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Status: You're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you different, especially yourself.(;

Member Since: 30 Dec 2011 01:38pm

Last Seen: 28 Apr 2013 08:09pm

Birthday: October 9

Location: Middle of nowhere, Maine

Gender: F

user id: 257321

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Hello Stranger!


Happy birthday if today's your birthday, I'm sorry if your life sucks. It will get better, I promise. Don't hurt yourself, you're all beautiful/handsome in your own way.
Comment, Fave, Follow if you wish. =)
1653 notifictions on 4/9/12 Thank you sooo much.<3

Marissa's the name, life is the game.

16 years young, I live in Maine and it occasionally snows in June. No biggie. =)
I'm moving back to Virginia the first chance I get. =)
I've been a vegetarian for five years now.
I'm a secret geek in math team, fuck off.

I write books, I want to be a journalist/author, maybe a lawyer. Self publishing starting hopefully by my birthday this year.<3
I'm going to adopt four boys when Im old enough and their names will be Koppernikus, Skylar, Click, and Gollopogus.(;
I'm totally and completely in love with Eminem's music. I'm no Stan, but I'm one of his fans. =)

People I love: 

My best friends Marlee (marleesue) She's my bfftdea and I would highly recommend commenting her. But you can't have her, because she was my best friend first. >=)<--- check her out. =) and Candice. <-- she may be a total idiot sometimes, but I love her all the same. =) I can tell them both absolutely anything and we all need to form a comedian group and be friends for ever and ever. =)

*Insert long paragraph about how I love a guy that doesn't know I exist.*

I've got a thing for guys who are complete goofballs, have slightly broken pasts, and those guys that you can tell everything to. And he is just that. =)

So there's this guy, and he's extremely attractive. Not only the way he looks, but his personality.
Eh, I don't even know how to explain him. He's so awkward, funny, amazing, and-blah. I've only known him for a few months, but we hit it off from day one and he's already nearly my everything. I have no words to voice how wonderful he really is.<3

I just want you. All of your flaws, jokes, stupidity, sarcasm, giggles, mistakes, smiles, quirks, just you.

This is a lot longer than I had antisipated. Oops. =)

Do me a favor, and don't follow me just because I followed you. I want those faithful followers that actually like me for my quotes, not for all of he favorites I give them. =) But follows are always welcome.


 When life says "Give up,"
Hope whispers "Just try it one more time."


  1. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 8:44pm UTC
    I would say sorry
    for liking celebrities
    more than double my age.
    But I'm not.♥

  2. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 7:27pm UTC
    Never forget what someone
    Says to you when they're angry.
    Because that's when the truth comes out.♥

  3. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 11:43am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 9:17am UTC
    I decided to write my life story.
    I sat there for ten minutes, trying to find one good thing that I've done in my life that made me truly happy, one moment that I didn't regret, one that I was proud of. After twenty more, I gave up.
    This needs to change.

  5. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 3:11pm UTC
    That moment when
    you swerve to miss a tree
    But then you realize it's just
    The air freshener hanging in your car.

  6. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2012 9:38pm UTC
    I hate one thing about myself.
    That one thing being the persona I put on around people. I'm the girl who will sink into the plastic depths of her chair if she has anyone behind her until she's practically gone. Who will change in front of the window with the shades open and laugh like she's gotten away with murder. Who trips up the stairs and falls over her own two feet. Who'll show up to school as sick as a dog just to get one glimpse of his perfect face and skip three days to get out of a class presentation. I'm that girl who swears like a sailor and lies like a polotician. Who blames the world for a bad hair day and curses the gods at the sight of a zit. Who is one of the very few people in the world that falls for personalities and finds looks a plus. Who makes a joke out of everything to avoid the pain. I'm the girl who will pick on my siblings for hours and threaten to kill a bully that touches one hair on their heads. Who will look out the window after finishing writing something and exclaim "Whoa, is that the sun already?" Who will stand up for whatever she believes in and shout her opinions at a crowd of strangers.
    I have a past for the world to see,
    and a present that's a mystery.
    I wrote this a little while ago. =) Thought maybe someone else would be able to relate to it as well.

  7. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2012 10:01pm UTC
    When you finish a sentence, end it with 'naked'
    Let's do the homework together, naked.
    Want to come over tonight, naked?
    I'm typing this, naked.

  8. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2012 9:11pm UTC
    Dramatic ten year old
    Everything is falling apart! :,(
    Like • Comment • 27 minutes ago
    Me Oh no, are you playing Jenga again?
    24 minutes ago · Like

  9. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2012 4:30pm UTC
    Skinny friend: I wish I was skinny.
    Smart friend: Oh my God, I only got a B+!
    Athletic friend: I wish I could run.
    Friend in a relationship: God, I HATE my boyfriend.
    Popular friend: People always want to hang out with me.
    Me: *Sitting here in the corner being a stupid, lazy, overweight, friendless loser.*
    Me: Excuse me, while I jump off a cliff.

  10. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2012 7:56pm UTC
    Falling in love is like jumping off a cliff.
    Your mind tells you it's not a good idea,
    But your heart says you can fly.♥

  11. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 6:53pm UTC
    Dad: *yelling at the tv*
    Me: You're yelling at the players like they're actually going to hear you.
    Dad: You're in love with a boy that doesn't know you exist.
    Me: Don't talk to me.

  12. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 6:20pm UTC
    I love that super cute thing you do when you don't text me back for hours. Gah! Adorable.♥

  13. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 3:40pm UTC
    Mum: Can I use your computer?
    Me: Sure.
    Me: *Deletes History*
    Me: *Logs out of every website*
    Me: *Double checks deleted History*
    Me: *Closes Chrome*
    Me: *Opens Internet Explorer*
    Me: Here you go. *stands over her shoulder entire time.*

  14. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2012 8:44pm UTC
    Spending half of the movie
    trying to figure out where
    you've seen one of the actors before.

  15. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2012 6:10pm UTC
    If vegetable oil comes from vegetables,
    and olive oil comes from olives,
    Where does baby oil come from? o_O

  16. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2012 5:22pm UTC
    Me: Hey everyone, I'm home!
    Entire world:
    Internet: I missed you.

  17. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    Hairdresser: Is the length okay?
    Me: If I say no will you glue it back on?

  18. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 2:05pm UTC
    Me: Hey, can you pick up some milk on your way home?
    Me: She's not answering me.
    Me: She must have went to check her phone and swerved into oncoming traffic.
    Me: I killed her
    Me: I killed my mom.

  19. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 9:42am UTC
    Hagrid: Hey, I just met you,
    Hagrid: And this is crazy.
    Hagrid: But happy birthday.
    Hagrid: You're a wizard, Harry.

  20. rissa7373 rissa7373
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 8:32am UTC
    Parents: I have such a beautiful daughter.
    Kids at school: Who is this deformed potatoe?


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