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Who would kill children?
Who would kill their own mother?
Who would kill HELPLESS children?
Who would kill innocent teachers?
Who would kill young little kids?
A sick man is who.
Can i just know why?

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Who would kill children? Who would kill their own mother? Who

205 faves · 8 comments · Dec 14, 2012 6:04pm






jillianokelman69 · 1 decade ago
It brings me to tears that someone could be so heartless
and I live in one of the most dangours cites. ever.
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Squilliam Fancypants* · 1 decade ago
Yeah, it's screwed up... I have quite a few murders in my family, and I don't get it... When someone murdured my father and my older brother, I began to understand how horriable people are... I don't get why people do this o other people...
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RadioCatastrophe · 1 decade ago
a man whos had a harder life than most people can imagine. a man with a lot of mental disorders and a man who obviously had a problem with his mother. may i also point out that usually when a person takes their anger out on others they get that trait from their parents...i dont care if "abuse has never been reported" cuz the majority of the time is doesnt. a man who kills that many children and his own mother is a man to feel sorry for. not a man to bash over and over because he messed up. we all make mistakes...some worse than others...but those children didnt have to die. if we spent less time bashing people who ruin lives and more time actually helping people whos lives have been ruined wed be solving the problem. dont tell me that man had a good life cuz thats total crap. just living with the mental disorders he must have had would be hell enough. and what pushed him over the edge? how much pain and ruin does it take to make a man even think of doing that? a hell of a lot more than i can take...i cant imagine what he must have felt like
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queen* · 1 decade ago
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RadioCatastrophe · 1 decade ago
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my_secrets94 · 1 decade ago
my girlfriends ex drowned two 1 1/2 yur olds, his own two children
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JustAnotherWittyGuy18 · 1 decade ago
People are f*cked up. I have murder in my family, of a little child. People are just f//cked up
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my_secrets94 · 1 decade ago
yeah, ik what you mean
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