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The never released fairytale
Chapter 18 1/2
They let me go a month later and Finn, Benedict and Félicie went back to college.
Doctor Chandler decided I should write my Abitur in a real High School and we practically cured my phobia and I didn't have too many nightmares anymore, even without the pills.
I didn't tell the doctors, but my body had complications as I had my first menstruation after about four years.
Doctor Smith told me I should come again in a month so he could see how my injuries were dealing with the healing process and if he could make them look a little nicer.

"You have post", my mom tells me as we come in. Everything still looks pretty much the same and I am anxious seeing my room to be honest.
Mom gives me a bag full of letters and I look startled at her.
She laughs and says, "Just kidding.", then giving me three letters.
One from a very old and dear friend, one from a friend from Australia„ probably arrived just after I disappeared. On the last one there is no address, so I already have a fairly good idea from whom it came..
I open it, finding a credit card, a letter and a sheet of paper on which the card’s pin code and the number of my bank account is written.
The letter read in sloppy hand writing:

As promised, your own bank account. You will receive the amount that is currently on it every month. Don't think that is because we feel sorry for what we did, because we don't.
If you dare to tell anyone about us, it will have consequences, never forget that.
Be grateful for what we gave you.
And always keep in mind; we're always near you, no matter what. 

I sniff. Grateful for giving me nightmares?!
"From who is that?"
"Um ... Adrianna."
"What'd she write?"
"That she misses me. I'll go into my room now.” I basically run upstairs into a vacuumed room that looks like it'd wait for someone to live in it. Actually, it looks just like my room four years ago, just very cleaned. Looking into my closet, I decide I should definitely go into a mall or something like that. Fortunately Félicie gave me some of her old clothes that were even too big for me. The doctors told me I was almost too thin actually, so I should try to eat normal.
The phone rings just as I fall on my bed, but my mom answers it, so I don't bother going down. But my mom comes up to me instead.
"Asa, this is for you", she says, holding the phone on her shoulder.
"Oh?” she gives it to me and someone asks, "Asa Bennett?"
"You are very lucky. You can attend your Abitur the day after tomorrow and get a graduation like the students of your old grade."
"Thank you very much."
"Please be there at 9 o'clock."
"I will.” I hang up and bring the phone back down.
"Guys, I can graduate!", I announce to my family happily.
I think they would've thrown a party if they were able to.

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The never released fairytale Chapter 18 1/2 They let me go a

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