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Best Dangerous Quotes Ever

  1. McDreamer* McDreamer*
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2014 2:14pm UTC
    The most dangerous
    people are those
    have nothing to

  2. desultori* desultori*
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 1:08am UTC
    He was a storm. His voice echoed like thunder and his eyes were as bright as lightning. He was dangerous and could do a lot of harm and most people didn't feel safe with him around, but I couldn't help but find him relaxing and beautiful and everytime I saw him I couldn't help but think how much I love storms.

  3. *blushes* *blushes*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2015 5:14am UTC
    daydreams were dangerous, because they made
    her wish for things she could never have

  4. ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 11:32pm UTC
    It's very dangerous
    to leave me alone with
    my thoughts.

  5. TylerLumberjack TylerLumberjack
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2013 6:14pm UTC
    Water is so dangerous that it's the #1 cause of drowning in the world. In addition to that, everyone who is exposed to water has died. I think we need water control laws.

  6. peacegirl270 peacegirl270
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 7:12pm UTC
    I exercised once, but I found I was allergic.
    My skin flushed and my heart raced. I got sweaty and out of breath.
    It was very dangerous....

  7. makenna123 makenna123
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 2:15pm UTC

  8. josiewdog123 josiewdog123
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 11:40am UTC
    The girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust.
    The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous

  9. Live2Run2Live* Live2Run2Live*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2013 10:00pm UTC
    He's sweet, I'm wild;
    we're dangerous.

  10. dancegurliee dancegurliee
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 4:58pm UTC
    Crush is just a cute word for lúst. It’s based on looks, and you can crush on someone once you’ve seen them/ met them. Really innocent and pretty safe.
    Like is when you’ve actually talked to them, and started developing feelings for them. You started to get to really know them, and you start liking them. Not really safe, can fall in love.

  11. writtenrain* writtenrain*
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2014 6:21pm UTC

  12. iloveu4ever51 iloveu4ever51
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2013 7:02pm UTC
    Dangerous Chapter Fifteen
    ♦ Lauren's P.O.V ♦
    As he left my thoughts returned back to Abbey.How many other people knew about this?Was Abbey conspiring with other members of our team?Why was she even doing this?What would she get out of it?It was pretty dark as I squinted in the dark to make out the skeleton gaurds.I wondered how Aden even got them to work for him.I hated how he got me to so easily but was he a softie at heart?Or am I completely getting fooled by him?Questions raced in my head but I was locked in this cell so I couldn't even try to get any answers.I think my coy act to Aden was foolproof and he had no idea what was coming to him.Soon I would expose Abbey's true way and take her to the FBI court.The next day soon arrived and at 7 two ladies walked in the cell.Or I think they were ladies.They looked at me and gave a dissapproving look and I glared at them.One of the ladies made me take a shower but I couldn't escape naked.When they gave me the clothes the look on my face was unbelievable.He had picked out for me a tight mini black dress with red 4 inch high heels.Just then I realized he had put clothes on me that I couldn't run easily in.I put the clothes on angrily and slipped on the high heels..Time went by slowly and then finally Aden came.He looked $exy and hot at the same time with his black suit.Aden gave me a lopsided grin as he stared at me from foot up.
    "Well...you look very daring today."Aden commented as his fingers trailed on my arms.
    "You're the one who suggested this outfit for me."I retorted.
    "Don't I have good taste?"Aden smirked at me.
    "Whatever I didn't want to dress like a hooker for the date."I said angrily.
