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Best Burning Quotes This Week

  1. Too_Many_Secrets Too_Many_Secrets
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 1:20am UTC
    That burning sensation in your eyes
    when you finally stop

  2. KrazyKira KrazyKira
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2014 3:02pm UTC
    I am so sleep drunk it isn't even funny....
    I am going on 30 hours with no sleep at all.
    My eyes are burning so bad and are itching like crazy because of no sleep.
    To top it off I'm sitting here babysitting a 9month old baby and I have to go to a concert/firework show later today.
    And then I'm going to an all nighter with my friend...
    I don't know if I can do this!
    Wish me luck!
    by the time monday hits I'm going to sleep for eternity!!!

  3. teenagefitness teenagefitness
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 8:12am UTC
    "If you want a butt, as well as abs, squat heavy.
    If you want arms, pull a lot of things, and push.
    Simple as that. Keep it heavy.
    Don't do sissy workouts from Cosmo."

  4. teenagefitness teenagefitness
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 8:17am UTC
    I have a challenge for you!
    Pick up one of the books, and..
    Every time a spell is cast, do 10 jumping jacks.
    Every time anyone is awarded points, do 10 squats.
    When points are taken away, do 10 lunges.
    When Hagrid says "I shouldn't have said that", do 30 jumping jacks.
    When a painting talks, do 15 crunches.
    Anytime anyone says "he who must be named", or "you know who", do 10 sit-ups.
    Ron says "Bloody ---", do 10 lunges.
    When someone cries, do 20 crunches.
    When someone says 'Voldermort', do 5 push-ups.
    Anytime a pet is shown, do 10 bycicles.
    When a ghost talks, do 5 push-ups.
    Good luck :D

  5. lillan122 lillan122
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2013 11:47am UTC
    Got a burning Hatred inside of you? Want to bully? I'm right here, Kill me if you like, I've felt pain before, but leave that other kid alone, leave people alone, come on you coward! COME ON BULLY ME, do I care?
    1. You're a coward to pick on anyone
    2. Why make that kid suicidal when you can come and pick on me, get me to die, see if I care! Just leave that kid alone!
    3. Come at me bro, Haters online dont upset me, seriously, they dont!

  6. anonymoussadness anonymoussadness
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 3:28am UTC
    My pain is progressing. I have yet to start cutting but I'm getting there day by day...
    and i cannot stop myself.

  7. SkylarMini SkylarMini
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 7:47am UTC
    Cause you only know the light when its burning low,
    Only want the sun went it starts to snow,
    Only know your lover when you let her go,
    And you let her go...

  8. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2013 3:14pm UTC
    I was 14 years old when I got my first tattoo...Coming from a family that had a lot of tattoos and looked at them as meaningfull memories of art, I always wanted one. It was spring and my sister told me that she had to leave soon and had an appointment to get a tattoo. I begged her to take me, but it was not in her say. The tattoo artist was a family friend and knew my mother quite well, I then called my mom and begged her, saying all I wanted was a simple word "Strength" on my wrist. She told me that is would be marked on my body forever and if I was ready to get one. Of course I said yes and then asked my mom's fiance, both agreed. I remember sitting in the car for the longest time, waiting for my sister to get gas. I was shaking from the anxiety of getting one for the first time. Remembering what others had told me, "It feels like a painful bee-sting" But I was ready for this. The tattoo shop was small and sort of crowded, I decided to let my sister go first. Watching the fine lines of details of a owl in a blue tea cup. This only took about a half hour, I soon sat down and he cleaned my wrist. "Don't move" he told me. The buzzing started and I quickly turned my head to talk to my sister. The fine tip touched my flesh and I felt a burning pleasure. Before I knew it, it was over in under 15 minutes. I looked at my wrist and knew that it was worth it. All the myths about the wrist being one of the most painful ones went out the window, because I was surprised I didn't hurt that bad. Later on at school I got a lot of bad remarks, people and teachers saying I was too young to have a tattoo. That tattoos were sins, and my mother was bad at parenting. Also that I was too young and too stupid to know what real strength was. But I didn't mean strength in a physical way. I grew up in an abusive home and constanly was told I was worthless. After dealing with my parents divorce, I started self-harm, then going into therapy. It was a constanly struggle at home with a broken family, and I wanted to look at my wrist everyday knowing I had gotten through it in one piece.
    I was 15 years old when I got my second tattoo...It was March, and I had asked my brother to take me to the same artist as my first tattoo. He then agreed, and I woke up then next day to a blizzard. I called my brother asking if he was still going to take me, though the roads were very icy, he still was. Call me crazy or not, I thought the tattoo was worth it. I got all ready, and we decided to head out. When driving down the road the snow became to worsen, it was difficult to see and I told him to just go back. He said it was alright, and we started to swerve on ice. When we finally got there, the aritst misunderstood and set an appointment for me for the following week. Knowing that I really wanted it that day and had cash in hand, he set up shop and started tattooing me.This was the tattoo that had told my best friend that he'd be the first one to see it. Sadly, he had taken his life the month before, but I still knew he'd be seeing me getting it, and be the first one to see it. Being very ticklish on my back, I started to laugh. The needle had turned my pain into laughter. Within an hour it was finished. I looked at my back to see a Dead and alive tree twisting together with a pink carnation growing out the side and birds flying away. I loved it instanltly. I knew I'd get a third one, sometimes soon. I always do. At first when others looked at my back they'd just saw a pretty tree. But they didn't know that dead part resembeled my past. After being in therapy, my dad had done some awful things. I then went to court to get a protective order against him for two years. I had finally felt free for once in my life, thus the birds flying away. I knew that my future would be so much better without him, therefore the alive tree. Even though I am free and my future will be better, doesn't mean I won't have problems, thats why they are twisting together. But the pink carnation resembles my mother, she had always helped me become a better person, and so I knew she had to be apart of the tree too.
    I do plan on getting a lot more tattoos. I don't care if people judge me for them. Yes, every tattoo will hurt, but its a painful pleasure. It is part of the experience. I cannot describe what it feels like, the best thing you can do to feel it, is just to get one. No, I don't care if you say "You won't get a job with all of those," Only 37% of jobs won't hire because of tattoos. I highly suggest you go to a professional to get one. Never be afraid to get one, they are meaingful memories of art.

