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Yey Quotes

  1. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2014 8:22pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3

  2. *Tori Leigh* *Tori Leigh*
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2014 10:16pm UTC
    Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well
    1. What is you middle name? Leigh
    2. How old are you? 16
    3. What is your birthday? November 22th, 1997
    4. What is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius/Scorpio cusp. I go with Sag, doe.
    5. What is your favorite color? #3399cc
    6. What's your lucky number? 47
    7. Do you have any pets? Poodle and a Labrador Retriever.
    8. Where are you from? Born in Florida, raised in Iowa.
    9. How tall are you? like 5'4
    10. What shoe size are you? 9-10(w) (depends on the shoe)
    11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Seven or eight.
    12. What was your last dream about? I think the last couple were about my ex.
    13. What talents do you have? I can kind of draw and sing. I'm a bit funny?
    14. Are you psychic in any way? Are you stupid in any way?
    15. Favorite song? What kind of ignorant question is this how can one only have one favorite liek do u even
    16. Favorite movie? SPIRITED AWAY OR SILENT HILL
    17. Who would be your ideal partner? Charlie McDonnell or Chester See
    18. Do you want children? Wouldn't adult life be a bit of a bore and too routine without kids?
    19. Do you want a church wedding? NOPE outside.
    20. Are you religious? Atheist, yo.
    21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Who dafuq hasn't?
    22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? OML I ALMOST DID ONE TIME and I got pulled over this other time.
    23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Don't believe so
    24. Baths or showers? Showers~~ 25.
    What color socks are you wearing? Red and white striped...
    26. Have you ever been famous? Ok if you get famous do you ever really completely stop being famous? But no.
    27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Never.
    29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nope
    30. How many pillows do you sleep with? LIKE, four, yo.
    31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my stomach.
    32. How big is your house? Smallisher?
    33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal and my acne pill.
    34. Have you ever fired a gun? Pfft, shyeah.
    35. Have you ever tried archery? Yesh, for like, 40 minutes.
    36. Favorite clean word? Friggin
    37. Favorite swear word? How the fck do you have a favorite swear word? ;)
    38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? I WENT THREE DAYS WITH LIKE AN HOUR OR NO SLEEP EACH NIGHT BEFORE
    39. Do you have any scars? Who doesn't?
    40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? It wouldn't be secret if I knew about it, would it? I wouldn't know.
    41. Are you a good liar? I can be.
    42. Are you a good judge of character? I like to think so.
    43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I can do an okay English accent? But I haven't been judged by anyone who actually has one... xD
    44. Do you have a strong accent? I wouldn't know. It's a relative thing. It could be strong to some, but hardly noticible to others.
    45. What is your favorite accent? SCOTTISH oml, they're so sėxy.
    46. What is your personality type? Funny and caring people.
    47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Sweatshirt?
    48. Can you curl your tongue? Anything for you, bby. '
    49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie ~
    50. Left or right handed? Righty
    51. Are you scared of spiders? Omf yes.
    52. Favorite food? YELLOW RICE MIXED WITH CHICKEN.
    53. Favorite foreign food? Mexican
    54. Are you a clean or messy person? Generally messy. But when I clean I CLEEAAAAANNN.
    55. Most used phrase? "Jay Kay"
    56. Most used word? "Wat"
    57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Depends how shítty I want to look that day. ;D
    58. Do you have much of an ego? A bit, when it comes to my intelligence level.
    59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck, unless you get to a chewy part.
    60. Do you talk to yourself? The person I'm talking to always seems to think I'm talking to myself so.. xD
    61. Do you sing to yourself? If I'm home alone, all day, yo.
    62. Are you a good singer? Decent.
    63. Biggest Fear? Being unwanted.
    64. Are you a gossip? Not usually.
    65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? Titanic?
    66. Do you like long or short hair? Down to the middle of my back, and not long enough.
    67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Lolnope.
    68. Favorite school subject? Used to be science, when we had an old teacher. Math, I suppose?
    69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert.
    70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No ;c
    71. What makes you nervous? I'm nervous if I LOVE a guy. And when I feel like my parents could catch me doing something... huehue.
    72. Are you scared of the dark? Used to be. I still am, a bit.
    73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Used to.
    74. Are you ticklish? Oml I would die if you even just poked my belly
    75. Have you ever started a rumor? No c:
    76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I take over when we have a group project, no way I would rely on some of the people at my school for my grade..
    77. Have you ever drank underage? A little. When my mother gave it to me.
    78. Have you ever done drugs? Not once.
    79. Who was your first real crush? My one and only ex. Only guy I actually had talked to to develop stronger feelings.
    80. Did anything ever happen with them? Ye.
    81. Can you roll your Rs? NOT IN WORDS I CAN'T, But I can make the general sound, yes.
    82. How fast can you type? For hunting and pecking, really fast...
    83. How fast can you run? Averagely.
    84. What color is your hair? Dirty blonde. ;)
    85. What color are your eyes? Green.
    86. What are you allergic to? Nothing, that I know of.
    87. Do you keep a journal? Nope.
    88. What do your parents do? Mother does desk/receptionist work at a hospital, father works as a supervisor for Union Pacific Railroad.
    89. Do you like your age? In some aspects.
    90. What makes you angry? My parents.
    91. Do you like your own name? I couldn't imagine myself with any other.
    92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Fecius, Blubs, Hrrrr, and Eggs. (Inside joke)
    93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? I want three boys and two girls.
    94. What are your strengths? My ability to think positively and look forward to better things.
    95. What are your weaknesses? I'm sensitive, and I can get clingy to a significant other if I feel unwanted.
    96. How did you get your name? My aunt wanted a girl and to name her Tori. She had a boy. Not sure how that went down. 97. Were your ancestors royalty? Oml how cool would it be if they were doe.
    98. Do you have any scars? THIS IS A REPEATED QUESTION.
    99. Color of your bedspread? Sometimes navy blue, sometimes black.
    100. Color of your room? Purple.

