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"ALL GUYS ARE THE SAME" my friend complained.
I sat her down and told her the following story...

Earlier this year I was in one of my classes and this one girl (lets call her Sara) asked to use the restroom but the teacher (shall we call him Mr. Insensitive?) told her no. The girl politely asked once more but he said no again. A few minutes later she said it was an emergency and he still turned her down. You could tell she was obviously annoyed but about 3 minutes later asks again and tells him its a serious emergency and she needs to go, but he still says no. Sara stands up and everyone turns to look at her and her face goes red from embarassment as she says to the teacher in front of everyone,
   "I just started my period and I literally need to use the restroom"
 At this point, everyone is staring. Mr. Insensitive STILL refuses to let her go and tells her to sit down. Everyone in class was confused and OUT OF NO WHERE a boy who was sitting near her who she didnt know very well personally, a varsity football player, stands up and says,
"Dont you have a wife? Didn't you grow up with your mom or sisters? She started her period and she needs to use the bathroom and she is going to whether you like it or not."
He then walked over, pulled Sara with him and proceeded to walk her to the bathroom. When they came back, MR. INSENSITIVE called security on them and the guy got suspended for standing up for a girl. That girl was me. 

I will never forget that day. A football player was man enough to stand up for a girl against a teacher and defend her on a girl problem she was having. Not many high school guys are mature enough to even say the word "period" much less do what he did.

So no, all guys arent the same. You just dont bother looking for the good ones.

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"ALL GUYS ARE THE SAME" my friend complained. I sat

146 faves · 11 comments · Aug 24, 2012 5:37pm






saraloves · 1 decade ago
emmi89, LOL me and you both! & heckiegirl234 quite adorable :)
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saraloves · 1 decade ago
Chocolate_Luver and hiimwitty, haha im sure one day someone will :D i never expected it either
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heckiegirl234 · 1 decade ago
Im pretty sure my heart just melted. Thats freaking adorable.
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Swag Unicorn* · 1 decade ago
Chocolate_lover you took the words from my mouth
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Emmi89 · 1 decade ago
He sounds like a witty kid, I now officially love this guy(:
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Chocolate_Luver · 1 decade ago
Awww :')
I wish some one would stand up for me like that.. :P
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saraloves · 1 decade ago
thanks for the faves guys :D
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saraloves · 1 decade ago
and sunny1703 i hope good shivers haha, and i know :) dont say chivalry is dead my friends lolll
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saraloves · 1 decade ago
Twilight_Saga23, i wouldnt say best friends, we dont talk all the time or anything ( i wish wouldnt i be so fairy tale'ish if it did turn out that way) but we talk often enough and when we see eachother theres just a mutual sense of friendship and idk like knowing someone will ALWAYS be there for you cause you're connected somehow and oeihoaeihtoaieh yeah.. ahah bad explanation but
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Sunny1703 · 1 decade ago
Oh my god, this gave me shivers o.0
That's so sweet though < 3
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Twilight_Saga23 · 1 decade ago
Awwhh, that's so sweet!! Are you guys like good friends now?
Why can't guys at me school be like that -_-
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