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October 16, 2012

He was upset last night. I did everything in my power to help, but I guess it didn't work. I'm always there, yet it seems like my presence is not wanted. He doesn't seem to understand my feelings for him. Maybe I should just get used to it.
He was my first love, I was his. He meant everything to me, I meant everything to him. I only want him to be happy. I'm trying so hard.
It's been a week since I last cut, I promise I won't do it again. I just was really missing him. You understand, that feeling. That feeling when someone means so much to you and you love them so much that you'd do anything for them, yet you mean nothing to them. It sucks.
Mom is mad about my grades, she doesn't understand the pressure I go through. I'm trying my best. I'll just have to try harder.

It'll get better my love.

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October 16, 2012 He was upset last night. I did everything in

48 faves · 2 comments · Oct 16, 2012 6:06pm






heartflowers · 1 decade ago
u can talk to me whenever u wantt. ill help u gurll <3 im here for u anytime
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SpazzyNinja · 1 decade ago
you know what? you inspire me. i cant believe how strong you are, and i hope you continue to stay so perfect :) <3
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