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  1. maddiesmith2313 maddiesmith2313
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2012 5:23pm UTC
    sometimes I look at the clock 3 consecutive times and still dont know what time it is.

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. clicktheheartif clicktheheartif
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 9:03pm UTC
    Hey, you there!
    Can you stop scrolling
    for just a second;
    and click the heart for...
    the ones who lost
    their lives on
    Sept. 11, 2001.

  4. ShoutingYourName ShoutingYourName
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2011 3:24pm UTC
    A boy's sleepy voice
    is seriously the sexiest shittt ever.

  5. katieXOalice katieXOalice
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Fav if;
    You are shorter than

  6. kara008 kara008
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2010 10:44am UTC
    What is wrong with you?
    How dare you make fun of someone for something they can't control?
    She has acne. - Do you think she chose to have red spots all over her face?
    Her nose is big. - Who cares? Is she supposed to get plastic surgery? Hmm?
    She has crooked teeth. - I've never met someone who got braces just for fun.
    She wears glasses. - Do you think people like being half-blind? They don't.
    Her hair is frizzy. - Some people don't like frying their hair w/ a straightener.
    She's not a size 0. - Oh, I'm sorry that some of us aren't afraid to eat cookies.
    Imperfection is beautiful.

  7. malloryi98 malloryi98
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2012 4:10pm UTC
    how bad was your breakup,
    on a scale from 1- Adele?
    Me: ....... Taylor Swift

  8. shAMmers26 shAMmers26
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2012 4:02pm UTC
    Mark Zuckerberg: Left school...became successful.
    Steve Jobs: Left school... became successful.
    Bill Gates: Left school... became successful.
    But if I left school... I'd become an unsuccessful hobo.

  9. MsPickles MsPickles
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 7:09pm UTC
    Does anyone else wonder during class if you left your straightener on?
    ..............Cus I do.......All the time

  10. HeHasMyHeartt HeHasMyHeartt
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 9:38am UTC
    When I was in 3rd grade
    A boy came up to me and asked if he could borrow a pencil.
    We became best friends, but he moved away in sixth grade.
    There I was, studying in the library in college.
    when a guy whispered, "Can I borrow a pencil?"
    I looked up, and it was him. We've been dating ever since.

  11. runningforeverr runningforeverr
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2010 10:10pm UTC
    Based on psychologic study,
    a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in

  12. lexi1020 lexi1020
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    If a girls bra is called
    then what'a a guys underwear called?

  13. bailie008 bailie008
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 4:39pm UTC
    Me: Oh my god. My period is late.
    Me: Wait...
    Me: Still a virgin.
    Me: I must be carrying the next baby jesus.
    Me: Seems legit.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. breezylovesyou143 breezylovesyou143
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 5:34pm UTC
    If I get 50 Favs I'll tell him I still love him<3

  16. KarinaTomlinson KarinaTomlinson
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 5:35pm UTC
    A good morning text doesn't only mean "good morning."
    It also means "I woke up thinking about you."

  17. marisa_is_hawt marisa_is_hawt
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 7:32pm UTC
    When I have a daughter and she asks me who my first love was, i want to be able to point across the room and say, "he's right there."<3

  18. texaskangaroo texaskangaroo
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2010 10:10pm UTC
    this Halloween
    i'm dressing all in red
    and trick-or-treating at 4 PM
    so i can say
    "i'm your period, and i came early."

  19. CandEProductions CandEProductions
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2010 8:52pm UTC
    Why is it that if a guy does football, then he is manly, but if he does cheerleading, then he is gay?
    Think about it...
    Guys who play football run around in tights trying to jump on top of each other.
    However, guys who do cheerleading get to practice in sweats, while they hold girls up in the air and get to look up their skirts.
    Now, which sounds more gay?

  20. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 10:27am UTC
    Did you know?
    that if you wake up at 2-3 in the morning
    for no reason, there is an 80% chance
    that someone is staring at you.
    format by jimmy365


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