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389 faves · 39 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




beautifulgirl20 · 1 decade ago
I love this quote <3
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LittleRavingSquirrel · 1 decade ago
Sorry for the argument I'm having with a randomer below, It's just I can't stand people like them who go round insulting others religon for fun. Love this quote by the way :)
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
i.know its.annoying when people do that like religion is based off of beliefs and the way you interpret the bible
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
I ABSOLUTELY love this quote. Thank you and AMEN!!
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KaleidoscopeKate · 1 decade ago
Ugh I cannot wait until the human race out grows religion.
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Emilyycanfly · 1 decade ago
Lets not start another philosophical debate...please
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glassygirl189 · 1 decade ago
Love this!(:
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hermione23katniss · 1 decade ago
But not everyone on witty is a Christian..... I'm not, I'm part of another religion.
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Meeeeee · 1 decade ago
Hey guys .. i'm thinking about becoming a christian, but i have some questions .. PLEASE comment on my profile !!!!!!!!
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BravoSierra · 1 decade ago
do you have kik? kik me @bravosierra and we can talk, okay? :) Just tell me who you are when you do, babe <3
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Meeeeee · 1 decade ago
no i don't have one =(
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CallMeEmo · 1 decade ago
Ah! I love this. Praying for all those out there who deny God... <3
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AerilynLilyoh · 1 decade ago
It makes me really sad to see that there are people out there who dnt believe in God. Being able to go to church on Sunday and Wednesday is an amazing feeling. Being baptized is the most amazing feeling in the world. I love knowing that if I do things right on Earth and if I live for Him here, I will have the chance to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. I feel bad for people who don't believe in God, because what a lot of people believe in is science, which is proven just as much as Jesus dying on the cross has been. I hope that the atheists in the world now turn to God someday and proclaim Jesus as their Savior, so that they can spend eternity with the Lord. <3
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Becoming God after being tortured isn't really a sacrifice.
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BravoSierra · 1 decade ago
he is not God. he is Jesus Christ, son of god, who gave his life to help billions more people live on eternally in heaven by God's side.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
A son of a God is also a God. So your belief is polytheistic. And I will never accept him because God has too many negative human emotions to be perfect. And when someone proves Heaven or God then I'd be happy to believe it.
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BravoSierra · 1 decade ago
The son of God is not a god. God is holy and perfect, and if you choose not to welcome him into your life, thats your problem. just know that I feel very very sorry for you.
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LittleBitMisplaced · 1 decade ago
If someone choices not to 'welcome' God into there life is not a problem, and how dare you sit there and say that you feel sorry for someone that doesn't believe in the crap you do.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Your condescending response is why I dislike religious people. God isn't perfect. I have a better moral code than a supposedly all good God. He could kill Satan right now if he wanted to. But he can't or won't. Not welcoming him isn't a problem, it's freedom.
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Bravosierra* · 1 decade ago
Hello Sapachier. You don't accept God because no one has proved him to be real? Lemme tell you what else no one has proved to be real. Science. Is that what you believe him? Science. You believe in the big bang THEORY, the THEORY of evolution. What is a theory? It's not PROVEN, it's more of a well thought out guess. God isn't perfect? Well. Tell me another sinless creature? Lemme guess, you don't believe in sin? Do you think murder and is okay? God isn't real? What proof do you need. Jesus DIED for you. It's a historical fact. You're not supposed to mix school with religion right? So why do they allow us to learn about Jesus being hung on the cross? God has the power but he gave the power TO US. It's called free will.You know, the reason you can say these things without getting killed. I'm not trying to shove my beliefs down your throat but there is more proof that he exists than that he doesn't exist. & What do you mean negative human emotions? God gets angry? Does anger mean less perfect. Isn't it healthy to get angry every once in a while? Sweetie. You don't know what you are talking about. You don't believe because you don't know. You don't understand. Someone died for you, and you can't even accept that. When a boy dies for his true love, it's the cutest thing ever. But when true love dies for us, it's fiction. Please, read what we believe in and the proof behind that before you go and criticize MY religion. Good night & God bless.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Okay so this computer isn't real, gravity isn't real, sound isn't real sight isn't real. Evolution is a fact princess. NOTHING can be proven 100% There's also a theory in gravity do you not believe in that? You'd be insane if you didn't. Evolution is no different. I never said I DID believe in the Big Bang Theory. I have no idea what happened. But I won't make something up about it. I don't believe in sin. I think Infinite punishment for a finite crime would be immoral. I don't think murder and are okay. That has nothing to do with whether they're sins or not. You obviously don't understand that they teach what the religions believe. In school RIGHT NOW I'm learning about Judaism, Islam, Going to be learning about Christianity, Buddhism, And Hinduism. But they teach us what each religion believes. Jesus has no evidence outside of the bible. A perfect being wouldn't have human emotions. Someone who would drown the entire planet because of people doing things he doesn't like isn't GOOD. It makes him EVIL. I do know what I'm talking about. And I became an atheist AFTER I began learning about religion. I was raised a Christian. But I don't enjoy being part of a group with immoral and condescending beliefs. And no one died for me. I won't accept that he existed, that he died, or that his death would matter. I have read what Christians believe in. It just doesn't work for me because I'm a person of reason and logic. NOT OF FAITH. Which is all religion has to go by. Faith. You cannot prove anything in religion.