  9. teenagefitness teenagefitness
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 8:21am UTC
    Eat slowly; it takes 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full.
    Enjoy your food; it's one of life's greatest pleasures, not a punishment.
    Get enough sleep; it helps regulate your metabolism.

  10. AntisocialButterfly AntisocialButterfly
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2014 1:16am UTC
    'Cause I burned every bridge I ever built
    When you were here.

  11. seeinggrayinacoloredworld seeinggrayinacoloredworld
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2013 1:44pm UTC
    yesterday my 6 yr old cousin asked me how i got all the scars on my arms. i said my cat. he said my cat must really hate me if he scratched me so much. he also pointed to my burn that blisterd and asked if my "bug bite" itched....

  12. teenagefitness teenagefitness
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 7:57am UTC
    My 93 Day Booty & Leg Toning Project.
    Day One: March 3rd, 2013.
    Tip of the day:
    Hungry? Eat. But instead of grabbing that packet of chips in the kitchen, grab an apple.
    It will keep you fuller for longer, and it's healthier, as well.
    - Natural yogurt with cereal.
    - Banana.
    - One large serving spoon of chicken lasagne.
    - About 10 avocado cubes.
    - Green beans.
    - Water.
    - Crushed avocado with lemon and a pinch of sugar.
    - Suggar-apple.
    Dinner; (before 9.30pm)
    - Boiled chicken breast.
    - Brown rice.
    - Salad.
    - Lemonade.

  13. Emma Is Not My Name* Emma Is Not My Name*
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2014 3:01pm UTC
    I really got lost in this burning heII..

  14. givemeink givemeink
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2014 12:08am UTC
    "We all want to die like movie stars." You said, as you jumped
    From the height of our cutting room floor.
    Well above us
    Glowing, Exploding,
    Our dreams forth in life and death.
    Hold me and tell me we'll burn like stars.
    We'll burn as we fall.
    Watch, as city lights
    Dance for us.

  15. fionarose fionarose
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2014 7:10am UTC
    It burns on your tongue, then all the way down
    But once it's in your blood, all the memories drown

  16. zer0* zer0*
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2014 9:23pm UTC
    I'm slipping more and more every day.

  17. Virginia Doran* Virginia Doran*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 11:44pm UTC
    I cry out but no words come out im drounding in a pool of my own tears I reach out to you threw the flames of this burning room but you just keep walking away I blow up and scream and I grow and still screaming in the pain of over bearing loneliness that I feel in the depth of my stomach and it hurts like hell.
    left me to burn

  18. lautnerlover98 lautnerlover98
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2013 7:13pm UTC
    Everyone keeps saying my parents treat me good and I should love them. They just bought my brother an xbox 1 and they are only feeding 4 out of the 5 people who live here. Tell me again how I should love them.

  19. The Quiet* The Quiet*
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2013 10:30pm UTC
    The sky is getting bright, the stars are burning out...

  20. hoobubbly hoobubbly
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 8:53am UTC
    Burnt Back - By Hannah Smith
    Burnt Back story outline:
    A family of four move into ther new house on a small street in a small countryside village. They know perfectly well that someone died in the recent fire in their new house, but as they are not supersticious they don't care. But when they start seeing him in the house, whenever it's dark, or in reflections, they begin to believe that the ghost of the man is still in the house...
    But they are wrong. Very, very wrong...
    The man never died.
    I will be uploading the story in a minute, I just thought I'd give you a brief outline of the begining of the story.


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