Witty Profiles

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  1. xxdream121 xxdream121
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:56pm UTC
    Harry Potter: The boy who lived.
    Katniss Everdeen: The girl on fire.
    Me: The girl online

  2. KoalaGurl125 KoalaGurl125
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 7:22pm UTC
    Me: *On my period*
    Friend: OMG you have to hear this joke!
    Me: Dont talk to me.
    Crush: Hey:)
    Me: Don't talk to me.
    Teacher: Please answer question 5
    Me: 34. Now dont talk to me.
    Mom: Want this chocolate i bought today?
    Me: Dont talk to me.
    Me: Wait did you say chocolate

  3. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 5:43pm UTC
    Patrick: it's weird. my face is leaking.
    Spongebob: your face isnt leaking.
    you're just sweating from all the
    Patrick: exercise?!?
    Patrick: EW. i did not sign up for this.
    ladies and gentlemen, i am the female patrick star.

  4. Arilena :)* Arilena :)*
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 11:11am UTC
    me: I HAVE TO PEE
    computer: no. stay.
    me: ok
    computer: no. stay.
    me: ok
    computer: no. stay.
    me: ok
    computer: no. stay
    me: ok

  5. wittyquotesgurl wittyquotesgurl
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 8:11pm UTC
    Grandma: Are you hungry?
    Me: No
    Grandma: Too bad you're going to eat anyways

  6. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 2:44pm UTC
    I hate the part of the morning where
    I have to get out of bed and participate in real life.

  7. Gleek1 Gleek1
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2012 6:00pm UTC
    I hate it when im in the ocean,
    and my brains just like,
    "hey you know whats a good movie?"

  8. kenefucy4321 kenefucy4321
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 1:53pm UTC
    And who else didn't know that Snow White is only

  9. greysonchick greysonchick
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2012 8:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2012 8:16pm UTC
    I'm not 'cute' awkward.
    I'm 'what the heck is wrong with you' awkward

  11. Oreos Oreos
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2012 3:01pm UTC
    How to survive a Horror Movie.
    1.Never be the hero.
    2.Never say 'I'll be right back'
    3.Don't be curious or suspicious.
    4.Always look back.
    5.Don't fall over that imaginary branch.
    6.Never go somewhere alone.
    7.Get weapons.
    8.Hide in the fridge.I'm pretty sure the killer won't want snacks.
    9. Don't look through peep holes. You'll end up with one eye
    10.Remember,only retards go upstairs when a killer's attacking.
    11.Don't yell 'Hello' when you're alone.The killer is hardly going to reply with 'Sup Bro?Wanna
    play some MW3?'
    12.If it's not behind you,it's above you.Fact.
    13.Don't be a smartass and try to anger the killer.You'll be the next target.
    14.If it's dead,leave it alone.
    15.Don't start making out with your new hot boyfriend/girlfriend/cat in the car.
    16. Always listen to the old creepy guy who says there's danger ahead.
    He's right.
    17.It isn't your dog licking your hand. Your dog is dead.
    18.If you think the monster is dead,IT'S NOT.
    19.Don't go searching for something in the basement,even if the lights have gone out.
    20.Make sure your gas tank is full.
    21. Get a boyfriend. He'll die first which will give you more time to run.
    22.You're an idiot if you think stabbing the killer is a good idea.
    23.Learn to clib trees,sweetie.
    24.Blood=Somebody has died/is dying.
    25.Only stupid people use lamps as weapons.
    26.If you get a phone call while babysitting that consists of 'Have you checked the kids?',you
    just might want to make a run for it.Forget the kids,let's care about ourselves.
    27.Nightmares are never just mightmares.
    28.Moving to Elm Street is a bad idea,unless you want to stay up late every night. WOO RAVE!
    29.Don't buy a cheap house in the middle of nowhere.
    30.RUN B/ITCH RUN.

  12. annalove26 annalove26
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2012 9:46pm UTC
    What if,
    Only the sticker is made in China.

  13. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 7:18pm UTC
    My first instinct when
    i see an animal
    is to say "hello"
    My first instinct
    when i see a person
    is to avoid eye contact and hope it goes away

  14. wishicouldfindyou wishicouldfindyou
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2012 7:58pm UTC
    Am I the only one or do other people
    rip off a piece of their lip with their teeth and swallow it and then realize they just ate themself?

  15. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2012 9:08pm UTC
    listening to my ipod, and i do a swift head turn, i'm probably in the middle of filming my imaginary music video.
    please do not disturb.

  16. isitonlyme isitonlyme
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2012 4:13pm UTC
    Mom: Hurry up..I have to be somewhere.
    Me: Pulls all plugs out of electronic equipment to speed up shut down, sprints out of house half-dressed, and breaks speed limit running to the car
    Me: Hey Mom, I need to be on time for this thing, can we go, I have to be there in 15 minutes?
    Mom: Cleans entire house, waters plants, redecorates rooms, applies for Israeli citizenship, runs for UK president, starts a gambling ring, purchases zimmer frame, crawls to car, forgets keys, crawls back inside house.

  17. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 4:01pm UTC
    Fave if,
    You think you're fat,
    Fave if you think you,
    Can't keep a secret,
    Treat everyone you care about badly,
    Like a guy who'll never like you back,
    Feel ignored by your friends,
    Always disappoint your parents,
    Mess everything up,
    Will never be good enough,
    Fave if you think,
    You're a bad friend,
    You're a loser.
    Fave if you've ever,
    Been cheated on,
    Thought about killing yourself,
    Starved yourself,
    Cried yourself to sleep,
    Attempted suicide,
    hated yourself.
    Then look at the amount of favorites on this quote.
    You're not alone.
    Remember that.
    There is always someone, somewhere that will understand what you're going through.

  18. royalclaymaker royalclaymaker
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2012 9:07pm UTC
    My sister wants to try
    out for my schools
    football team.
    But she is scared that she might not be accepted. Andif she is let on the team, that she may be made fun of.
    Favorite if you think she should try out.
    I will show this to her.
    I think she is great at playing football.
    She tackles pretty hard....
    Nows how to kick a ball... far.
    And nows how to throw a ball in an exact spot.

  19. I_Dont_Know I_Dont_Know
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 7:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 3:16pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    Things I don't understand:
    Why British people lose their accents when they sing.


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