    "Hey look I thought it'd be appropriate since we're going to a bar."Aden added.
    "Yeah okay I guess but I'm not forgiving you."I said.
    "Not even for this macho guy?"He winked.
    I blushed and said,"Nope."
    I wonder how the bar was going to be like as we walked in the morbid scene.Honestly I always wanted a wild date but this would never beat any of the other dates I've been too.I mean who dates the devil's son and in he//?I'm must be some weird kid to get this or maybe it's a normal life.He grabbed my hand as I heard music blared on and drunken looking skeletons walking in.I never knew he// was like this but oookay.Aden scanned our idea as the crowd stared at us.Whispers broke out and now I felt like the dress just became smaller on me.Aden slipped his hand around my waist but I wanted to run for my life.I ordered soda since I wasn't really into being an alcholic so as I sipped on my soda Aden ordered Vodka.As he took his fifth glass I worriedly stared at him.
    "Hey take it easy Aden."I warned.
    "Hey don't worry princess I'll be here to hold you."He said as he slowly leaned into me protectively.
    "Touch me one more time and I swear I'll kill you."I threatened.
    "Honey you know that you can't beat me."He teased.
    "Whatever."I said.
    "You should really try this Vodka it's fiery."He said taking another swig.
    "Fine I will.Waiter can I have a glass of Vodka?"I asked.
    "Coming right up miss."He said and winked at me.Was he flirting with me?He handed me a glass as I sipped it.Surprisingly it tasted good as I got another glass.
    "Wanna dance?"I asked Aden feeling slightly woozy.
    "Nahh honey I'll come up in a couple minutes."He said.
    "Okay your loss."I said as another guy came and grabbed me by the waist.By that time I wasn't caring who put their hands on me as I danced with a couple eyes.It was funny how guys tried making moves on me but I couldn't see where Aden was.Another guy came up and started dancing with me.
    "Hey beautiful."he said.
    "Hey how are you?"I asked.
    "Doing well I'm Robert you?"He asked slinking his arms around my waist.
    "I'm Lauren."I said cheerfully.We danced for awhile until he took my hand saying he had a place to show me.I followed him to the back as he got me some wine.I drank it as my head felt like it weighed a ton.
    "So I wanted to talk to you."He said.
    "Maybe I should go my date will be waiting for me."I awkwardly fumbled around.
    "You have a date?And if you do then why did he leave such a beautiful girl alone?"He said cornering me as he ran his hands over my stomach.It curled up as he spoke into my ears.
    "Uhh can I go?"I asked.
    "No.Now your mine only little girl."He said tying me up.I screamed Aden over and over but no one was coming yet.
    "Someone help!Help please!"I screamed.
    "No one is going to come for you honey now your all mine."He took his knives out as they glinted in the light.
    "Who are you?"I screamed.
    "You may call me Mr.Moody."He replied.
    "F***** you leave me alone now."I said trying to kick him.
    "Don't go there the last girl who tried was gone forever."He said in a eeire smile.
    "Well not this girl."I said trying to knock him down.
    "Aww princess I suggest you stick to your teacups and dolls."He sneered.
    "Shut up! If you were a real man then you would untie me and fight me like a man."I said.
    "Sweetie don't go there."he said as he held the knife to my throat.As it dugged in I whimpered slighty."Ready to challenge me?"
    "Shut up!"I shouted as Aden ran in.His face contorted to anger.
    "Leave her alone Robert or you know what the punishments are."Aden said.
    Mr.Moody shivered with fear as he said,"Whatever I'll have you next time princess."
    Aden scowled and I wondered if he was jealous."Thanks Aden."I ran up to him and hugged him.I think I took him by surprise but I wouldn't be alive without him here.He hugged me back as I took comfort in his strong arms.We stood there until I broke away from him.
    A/N:What's happening to Lauren and will the famous Mr.Moody strike again?Will he hurt Lauren and get away like he did with Jenny?..It's becoming more dangerous and tense for everyone.Will Lauren fall prey to her own game?

