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Still the One
Chapter Four

“What?!” Maggie and I shouted, running to the bathroom where Lauren was. Niall met us there, obviously upset.
“I got the job,” Lauren said, “the three of us are moving to Cheshire.”
“Cheshire!?” Niall, Maggie, and I yelled and she nodded.
“I’m sorry guys,” she said. “I really need this job.”
I looked at Niall who sighed and nodded. “When are you guys leaving?” he asked.
“Tomorrow morning at eight,” she said. “There’s a small house there for us that the job supplied. I’m sorry guys. I know you’ve been best friends since the second grade, I was there when it happened, but I don’t teach anymore and I need this job.”
I looked at Niall, then at Maggie, and back at Lauren.
“So this is it?” I asked and Maggie and Niall nodded.
“I guess so,” Niall said. “I mean you and Maggie still have each other and I’ve got other friends.”
I nodded and looked back at Lauren. The next morning Niall and Maura, Niall’s mom, came to the empty house as we prepared to finally leave.
“Do you have to leave?” Niall asked and I nodded.
“Lauren needs to job,” I said. “We need the money.”
Niall nodded and I sighed.
“Andrew,” Lauren said, “say goodbye we need to leave.”
I looked up at Niall who was holding back tears, you could see it.
“Niall,” I said hugging him.
“This wasn’t how it was supposed to end,” he whispered and I let go of him.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I was supposed to admit that I love you,” he said. “I was supposed to finally ask you out and we’d go out and it’d be perfect. I was supposed to always be there for you. You were supposed to fall asleep in the car with your head on my shoulder. We were supposed to kiss in the rain. You were supposed to fall asleep in my arms. I was supposed to get on one knee and slip a ring on your finger. I was supposed to watch you walk down the aisle, towards me. I was supposed to let you name our first boy Michael, after your dad, like you want to. We were supposed to go to the same retirement home and race each other down the hallway in wheelchairs. We were supposed to get buried next to each other. Now you’re leaving.”
I looked at my best friend, speechless.
“N-Niall?” I asked and he put his head down.
“Just go,” he said, keeping his head lowered almost in shame.
I put my hand under his chin and forced it up.
“Niall,” I said again, trying to meet his gaze that kept wandering over my shoulder. “Niall, look at me.”
He sighed and did as I asked. I smiled but his face stayed serious.
“You’re leaving,” he said. “Why do you want to talk about this now?”
I crashed my lips to his quickly and then pulled away. I then looked at him, a goofy grin on his face.
“If only it was raining,” he said and I laughed.
“I’ll go get the hose,” I said jokingly and he smiled.
“You need to go,” he said and I tilted my head slightly in confusion.
“But-“ I started.
“I can live the rest of my life knowing you at least like me,” he said and I smiled. “Now go, Lauren and Maggie will leave without you.”
I smiled at him and ran out to the car. I hope I get to see him again, even by accident.
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Still the One Chapter Four “What?!” Maggie and I

18 faves · Feb 27, 2013 10:56pm





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