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Chapter 19


After spending some time at the party, Evan and I figured that it wasn't quite our scene.
"Come on." Evan said, lacing his fingers through mine.
He took me by surprise, as he gave me a small smile. "I know this place that's kind of quiet."
I began to follow Evan towards an area of the beach that was stranded.
I was okay with it being empty, thought.
I was kind of getting tired of the loud party scene, anyways.
He led me by a tower of rocks, as the two of us began to climb onto them carefully.
When we got onto the top, I knew exactly why Evan wanted me to come here.
The view of the beach was gorgeous, even in the night time.
The moon shined lit up the entire ocean, and the stars were much bigger and brighter up here.
"Wow." I muttered. "How often do you come here?"
Something flashed through Evan's eyes, as if he was thinking back to a memory.
You would never know how badly I wanted to know what he was thinking at that exact moment.
I wanted to know, because I saw thousands of emotions running through his green eyes.
There was happiness, anger, pain, saddness, a little bit of everything.
"Evan?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Did you hear me?"
Evan snapped out of his thoughts, as he stared back at me. "Sorry, what did you say?"
I licked my lips, biting them back from asking too many questions. "I asked how often do you come here?"
"I used to come here all the time." a faint smile appeared across his lips. "But, I stopped a while ago."
I pursed my lips, nodding.
I wasn't exactly satisfied with his answer, but it'll have to do.
"So, why were you running so late today?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood.
"I just had to do something for my parent's stupid company." he muttered.
"Stupid?" I asked. "Why do you say that?"
Evan bit his lower lip, eyes studying the waves. "It's stupid because it's all they ever care about. They're always out on business meetings, and useless crap like that. They already have enough money, and they just want more. They're stupid and selfish."
I frowned, staring at him carefully.
This was a side I've never seen of Evan before.
He was always an optimistic character, but now, he was the exact opposite.
It almost broke my heart seeing him like this.
"You don't mean that." I whispered.
His angry eyes shot over to me. "Yes, I do." he grit through his teeth.
I twisted my lips. "But, no matter how much you despise them for not being there for you, they're your family."
"If they were my family, they would've been there for me when Hollis died!" he snapped.

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accidentally Chapter 19 After spending some time at the party,

233 faves · 8 comments · Sep 5, 2012 9:17pm






Brianna_Burke · 1 decade ago
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supercalifredge · 1 decade ago
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I can't wait to read the next part!!! Yayyyyyy!

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ApplePieFlutterDashRariSparkle · 1 decade ago
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dontforgetme* · 1 decade ago
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soccertrack · 1 decade ago
please post the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT
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CaptainJackSparrow · 1 decade ago
I KNEW ITTTTT, please post more :)
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livlivo · 1 decade ago
omg....that's a big twist! I love it!!
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givingyoumyheart · 1 decade ago
YOu are killing me!!! WHO IS HOLLIS!?
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