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I fear the silence.

Silence makes the hurt apparent. It makes the hurt real, tangible, sharp. The hurt surrounds me until it's all I feel, all I know.

nce makes the lonliness worse. It presses against me, closing in, holding tight. The absence of human touch, of human warmth, is made only more obvious by the cold presence of lonliness.

ence makes the voices louder. They scream, shout, whisper, taunt, laugh. They're all I can hear. They wrap around me, suffocate me, until they become real. Until they become the only real. There is nothing else but this biting noise birthed from the silence.

I fear the silence. It is the thing that will take my life.
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I fear the silence. Silence makes the hurt apparent. It makes

6 faves · Sep 2, 2015 10:27pm





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