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Best Creation Quotes This Week

  1. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2013 5:40pm UTC
    *When God created me*
    God: I'll put in a few tablespoons of talent.
    God: Whoops!! I accidentally put failure instead...
    God: Well I could put attractiveness in to replace it. No big deal.
    God: *Drops whole bottle*
    God: Oh no! That was ugliness not attractiveness...
    God: Whatever mind as well put in some awkward too...

  2. RingoStar RingoStar
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2013 9:45am UTC
    I wonder if
    S t e v e i n t e n d e d f o r w i t t y t o b e f u l l o f
    socially awkward teenage girls with
    no social life whatsoever?
    P R O B A B L Y N O T .

  3. crookedyoung crookedyoung
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2013 12:32pm UTC
    'search and create. create and destroy.'
    yes, creation is difficult. heart wrenching and head splitting, bloodletting and agonizing, it's all true. but the feeling you get when you put your back, neck, and soul into something and it comes out better than you could have ever hoped or imagined it would... that feeling is immense, and it is only topped when someone who truly understands is blown away by your creation and says to you, 'wow. you made this?' and you reply, 'no. it made me.'
    once you experience this super nova, you will forever be changed, and you will forever chase your next fix. and that chase eventually destroys (defines) us all.
    dear creators, my heart goes out to you.
    - frank iero

  4. Raxin Raxin
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2016 8:47pm UTC
    Believer: “Everything that exists was created.”
    Challenger: “Who created the creator?”
    Believer: “Nobody created the creator.”
    Challenger: “Then, by your first rule, the creator doesn’t exist.”

  5. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2016 5:44pm UTC

  6. Oniichan Oniichan
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2013 4:30pm UTC
    "Before creation, there must be destruction."

  7. *exploit* *exploit*
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2013 7:39pm UTC
    No one could have less faith in the absolute and definitive importance
    of the work created by man, because I believe that
    this world is nothing but a dream.

  8. AEleanore AEleanore
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2013 9:47pm UTC
    The whole difference between construction and creation is this:
    a thing constructed can only be loved after it exists
    but a thing created is loved before it exists
    Charles Dickens

  9. dumbandsmarter dumbandsmarter
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2013 11:46pm UTC
    Playing Sims.
    Because Reality sucks,
    And I'd rather make my own.

  10. xxnevershoutnever xxnevershoutnever
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2014 11:33pm UTC
    is a form of creation.

  11. Nicole🙊* Nicole🙊*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2015 3:57pm UTC
    Sometime you have to create your own sunshine

  12. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2013 4:48pm UTC
    Am I the only one who has realized how similar the muslim and christian creation stories are?

  13. privacy* privacy*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2015 8:39am UTC
    Love is eternal "never changes".

  14. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2016 1:15am UTC
    "A chief reason for an unrealistic price rise, inflation, poor employment generation & economic recession is ‘Right Person in Wrong Position’ leading to implementation of ineffective policy & defective strategy and thereby imperilling the GDP (Growth, Development & Progress) of the nation."
    ~Anuj Somany


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