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  Chapter Six
               He led me back outside in the fresh air, his large hand wrapped easily around my small wrist on my right hand. He was kind of dragging me, in such a hurry to get out of there. With his other hand, he appeared to be texting, but I couldn't see to who or what about. I don't think it mattered. He brought me to a small, shiny, black car. 
Right when we were about to get in, a girl called his name from the entrace of the Cream Bar. "Leaving so soon?" She asked, with a frown.
"Go f/ck yourself, Taylor." He called and got in the car, slamming the door. The girl, Taylor, glared at me and reluctantly headed back into the Cream Bar. I got in and looked at him. I didn't know him well, but I wanted to know what the deal was; why he had acted so nervous around that slutty girl.
Personally, she made me sick. Died black hair, too much make up, too little clothes, and the way she hung around the bar that held up the 'Jerry's Cream Bar' sign when she yelled Kyle's name and strutted inside, everything about her had 'disgusting' written all over her in bold, black lettering.
I looked over at Kyle as he drove, focusing so hard on the road it made my eyes sting. He gripped the wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. I didn't understand, but now didn't seem like the time to inquire him.
"Where are we going?" I asked, hoping to break him out of whatever he was in. It felt too awkward, not knowing him well. 
For a second, he looked at me, with the same expression he'd been focusing on the road with. It was unpleasant and made me a bit nervous. But his features softened he turned back to the road, more relaxed and I calmed down too.
"Katelyn, I'm so sorry about that." He said, bititng his lower lip as he slowed to a stop at a stop light. Then he turned to me for another brief moment.
"It's fine." I say, softly. 
It was quickly silent again.
"Um.. Kyle.." I say, after a short while.
"Yeah?" He asked, turning into a small restaurant called 'Mary's Kitchen'. He pulled into a spot and turned to me again. I swallowed and continued with what I had to say before it was too late.
"I know this is going to sound weird, and stupid. And it's not even that big a deal so you may think it's a little ridiculous but, I feel incredibly guilty. My name's not really Katelyn." His emotions were interesting to follow.
At first he looked nervous, and then confused. Finally, he looked suprised and laughed a little. "Well, what is it then, mystery girl?" He asked with a wink. I'm glad he wasn't mad.
"Clarissa. Clarissa Clark. Rissa for short." I say, in a small voice. Ashamed of myself for lying. But Kyle didn't care. He laughed some more.
"Well, why'd you say it was Katelyn!?" He asked, as if it were the most random thing.
"I just absolutely despise my name, and I thought now would be a good time to change it." I say in a tinier voice. I shrunk back in my seat a little, humiliated. I couldn't look at him.
"You're too cute." He laughed and grabbed my left wrist. Immediately, I looked up and over at him."Clarissa is such a beautiful name, it fits you so well. Why are you so upset?" He asked, smiling at me. I smiled back weakly. Truth is, I didn't want him to hate me. Especially not now. He's only getting better.
"I don't know." I said weakly, voice cracking.
"Let's get you inside." He said and let go of my wrist. We got out and walked inside.
Our waitor's name was Howie, evidently a really good friend of Kyle's. He had brown hair and grey eyes, but was really perky and goofy, so unlike the people I'd seen at the Cream Bar.
He sat us at a two person booth that was the only one set with a white table cloth and had a glass cup that ready 'Cocoa-Cola' on the side in faded lettering with yellow flowers from the bushes outside sticking out. Two spots were set directly across from each other with china plates and you tensils on folded napkins. Kyle had a huge smile on his face. Suddenly, I knew who he had been texting. 

        I was so excited to write this chapter, I wrote it at one am. I thought it would be more to the point, but I'm kind of glad. Did you enjoy this chapter? Please, let me know! :)
Love you all!

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Untouchable Chapter Six He led me back outside in the fresh air,

17 faves · 5 comments · Jul 15, 2012 1:04am






mariahg99 · 1 decade ago
I love this please notify me too :D
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Ellmo · 1 decade ago
LOVELOVELOVE IT! Please notify me?
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wheresthehappyending · 1 decade ago
That's so cute, I love it! (:
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BabiiGurlBree · 1 decade ago
I love how it's going so far :) keep up the amazing work?
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LadyBug98 · 1 decade ago
love it! this story is just gettin better tbf :L
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