like crap because
they don't have the same body type.
Skinny? Cool, you have a nice body.
Curvy? Cool, you have a nice body.
& btw, don't make fun of someone for being
too heavy/"obese", chances are they f.cking
know, and they're either trying to change 
(in which case your words could make them
give up and find comfort in food) OR they're
f.cking happy the way they are and your
opinion means sh.t to them.

Don't be skinny-positive.
Don't be curvy-positive.

Be body-positive. 
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I really hate when someone posts a quote about being "curvy"-positive,

3 faves · 1 comments · May 26, 2013 9:31pm





inspirational · vent · happy · beautiful · hate · rant · fat · confidence · nice · long · loveyourself · skinny · curvy · longbutworthit · letpeoplebehowtheyfuckingwanttobe · bodiesaregreat · boobsarefatthereforefatisprettyfuckingamazing · loveallthepplz · wellprobablynotworthityoudecide · love

briheard123 · 1 decade ago
thank you. I feel more confident :)
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