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If i killed myself tonight, the stars would
still appear, the sun would still come
out, the earth would still rotate, the
seasons would still change...
So why not?

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If i killed myself tonight, the stars would still appear, the

81 faves · 28 comments · Feb 15, 2013 9:37pm





life · depression · nmq · suicide · inspirational

TheButterflyEffect · 1 decade ago
Because I said you can't.
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mznicolerose · 1 decade ago
Because of all the tears that will be shed, all the hearts that will be crushed, all the people that will become depressed, all the lives that will be ruined, all the sorrows those you love will face, the guilt they will feel. Don't kill yourself because people love you, I love you, God loves you. You were put on this Earth for a reason. Don't leave until you've found it out. It's all worth it. I promise.
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the_person_no_one_sees · 1 decade ago
Because we love you..... The end.
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katie55 · 1 decade ago
why not? because things get better, storms pass, and the sun comes out. you mean so much to so many people, never think that you don't matter. You can make it through anything. please, stay here. if you ever want to talk, I'm here, along with so many other people. it'll get better (:
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LoveNeverEverEverDies · 1 decade ago
what about your child? you should stay for him! How sad would you be if your son died? Imagine how sad he would be if you died.
just remeber that
`stay stong`
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xxIntroducingMe · 1 decade ago
because to the world, you may be just one person. But to one person you may be the world. People love you out there, even if you feel like they don't. You've made a person smile once, you made someone laugh... You offered advice. You inspired someone. Things will never be the same if you weren't here. So stay here.
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peacegirl270 · 1 decade ago
please dont kill yourself. you are waaaay to good for that. you are good for many things. please dont let yourself down. you are good at many things and i hope you read this and realize how good you are. you make a amazing quotes and you have so many people following you. they wouldnt follow you if they thought you were inadequate. please dont kill yourself. i hope you know that there are a number of people out there to help you. me included. if you ever need to talk please comment on my profile before you do something rash. please please please dont hurt or kill yourself.
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luckeyy · 1 decade ago
you still can't, it would only add to the statistic, which may i add is way too high already. we all have answers to find, and you'll find the answer to this question some day, you just need to stay alive until you find it, everyone ends up having a different answer to this question.
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Soaring_On_Owls_Wings · 1 decade ago
because you are on this earth for a reason u have the same thoughts alllllll the time but people care about you
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SparksFly34 · 1 decade ago
Why not? Let's see... How about because of all of the people that would be devestated? How about because the world would be losing an angel on the ground? How about because the stars would not shine as bright to the people that love you because you would no longer be here? Dalton... Did you know you inspired me to write more? Even through a computer screen you are an inspiration, so I can only imagine how it would be to all of the people that know you 'in real life'. I can never say that things will get better I can't say your life is magically going to be perect. I wish I could, but I can't. But after all of this time, during this never ending internal battle... Even if it's just me, I believe that you can win. I believe you can beat the demons that reside in your mind. ❤ I love you -Kim
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lillan122 · 1 decade ago
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crazyMCRfangirl happy birthday! · 1 decade ago
There's more to life. People care about you. I don't talk to you but I care. If you need to talk I'm always here mkay?
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ImaPiratePrincess · 1 decade ago
because think of all the things that you would miss in life. falling in love, having kids, watching them grow up and do all these amazing things in life. if you do kill yourself then that girl that you were suppost to fall in love with wont have a purpose in life. those kids you were suppost to have would never be born or have a life time of amazing things. even if you dont think youre loved or needed now, you are and you will be soon by a lot of people
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AmberTheTurtle · 1 decade ago
Because there is more than that. Even though you might not think it, people would be crushed. They would never be able to recover from what you did. You're stronger than this. Whatever it is, you'll get through it. It will just be one bump you wont have to deal with anymore in the end. Don't do this. I may not know you, but if you feel like almost nobody cares, I do. I care more than you could ever imagine. Please, don't do it.
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shadysback · 1 decade ago
the fact that you are still talking about killing yourself is beyond me
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JustAnotherWittyGuy18 · 1 decade ago
Oh you are one person i can't say i missed XD The fact that i unblocked you is beyond me.
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SorrowUnleashed · 1 decade ago
You really don't get it, do you?
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*Vampire* · 1 decade ago
and your bullying self centered personality is beyond me though..
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QueenOfClovers · 1 decade ago
You won't disappear though. Your memory will still carry on wont it? Dont do it please.
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darkangel1918 · 1 decade ago
Because there is people that need you, there is peole that love you and would miss you. and if you hit rock bottom now just remember, you can only go up and things can only get better. Someone desided you could get threw this because you are strong enough to get threw anything. And someone somewhere is not going to be as strong as you and you will be there to help them. Just Breath, you are strong enough to do this! And remember, no matter how much it doesn't seem like it at the moment, you are loved.
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sheyannadawn72* · 1 decade ago
because i need you and you know that:)
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two* · 1 decade ago
Please, no. Please don't do this Dalton, I need you.<3
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JustAnotherWittyGuy18 · 1 decade ago
I know you do... i just hurt. im okay
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1mrsseguin9 · 1 decade ago
Because there is a million people who need you here
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