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Al l  My  Scars  are  Open


"Are you kidding me mom?!"
"Sorry honey, but I don't want you to be alone while I'm gone. I actually want you to have a social life." I gasped in mocking hurt, although I knew it may or may not be true. At least I have 800 followers on Tumblr. "Besides," she continued, "You might even snag along a guy's heart. You just never know."
"Mom!" She laughed, gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, and left with a flourish of her golden blonde hair and the slam of the door.
          Allow me to explain my current depressing situation, with full on details about my depressing life. For this year, I'm taking a gap year from college. Why? Because I can. Also because I was hoping my parents and I could enjoy this year together, since they're never home. Sometimes I even think they try to forget they have an ugly daughter with unruly yet dead hair, complete with an unproportional body and flat eyes who has no social life whatsoever. Anyway, instead of taking a total year off with me, mom and dad decided to have their own little happy vaycay without their daughter. Their only daughter. For a whole year. They put me in a little summer camp (yes, a SUMMER CAMP. How childish is that?) full of college students in my type of situation. Whoopee. And I get to live alone in their beach house near the so-called camp.
          Now don't get me wrong, I love the beach house and its amazing view and all that, but I desperately need a friend. Sigh. At least the summer camp is only 4 hours long into the day. Oh, and I just remembered, I need a job. Great. This year is going to be terrible, and it hasn't even started yet.
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Al l My Scars are Open Introduction "Are you kidding me

5 faves · 2 comments · Apr 6, 2014 6:16pm





love · funny · story · sad · plottwist · quote

Gold · 1 decade ago
This sounds really interesting! You're a pretty good writer (◡‿◡✿)
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amazinq · 1 decade ago
Thank you so much! I've actually done this a few times before. ^-^
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