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one of the guys
// 25 //

“Hali, we’re gonna miss you!”

My two best friends cried into my shoulder.

“Soccer won’t be the same with out you, Goodman,” the guys from the team said.

"You're really leaving, huh?" Nate said, shoving his hands into his pockets and avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah..." I said slowly.

"I'm really gonna miss you."

"I'll come down on the weekends, don't worry." I said reassuringly.

"Keep up with soccer, but promise you won't join the guys' team. I don't want you to replace your whole life." He smiled and so did I.

After a few more awkward seconds he grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me slowly.

I stood up straighter so he didn't have to bend down as much.

After I pulled away we had silent eye contact.

"Bye, Nate."

A tear fell from his eye but he tried to hide it.

I got on my tippy toes to give everyone one last and wiped the salty tears from my eyes.

“Hali let’s go, we’re gonna miss our flight!” My dad yelled.

“I have to go guys, I love you all.”

We had one last group hug and then it was off to Boston.

The still sticky November air in Miami made me not want to go to the cold and disgusting city of Boston.

"Welcome to yo casaaaaa, sistaaaa!" My dad said trying to be "hip".

I surveyed the house, it's gorgeous and quite cozy.

I ran up to my room that was just as large as the master bedroom.

I threw my bags onto the hardwood floors of my bedroom.

Since it was two months into school, my dad and Jennifer got the house set up on the weekends while I stayed in Miami.

Maybe moving Boston could be good for me.

I even got a new tattoo for being such a good sport about the move.

I took a hot shower, with the toiletries from my boxes.

Other than that stuff my room was basically unpacked.

After that I got into bed, prepared to wake up bright and early for my first day at my new school.


*30-40 faves till the next chapter (: 

*I don't notify, sorry

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one of the guys // 25 // “Hali, we’re gonna miss

58 faves · Aug 9, 2012 1:48am






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