  13. Alexwise Alexwise
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 12:10pm UTC
    Sometimes the most dangerous place to be is alone with your thoughts.

  14. уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ* уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ*
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2013 4:39pm UTC
    Eye contact is a dangerous,
    dangerous thing. But lovely.
    Oh, so lovely
    Format credit to Jade627 and Amenah
    I just changed the colours

  15. DawnRaven DawnRaven
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2013 3:12pm UTC
    Professionals are predictable, it's the amateurs that are dangerous

  16. iloveu4ever51 iloveu4ever51
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2013 1:31am UTC
    Dangerous Chapter Twelve
    ♦ Lauren's P.O.V ♦
    As the wall closed on me it suddenly became darker.I felt my hands trying to find a light source but there was none.I could feel the floor being rocky as distant screaming was heard.I gingerly got up and tried testing my legs.They worked as I walked around almost blindly walked into huge empty pits.Fortunatly I found my way around until I got in a empty room that was littered with deads decaying bodies.I pinched my nose in disgust as I wondered what this place was.Honestly I really didn't know what Abbey was doing I was just saying it to make the truth come out.It seemed like it worked but in the wrong way.I couldn't believe she would push me into this mysterious,disgusting,unknown place.What kind of friend was she?I thought Abbey was better then that so...why?What was she so worried about that I might find out about?Right now I had to find my way and tell someone about Abbey before anyone does anything.Slowly I made my way around the bodies until one stiffened and got up.One by one all of them rose and the nearest one grabbed my ankles.I kicked it and made it fly into the pit of acid.It screamed as the night was drenched in blood.Four to five dead people grabbed me as I tried fighting my way out.Sometimes I got lucky but other times I was completely bound to their mercy.A loud deafening noise was made as I swiveled my head to look at the bony looking guy.He actually had skin but was ancient looking with a long beard going to his chest.I winced as his eye lingered on me and the dead people tightened their grip on me.I struggled but I was getting dragged away to who know's where?I was dragged to an unknown place where flames soared up into the sky as the ashes and gas made me choke to death.The dead people handed me water as I stared at it a couple of minutes.When no one was looking at me I hid it in my pocket just in case if I needed it later.This place sure looked like he//'s image soo could it be...?Why would Alli have connection to the netherworld?Why was Abbey here anyways?Is she in contact with these people or what?Slowly I was trying to figure out the peices but some of them didn't even fit and others just didn't make sense?Why Abbey out of all people honestly?What's her reason and would I even survive?
    "What are we going to do with her boss?"one of the scaly bone bag said.
    A man turned around but he was stunningly hot.The type where the person was so beautiful it felt like they weren't real.I saw the horns on the head and I shuddered in fear.His beauty was dangerous.He was just like glass,beautiful to look at but dangerous to mess around.His lips turned into a curve that hinted unknown secrets and mysteries.I thought the devil would be ugly looking but he actually looks hot...Silently I prayed in my head as his face twisted with pain.Suddenly hot tongs were on my arms and left marks on my arms.I screamed in pain as the devil relaxed.
    "Girl if you dare to say His name then I will kill you in the most cruelest punishment ever."He threatened.
    "Shut up you scaredy cat!"I said without realizing who I was saying it to.
    His face contorted into something indescribable and I knew the glass just became the weapon instead of the beauty."How dare you you insulting waste of trash.No wonder He is not saving you."
    "I don't care what you say!God will save me!"I exclaimed.Even if I was a FBI agent my mom had taught me to believe in God because without him we wouldn't have power.I lifted my arms and knocked the devil himself on his butt.
    "Okay now you've done it.Lock her up!And I'll have a special visit just for Lauren."He said with a sly grin.Fear now crawled at the back of my mind as I tried fighting it off.
    "You can never have me!"I spat on the devils shoes as he hissed in anger.
    "Oh are you sure about that?"He said.
    Positive.If you come any closer to me then I swear I will break your fingers off."I threatened without realizing he is the devil.
    He laughed,"While your at it my name is Aden."
    "Well Aden atleast I have faith in God unlike you who fell to the dark."I hissed.
    He shuddered and in a minute I was being dragged away from the skeltons.He smirked at me and I glared right back at him.
    "Honey I'll see you in a couple of minutes just gotta take care of some business.."He trailed off and I didn't want to know what he meant by that.
    "Don't call me your honey."I said and bristled at the thought of the devil saying that.
    "I'm not the devil I'm his son."He said and I a shocked look on my face.
    ♦ Allison's Grandma's P.O.V ♦
    I taken that guy to the police explaining of what he did and watching their face incredously look at me.Sure I was old but that doesn't mean I'm letting anyone break into my house.
    "So ma'am this young man broke in to your house?"the burly looking officer said.
    "Yes of course officer.He even threatened me if I went to you guys but this country needs to be served justice so other people don't have to deal with this."I said honestly looking straight at the other officer.
    He chuckled,"Well you are some fighter thank you for bringing him here and we will discuss the paperwork tommorrow at 9."
    "Thank you officer Quincy."I said and left quickly.I drove home and baked a new cake for Alli and decided to take her home.The hospital was thankfully releasing her and I was glad my granddaughter was alive.Everyday was lucky for me since I get to see Alli and not worry to leave her all alone.I picked her up at the hospital and saw a flush in her face.I relaxed knowing that Alli would be in a good place.If she was with Jace when I'm out maybe he'll take care of her.Whatever it is Alli probably knows her power now and Jace will help her.His family is of the opposite team but the school had assigned him to help Alli so I decided to call him to train her at home.I didn't like Alli training where a dead body as been found so I had called Jace.
    "Hi Jonathan I'm Alli's grandma."I clarified so he wasn't confused.
    "Uh hi."He said awkwardly and I secretly noted to see whats his records are like.
    "Can you do me a favor Jonathan?"I asked.
    "Sure anything."he says casually.
    "Can you train Alli at my house I have a full room which you can use?"I added.
    Note:Seems like there is a game being played everywhere.Lauren is playing a dangerous game with the devils son but watch out Lauren because your life is the price.Also Lauren should remember unexpected things happen in the most weirdest places ever but is the devils son as he really seems?Now innocent kind grandma got that guy in jail but is her house really safe?Was it even right to ask Jace to train Alli at her house when she knows he's on the opposte FBI team?Seems like someone forgot their common sense which they need it right now since the game is only becoming more Dangerous....

  17. theinfinitejar theinfinitejar
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2013 4:09am UTC
    That darn-it-why-did-I-agree-to-this feeling when you and your friend are climbing the roof of a seven-story apartment building and the people on the ground look like mice.

  18. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2016 5:50pm UTC
    when the smoke is in your eyes
    you look so alive

  19. Vanessa15* Vanessa15*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2014 1:21am UTC
    look into my eyes it's where my
    demons hide it's where my demons hide

  20. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2017 7:48pm UTC
    Please leave format credit to 1986!
    Girls like her, my grandfather once warned me, girls like her turn into women with eyes like bullet holes and mouths made of knives. They are always restless. They are always hungry. They are bad news. They will drink you down like a shot of whisky. Falling in love with them is like falling down a flight of stairs.


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