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don't get a boyfriend

get a gold fish, they can't break your heart and leave you
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don't get a boyfriend get a gold fish, they can't break your

68 faves · 3 comments · Feb 4, 2013 3:46pm





love · funny · true

royalclaymaker · 1 decade ago
Well, mine died.... i cried for a day and i was in 6th grade..... awko-taco
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lovecrazy · 1 decade ago
vv Exactly. Or they can swim away because you've become too emotionally attached and they just don't have the same feelings you do. So, you're left there wondering what you did wrong, because they never gave you an explanation and then you sit in your room for the rest of your life crying because you ruin every good thing that happens in your life. Yeah, fish can be heartbreakers.
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finding_nemo · 1 decade ago
But they can die

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