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Sometimes she makes me feel like my problems don't matter.
Sometimes I just don't bother because she'll make it all about her.
I can't do anything but listen. I'm always there. Still hoping she is too.
I care about her a million times over. She is my best friend.
I can'
t show I care because if she faces big things in life and moves away,
We'll be
worlds apart and so I can't catch her. And I always think about the future.
She is li
ke my sister, I think she always has been in some way.
love her, I do but sometimes I wanna be the one worth

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Sometimes she makes me feel like my problems don't matter.

7 faves · 7 comments · Feb 13, 2014 1:09pm





love · friendship · family · future · away messages

NoManners · 1 decade ago
You know my friend said the same thing to me, he was calling me self centred and that i only cared about my self when the truth was he was the one that didn't care and never paid any attention. You may think it's her, but maybe she thinks it's you...
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xXLittleEllieBlueXx · 1 decade ago
Sometimes in life we face things we can't understand, we hide from the things that matter the most to us, but flee in the absence that no one cares. Everyone lives their own story in reverse, to relive previous entanglements we cannot live to forget. We keep them close to us in hope to restore order and choose who to trust. Like, I haven't seen so much potential in any of my friends lives before and she tries her best each and everyday but finds it hard sometimes to see that I care. I haven't hugged her in years but maybe I should, it's been wandering my mind for a while. Sometimes I believe she feels if I hug her she might think I'm going to disappear but on any day she knows I won't. I'm still discovering my family and she gets that. You see, in my head if I hugged her, even then kissed her on the forehead every time she felt down.. I'd be able to tell her everything will be ok and I'll always catch her.. As all innocent totes of endearment go. At the end of the day we have to have faith in the words of our friends, sometimes actions such as a hug aren't possible but to pick out a dictionary and choose only the good words, I'd take good pride in that. I hope everything works out for you and I have given you some insight. ♥
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NoManners · 1 decade ago
No long winded essay was needed here. I find that this long reply is your way of trying to dig yourself out of the hole you have created by slagging off your supposedly 'best friend' on the internet. If you're that close and she's 'so much like a sister to you' then surely you would be able to sit her down and say this to her face?
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xXLittleEllieBlueXx · 1 decade ago
Wow! This is rather rude all of a sudden.. O.o but yeahh I write long replies most of the time, I like writing. It's elite to just sit in an empty room and listen to the rain once in a while and just type up something meaningful. :) I think it's best to prioritize (I think that's how you spell it?) and concentrate on your own thing, I apologize for the blunt delivery, dearly, but I don't mean to argue over something which is simply difficult words to a page as a pencil to paper. :) Take Care of Yourself, Hope you're good -- Bye x ♥
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KayleighJean · 1 decade ago
I know how you feel. And I have dealt with a similar situation for a very long time. It leaves you feeling kind of lonely, but you don't really want to be greedy and speak up because they have problems too. I really hope things work out ok?♥
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xXLittleEllieBlueXx · 1 decade ago
Yeah, It's more than definitely a tough subject to talk about because I haven't talked it over with her yet and I probably should, all I know is I'm one of the few people my best friend is comfortable talking to at times and being with her family. I do count on her, she's smart and always there, but I wouldn't call her selfish.. because what I've learned is she is maybe just trying being honest with me and I'm just jealous of what she has. Although I could never tell her because I wouldn't want to replace anyone I've lost by thinking about it. But I do get inspired by her alot. But yeah, perhaps I'm a bit stubborn and led astray of the idea at times. I really hope so too, nobody gets left behind ♥
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DawnRaven · 1 decade ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow you will get kissed 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 55555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 55555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 55555555555 555555555555555 555555555555555 555555555525555 55555555555 count down: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 now close your eyes and make a wish! NOW,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,* paste this into 15 different comments and your wish will come....! Hurry u have 20 mins
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