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TurtleRawr · 1 decade ago
I dont see why you came onto a quote like this trying to argue with defensive Christians. Not a good idea lol. Peoples beliefs are different, gotta live with it.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
All I pointed out was the fact the Jesus didn't make a sacrifice. And I shouldn't have to live with it lol They need to learn what's right and what's stupid.
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TurtleRawr · 1 decade ago
Religion is beliefs. They will believe what they want and no one can convince them otherwise, thats why its best to leave religious people alone, arguments are pointless ~
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
There's a theory for gravity do you not believe in Gravity? What's the difference between the two theories? Nothing. For a hypothesis to be considered a scientific theory it had gone under countless experiments from thousands of people and all of them get the same results. God killing over two million people or ordering the killing if them is evil. That's not counting the entire world when he flooded it. He killed people because they didn't do what he wanted. That's called a dictator.
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LittleRavingSquirrel · 1 decade ago
Just sayin' here that there is historical record of a man named jesus christ that was put to death by crusifiction, by the romans for being named the son of God. So there is proof he existed. Also God himself is not evil. There are two types of evil, natural evil and moral evil. Natural evil comes from earthquakes and volcanoes ect... that have to happen to keep the earth functuning and moral evil is evil which comes from us and requires free-will of a human mind. There are arguments to suppt this such as the staitments by Epicurus, St Augustine and Irenaus. Epicurus basicly says there is no such thing as evil, but our own preseption on the events. St augustine says evil comes from within us and that we made it during the fall from grace and we need to get ourselves out of our own mess and stop blaming others for our own failures. Irenaus says that evil was made for a good purpose, because without evil we cannot have good. (this is like you can't have bravery without cowardice, sadness without happiness). Also god is not like a human being, the re is an epistemic distance between us, and god has the euthyphro dilema. (which means he must be omnibenevolent no matter what)
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
If someone said he was the son of God he would be locked up or killed. The Romans had the right idea. I highly doubt he existed. You haven't shown me an actual evidence. Saying it's there doesn't make it appear. And God is evil. He murdered or called for the murder of over 2 million people without including the entire world being flooded. An all powerful God would be able to bend the rules of everything. Not everything needs a Dichotomy.
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LittleRavingSquirrel · 1 decade ago
If you want evidence, go check the census records that the romans made. and as I said he has to be all good because he has the Euthyphro dilema, so any argument you come up with about him being evil or any other shizz will be over ruled. Oh and by the way the romans prosecuted the christians like did the Jews, by saying they had the right idea, you may as well be talking about . P.s the bible isn't ment to be taken litterally. And by the way if you understood philosophy and ethics, you would realise (also through the three arguments listed by philosophers above) that eivil is either from us, made so that moral goods can exist (as you can't have good without evil) or it is just our preception of the event that cause us to suffer. Any arument you can come up with is invald, as those three points alone over-rule them. Thankyou.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
You're an annoying little you know that? God is evil. Simple as that. Everyone would think so if they weren't so obsessed with their fairy tales. Imaginary friends are a symptom of Schizophrenia. Religion should also be a form of schizophrenia.
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LittleRavingSquirrel · 1 decade ago
maybe I only seem annoying to you because I know more about ethical backrounds than you, so it's probably best if you educate yourself more in philosophy and ethics insted of thrusting you're oppinions down other's throats. You should also try thinking before you go insulting other people's beliefs, as they are not going to take it kindly. If you have any more questions to ask me, please do a little bit of research into why christians and Jews believe the things they do, if you still don't know the answer, feel free to ask, but try not to be so arsey with me next tim as this argument is boreing me.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
I'm smarter than you ever will be. I have no doubt about that. That's why I'm atheist. I'm smarter than religious people. They are deluded. I will insult others' beliefs because they are wrong. I will also be an because it's more fun to insult someone if they're going to blow off what you say anyway. I have learned what Christians and Jews believe. People TELL ME what they believe. A lot of what they believe is sickening. So religion. And God. They go hand in hand and are immoral. I am smarter than the vast majority of people on this site and people like you who think they have any sound argument against me is annoying.
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
religion has nothing to do with how smart you are its your beliefs.and.the way you interpret the bible. There are no wrong religions -___-
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Actually the ones that don't have any evidence are wrong.
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
you dont need evidence. Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Even when I believe in God I didn't see it so that's false.
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abbfab99 · 1 decade ago
umm no sometimes you have to look hard and sometimes you're too close its blurry. this is just my opinion
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LittleRavingSquirrel · 1 decade ago
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jariley* · 1 decade ago
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