  3. *Tori Leigh* *Tori Leigh*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2014 10:27pm UTC
    I have a ray of light,
    he even has a name.
    Just his very sight,
    puts my past to shame.
    To be with him and such,
    to watch him come toward me,
    it will never be too much.
    He makes it worth it just to be.
    But one day I do hope,
    that we can runaway in love,
    super high on dope.

  4. icanttakeitanylonger icanttakeitanylonger
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2014 10:53pm UTC
    ♡ im lovesick. I just can't eat, just can't sleep, can't do much of anything at all, 'cause im sick and in love with you dear ♡

  5. hemmo1996* hemmo1996*
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2014 7:20am UTC
    who decided that you need some deep back story in order to justify your tattoo?
    if you think a deer is gonna look cool as hell on your arm then go ahead and get it tattooed

  6. BringMeTheDeadUnicorn BringMeTheDeadUnicorn
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2014 12:24am UTC
    So, my cousin said he'd teach me how to ride a bike.
    He'll start me off with one that goes 60 mph, then I can ride his,
    which goes 120mph. Dayuuuum, im so excited.

  7. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2014 4:22pm UTC
    I'm left with my worthless talent to make the wrong choices.

  8. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2014 12:47pm UTC
    My theory on Valentines:
    Valentines are supposed to be someone you love
    Someone you'd give your life for
    Someone you'd happily be bonded with forever.
    So if you don't have a Valentine,
    Be glad
    Because that means you're willing to wait for the love of your life to come
    And y'know what.
    I'm proud of you.
    So don't worry,
    They'll show up soon,
    It just takes some time

  9. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2014 12:13am UTC
    Thou art no thy lane.

  10. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2014 5:40pm UTC
    Hello brilliant people of the world.
    Today I'd like to talk to you about scars.
    Many of you have them
    Many of them are from your own hand.
    And lemme tell you something,
    They do not make you ugly.
    Now that doesn't mean you need scars to be beautiful
    But you get what I'm laying down, right?
    Your scars don't define you.
    If someone wont talk to you because of your scars, they are unsenative idiots.
    I guess overall the point I'm trying to get across is that you aren't some freak because you hace scars
    You have absolutely no reason to be ashamed of it.
    You should also know that self harm is not the only option, nor is it the best.
    Each scar is a story that no one listened to
    And I promise that no matter how silly you think the reason is,
    I will listen to it.
    I guess all I ask is
    Next time you even think about dragging that blade along your skin
    Or running your finger tips over an open flame
    Or like any other way you may harm yourself
    Think of me
    And think 'Hey, maybe I should talk to this guy first. Maybe talking would help.'
    Stand tall, little soldier
    You can win this battle xo

  11. ~Spoken Silence~* ~Spoken Silence~*
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2014 9:38pm UTC
    " I want to spend every single second of my life with you, you complete me. I want to spend
    the rest of my life with you, I want to wake up in the morning with you next to me, I want to
    sit at the same table as you for meals, i want to grow old with you, and when this life is over,
    I want to be lied next to you, so our souls will find eachother in the next life, I want to spend
    all eternity with you, I love you, will You marry me?"

  12. ~Spoken Silence~* ~Spoken Silence~*
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2014 7:33pm UTC
    Great, just another screw up.

  13. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2014 12:25pm UTC
    I'll fail on every level, simply because it goes against my nature to achieve anything.

  14. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2014 7:24pm UTC
    I'm not religious, but at the end of
    my life I wouldn't mind hearing a
    deep, resounding voice tell me
    what it was I should have done.

  15. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2014 5:18pm UTC
    F is for Friends who do stuff without you
    U is for Ur alone
    N is for Never going anywhere at all, all you do is sit at home.

  16. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2014 6:37pm UTC
    It's funny how the American society is more accepting of Ligers and Zonkeys
    Than they are of gay people and immigrants.

  17. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2014 6:07pm UTC
    Hello, friends.
    So, Valentines day is coming up
    And I would like to take this time to let you know that you are brilliant
    You need to know that not having a Valentine does not mean you're ugly.
    It doesn't mean you're a terrible person
    And it does not mean no one likes you.
    The person who likes you could easily be too shy to ask you
    And you know what.
    You are absolutely perfect, okay?
    Each and every one of you
    You're beautiful, caring, kind, fantatic and radiant.
    Please, never let the lack of a Valentine bring you down
    Instead you need to smile and be happy
    Knowing that one day, you will have a Valentine
    And they will be almost as perfect as you are.
    Stay strong, luscious
    Your prince charming just needs some time to mature.

  18. *•°¯`••songbird••´¯°•* *•°¯`••songbird••´¯°•*
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2014 12:43pm UTC
    Me : *points at person's name*
    Me : You spelled bìtch wrong

  19. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2014 3:40pm UTC
    Don't do your best
    Do someone better than you's best.

  20. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 1:10pm UTC
    I have a hot date for Valentines day
    And I plan to play with him all night
    It'll be the best day ever
    Maybe he'll let me bring my steamy friend along
    And I can eat my friend as I play with him
    Their names are Gameboy and Potato.


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