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B u l l i e d
chapter 3
" move you skanky b*tch hes mine" Sarah told her. Catlyn moved backwards as she watched Sarah putting herself all over Tyler.

Catlyn just ignored Sarah and tried concentrating on Trent,
and how much she missed him,
* buzz buzz buzz buzz *
her phone vibrated loudly and everyone stared at her.
The message said
Sent- 8.27am 2/2/2011 From Trent-
Ohh hey Catlyn.... I kinda thought this through... and i don't think we should be best friends anymore. im sick of all your problems:/
Sorry. From Tre.

Catlyn read the message again,
she felt her eyes filling up dramatically, 
she went red as a rose,
she bursted into tears and hugged her legs really tight, her make-up ran and her hair was wet from the tears,
two girl from up the front of the bus walked back down and sat next to Catlyn;
One said in a soft voice " heey umm sweetie are you alright "
The other repeated " yeah what happened? "
Catlyn looked up with her mascara running she saw two beautiful girls sitting there, 
The first one was Taylor, amazingly gorgeous girl with bright shining eyes, her hair was so silky and about her shoulder height, her make-up was done perfectly, she was so perfect.
 She wore a low cut top so you could just see some clevage and some pretty cute shorts, on her wrist she wore a " I LOVE BOOBIES" brasclet.
The other one who was slighty shorter was Mollie, She had dirty blonde hair and stunning eyes, they were like dimonds, she wore peral ear rings which hung down to her neck, her teeth were perfectly straight and her smile was amazing, Mollie wore a dress which was pretty short but really gorgeous it was a summer dress with pink flowers on it,
Catlyn thought these guys might be my new and only friends,

to be continued. should i carry on?


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B u l l i e d♥ chapter 3 " move you skanky b*tch

17 faves · 1 comments · Oct 16, 2011 4:06am






sweetniblets95 · 1 decade ago
Yes. Keep going.
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