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once in a lifetime *  
~chapter seventeen~

"Don't, please." I cried. Penny smirked and was obviously amused by my misery. "I'll do anything. Anything!" 
"Tell Niall." She said. I already knew this is what she wanted me to do, but I couldn't. I didn't want to hurt him. It was too soon.
"Please, no, anything but that." I stuttered and I was starting to shake. I was genuinly scared of this girl. She had my darkest secret hidden on her phone. If only I could get her phone somehow, and delete it. Oh my god, it was like the lightbulb in my head just lit up. I stood and brought Penny back to her place in line, a few girls started to complain, but then they saw that I was Niall's girlfriend. "What are you doing?" Penny said. 
"Um, can I just have some time to tell Niall? I need to be 'ready'." I asked. She hesitated for a moment and nodded. "I'll give you until 4 PM tomorrow. Which is about 23 hours." Ah crap. I don't think that will be enough time...But I didn't want to tick her off so I nodded back, and walked away. As soon as I was out of sight of Penny, I ran back into the boys dressing room, expecting to see just Louis and Harry. To my luck, all of the boys were in there and gave me a "what-the-f*ck" look. Harry and Louis' mouths dropped open and they started snickering to themselves. I had obviously looked all sweaty and ran in here for "no apparent reason."
"Uh, hey babe." Niall stood up and came to kiss me. I pecked his cheek lightly. I'm not really a PDA kind of person...especially with Harry in the room.
"So what brings you here, love?" Zayn asked from a chair next to the clothes rack. I glanced at Louis and Harry on the couch and they shrugged.
"Uh, well, I was about to go home, and uh, they're some girls outside in the front, and they wanted me to get you. But, I didn't know if I could, so I had to ask. So here I am." I smiled sheepishly. Louis jumped up excitedly. 
"I think it's a great idea!" He burst. Everybody looked at him confused, but then started to nod. 
"Let me check if it's okay with security and stuff." Liam said and started to leave.
"I'll come with you, man." And Zayn joined him to leave. Oh, now it's extremely awkward. 
"Uh, well I'm gonna take a quick shower." Niall said. He kissed me before he left through the back door leading to the bathroom. Louis, Harry and I, didn't talk until we heard the water run.
"Come on, we can't talk here. " I said and they followed me into one of the other empty dressing rooms. I locked the door and sat on the couch. 
"Alright, I have a plan. It's pretty James Bond, but I think we can do it." The two English boys looked at each other and smiled. "Go ahead, what's the plan?" Louis asked. 
"Um, Penny and I talked and it didn't really go well. She ended up taking a picture of us kissing and she said she is going to exploid it to the world if I don't tell Niall. I convinced her to give us until 4 PM tomorrow so we need to work fast. If we can somehow get her phone and delete the picture, then she can't show anyone! I know it sounds crazy but we're that's the only way we can do it." They both stared blankly at me for a second and I knew they were going to think I was insane. 
"It might just work, but how are we going to get her phone?" Harry said. 
"Well, she's in line right? At the entrance?" Louis asked and I nodded. "Okay so we will sneak her phone out of her pocket when we do the meet and greet!" 
"I don't know, I feel like if we get caught, we'd just be getting ourselves in for more trouble." 
"Hazza, why don't you live a little!?" Louis flailed. Harry sighed and smiled. "Okay, okay." He said. 
"Let's do this." 


meep, i know it's been a while,
please don't hate me!


format credit to OneDirection

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once in a lifetime * ~chapter seventeen~ "Don't, please."

20 faves · 12 comments · Jul 20, 2012 1:12pm






arenaud · 1 decade ago
you never write anymore. it makes me sad :(
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Julidanika · 1 decade ago
Please Write More??
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rosemcwheel · 1 decade ago
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gopink609 · 1 decade ago
Please write more!!!! :)
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gopink609 · 1 decade ago
Awesome!!! More! ;)
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fashiontoday · 1 decade ago
i love it ! ♥
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lozza821 · 1 decade ago
thiss is amazing :)
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Shainaluvturtles · 1 decade ago
Notify please!
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blair waldorf* · 1 decade ago
best fanfic! <3 reminder please! thanks. xoxo
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NiallHoranlover14 · 1 decade ago
Love it<3
More.more.more. (:
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randi* · 1 decade ago
reminder c:
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Julidanika · 1 decade ago
It's great! :)
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