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Yes, you will have bad days. You will have days when everyone h.a.t.e.s you, when you have to lie, when you have to accept that you can't win this battle. You will fail, and you will cry. You will make someone else cry, too. You won't always have a good day.
But you have to remember, through all that crap, that you will also have g.o.o.d days. You will have moments when everything looks like it's going to be okay, when everyone is smiling and happy and life is so good you'll want to laugh and n.e.v.e.r stop. Every bad event, every tear has have a smile to counteract it.
The worst day of the year will come,
but so will the best.
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Yes, you will have bad days. You will have days when everyone

24 faves · Jan 29, 2013 12:43pm





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