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Still the One

Call me Andrew. I know it’s usually a masculine name but, my parent’s didn’t care. As much as I dislike my parents, I respect the name they gave me and I’d like you to use it too.
I’m currently 17 years old. I want to start off my story a bit different, though, so I’m going to start when I was eight. I should probably give you a general idea of what I look like too, so here we go. Don’t expect everything to be in serious detail, please, I want to get this story going.
So, you already know I’m 17, but I’m short. Short as in I’m only 5”5. I’ve got bright green eyes and dark brown hair that needs no straightening. Seriously, straightening it would be completely and utterly pointless. I’m also a tomboy. I mean, not like dress in all guy clothes and stuff like that, but I’m not girly.
Okay so, I think you’re good for now. Let’s jump right in to the day everything changed. Well, it didn’t change right away but usually when people tell stories like this they say something all dramatic like that to get started. I ruined it, let’s just, yeah.    
“Andrew Collins?”
“Here!” I chimed, raising my hand for the substitute.
“Maggie Collins?”
“Here!” my cousin said, raising her hand but still focused on some paper she’s been working on for a week.
“Maggie,” I said, “we’re eight. You should be coloring not working on some paper.”
“This paper,” she said and I rolled my eyes, preparing for another lecture from my cousin, “is a list of phone numbers. I have it organized by name, age, and what types of things these people like to do.”
“You should be a manager or something when you grow up,” I said and she rolled her eyes.
I heard the door squeak open and I looked up at it. In came a boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He fumbled over his feet a bit while making his way to Mrs. Parker, our substitute teacher for today.
“H-hi,” he said, looking at his feet and blushing. “I’m the new kid.”
“Can I have your name?” Mrs. Parker asked, getting ready to possibly find it on her sheet.
“N-Niall,” he said. “Niall Horan.”
“Niall Hor—ah! Here you are. I’m only a substitute but Miss Lauren will be back in an hour, she’s only running late. You can take a seat wherever you’d like for now,” Mrs. Parker said to him.

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Still the One Intro Call me Andrew. I know it’s usually

13 faves · Feb 26, 2013 4:25pm





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