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The Story Of Us
Chapter 1


I walked into the autotorium that afternoon feeling nervous and shakey. I was terrified that the other kids wouldn't like me, or that I would get a bad role in the show. This was my only opportunity to make a name of myself, and I didn't want to waste it.
I met up with my new friend Kat, who brought me over to the drama teacher to introduce me.
"Hi Ms. H.. This is  Kasey. She's new this year and wants to try out for the show."
"Very nice," Ms. H said, not looking at all like she cared. "Go fill out the forms with the others over there you two."
We walked over to a piano in the corner where about ten other kids were all filling out forms. I grabbed one and looked at it. All it asked was when you could rehearse after school. Once I finished filling it out, I sat down in the autotorium seats next to Kat and another girl I was friendly with: Kristy. She smiled at me and started talking about the drama program.
"It's really fun and easy going. Oh, and don't worry, everyone gets a role in the show."
Well, that was a relief. At least I wasn't going to be cut from the show. 
"Okay everyone, gather around the piano. Let's get started," Ms. H said suddenly. Everyone stood up and walked to the piano. I ended up standing next to Ms. H, which made me really nervous.
"I used this scented nail polish. It smells like strawberries. Smell it!" Ms. H exclaimed suddenly, sticking her fingers under my nose. Unsure of what to do, I sniffed hesitantly.
"They, uh, smell good," I said, managing a weak smile. Satisfied, she pulled her hand away and started talking.
"Well, thank you all for coming today. We're just going to read lines from the show, and no one will get cut, so don't worry. Now-"
"So how was your summer Ms. H?" Kat asked, butting into her sentence.
"Good, good," she replied distractedly. 
"Did you do anything interesting?" Kristy asked her. Ms. H started laughing hysterically.
"Well, I did this-" she pointed at her crooked hair, "When I was on an airplane. I was in the bathroom, and I decided to cut my hair. Only it didn't really come out evenly..."
All of the new kids just stared at her. Like me, they were probably wondering if she was sane or not.
"I cut my hair all the time, and it never really comes out right, so I have to keep cutting it and cutting it. It's always interesting to see how short it gets during the year!" she laughed, her eyes twinkling.
Was this woman crazy?! Who sticks their hands under kids noses and demands they smell their nail polish, or cuts their hair in airplane bathrooms? Maybe drama wasn't such a good idea...
"Sorry I'm late Ms. H!" Someone shouted, bursting in through the autotorium doors. 
"Hurry up, Aaron!" Hs. H exclaimed, sounding annoyed. "Get your butt down here!"
I hadn't paid attention to who walked in until Ms. H said his name. Could it be? The adorable boy I saw at mass? There was no way he was into drama... I thought I'd never see him again!
I guess I was wrong. I couldn't help staring at him as he joined the rest of us around the piano.
"Okay, I'm going to seperate you guys into groups to go over the lines," Ms. H said. "Kat, Kasey, Kristy, and Aaron, you guys go to the back with this script," she handed us a few folders, "And the rest of you seperate into fours and go over these." She gave them more scrips then walked away.
I couldn't believe my luck! This is an opportunity to really get to know Aaron! I couldn't help smiling as I walked backstage with the others. Once we got back there, Kristy pointed at me and said, "Aaron, this is Kasey. She's new in our grade this year."
"Sup," Aaron said, nodding at me. I smiled back.
"AARON!" Kat said suddenly, going to hug him. He smiled and awkwardly hugged her back. I pretended to look over the script until they stopped, and we started reading our lines. 
But I couldn't help thinking... Did Aaron like Kat? I mean, she was pretty... Was I not even going to have a chance with him?
Sighing, I continued reading the lines. I guess I'd just have to wait and see...

**Boring, sorry. Just getting started soo.. It'll pick up next chapter. (:

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The Story Of Us Chapter 1 I walked into the autotorium that afternoon

31 faves · 9 comments · May 30, 2012 5:11pm






Marigail · 1 decade ago
zdfjvhbzjldvhdsjklghdsjkgh Finish the story xD
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Mdstaples · 1 decade ago
nice! i read it but.. u took my title?
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olgakixD · 1 decade ago
that's so beautiful... continue writing girl and let me know when your next chapter is ready!
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oreogurllawlz · 1 decade ago
this is really good keep it going!! :) let me know whens there is more to come cant wait!
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Neiltheawesome · 1 decade ago
I have soooooo had these feelings before:) I loved this!!!!!!

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yanizella567 · 1 decade ago
Luv the concept, can't wait to see wat else is in store
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Ggkgriff · 1 decade ago
love it! can you read mine. its just starting
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laurenps · 1 decade ago
You better continue that story!
.... If you dont I will kill you.
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TheGirlWhoDared · 1 decade ago
I LOVE IT!!!!!
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