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Moments In Time

Chapter Fourteen
Izzy outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=60103782
Jazzy outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/jazzy_judges_house/set?id=60103033#stream_box
We came home from the bungalow a few days ago and today is huge. Its Judges house. I woke up by myself this morning to find Izzy staring blankly at her closet.
“What are you doing Izz?” I asked
“I have nothing. I have nothing to wear. Everything I own are hoodies or graphic tees.”
“Permission to dress you?”
“As long as there are no heels and it’s not too girly”
“I got you” I said digging into my suitcase. I threw a grey plaid shirt, and a pair of grey skinny jeans. “Change into this” Izzy left into the bathroom. Louis had the boys stay over so it was only Izzy and I in the basement since the boys took Louis’ room. Izzy came out of the closet and looked great. I called her over to sit down and began to finish her outfit. I clasped a silver necklace around her neck, put a pair of music note earrings into her ears and put a silver bracelet around her skinny wrist. I began curling her hair to perfection and decided to do her makeup.
“Shut your eyes” I ordered and she groaned but obeyed. I did her eyeliner and eyeshadow until I was satisfied. “Perfect!” I handed her a mirror.
“I hate to admit it but dannnng” She said admiring her hair and eyes. I laughed before getting myself ready. I put on a white crop top with blue high waisted jeans, a coral blazer, blue heels, silver necklace and bracelet, curled my hair slightly and did my makeup. By the time I finished the boys were ready to leave. We had to get to the airport since our flight left soon. We had to go straight from the airport to the Simons house. It was a 3 hour plane ride in which I listened to my ipod the entire time. I played my song on repeat studying every last note while Izzy and the boys did the same. The flight landed and we were rushed into a SUV driven by a large Irish man. We took off towards the hosue.
“Which one’s of you are One Direction?” he asked looking at us through the rear view mirror.
“That would be me and the rest of the boys” Liam said trying to sound professional while the other boys were trying to burp louder than Niall.
“Nice to meet you boys. I’m Paul. I will be your body guard for the competition.”
“HI PAUL!” All the boys stopped what they were doing to say the rest of the car ride was just funny. The boys were all hysterical and Niall couldn’t keep his eyes off Izzy. Everytime Izzy would catch him staring she would blush and look away. Something was up and I wasn’t going to stop until I knew what. We arrived at the house and the nerves set in. I knew the song like the back of my hand but I was terrified. I went first, then Izzy, then the boys were last. The rest of the contestants were scattered through out the day.
“Jasmine Cooper, your next” a man who worked for Simon said to me. Iwalked out into the sun to see Simon and Nicole staring at me.
“Hey guys!” I said with a smile even though I felt as if I was going to be sick.
“Hello sweetheart, how are you”
“Nervous but I’m fine”
“Good, good, so are you ready to sing?” He asked and I nodded.  I heard the soft notes of the slow song I chose play and I began singing.
Now shes back in the atmosphere with drops of Jupiter in her hairhey, hey, she acts like summer and talks like rain reminds me that there’s time for change hey, hey Since the return from her stay on the moon She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey 
Tell me did you sail across the sun Did you make it to the milky way to see the lights all faded And that heaven is overrated  Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star One without a permanent scar And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there “

The look on the judges faces made me continue the song without a flaw. When I finished I got a smile from the judges and walked away with a grin on my face. Izzy went out on stage and sang Better Than Revenge by Taylor Swift while the Boys sang Torn. At the end we all gathered with other contestants and found out we made it through to the live show. We were assigned our mentors and Izzy, One Direction and I were all assigned the same. Simon Cowell. We were told to get back to England and pack because we were moving into the Contestants House tomorrow. Well… This will be fun..
Authors Note- 
I'm thinking about posting a picture of what the characters look like. Do you guys want it or do you just want to go with the descriptions you've gotten?
Sorry this is a super short chapter but I was dealing with some crap today which i am probably going to completely regret agreeing to something. If you read the last quote I posted it will make sense. If anyone feels like they have gone through something similar please, please tell me
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Moments In Time Chapter Fourteen Izzy outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=60103782

22 faves · 3 comments · Oct 1, 2012 8:46pm






peanut1299 · 1 decade ago
omg write more!!!
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I_love_mee · 1 decade ago
you shall post the pictures!!!!
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Debbie_K · 1 decade ago
I want to see what the characters look like....
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