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hit me with your best shot

Chapter 7
Troy's POV
As the final bell rang, I made my way back to my english classroom. 
I still can't believe I got detention. If only Avery would at least try and help with the project...
"I didn't expect you to show." I said as I walked into the classroom and saw the blonde sitting there already.
"Yeah, well. I don't have anything better to do this afternoon." she replied, staring at the board. 
The teacher, Ms. Litrell wrote a note on the board saying that she couldn't make it, but she expected us to stay and she would know if we didn't because the principal will be checking up on us. 
"So remind me again what our topic is?" she asked me, and I rolled my eyes before grabbing the paper. 
"We have to teach about the relationship Cassius and Caesar and how stuff like that still exists in the world today." I explained to her. Once I thought about what we actually had to do, something clicked in my mind. 
"So Cassius hated Caesar, but didn't ever tell him that. They were rivals. Caesar never trusted Cassius."
I smiled to myself, figuring something out. This was exactly the situation Avery and I were in. 
"So they're both rivals, and they fight with each other?" she asked, starting to get it. 
"Sound familiar?" I asked her, my eyebrows raised. 
"Sounds like us." she replied, laughing a little. I've never made her laugh before. 
Her laugh was really cute. I glanced at her when she wasn't looking, and she looked good. 
She was wearing a plain grey t shirt with a pair of skinny jeans tucked into black boots. Her hair was pushed back and held into place by a black headband and she had a black and silver bracelet on her left wrist. 
She looked cute. She turned and caught me staring, then looked back at her paper. 
"So, are you excited for your date with Mary on Thursday?" she asked, a sly look on her face. 
"Actually, I invited Derrick and told him to bring you on the date as well. So yeah, Thursday night should be pretty interesting." I replied, smiling deviously back at her. Her face went pale. 
"No you didn't. Troy, you said you wouldn't mess this up for me!" sh complained. That's the first time I've heard her say my name in a while. We never really acknowledged each other by our first name. 
"That was before you told Mary we were going out together." I responded, as if it were no big deal. 
"You're such a jerk." she said, going back to writing teaching plans on her paper. 
"So you just tell everybody about Julius Caesar's fall, and I'll take care of the whole relating it to real life part. Got it?" she asked, finally making eye contact with me again. I nodded.
I got up to go to the bathroom, feeling the awkwardness just filling up the room. 
When I came back, Avery had a smirk on her face. What was she up to? 
"You have detention tomorrow afternoon, and the one after that." she told me, still smirking. 
"What? Why?" I asked, not quite believing her. 
"Because the principal just came, and asked where you were. So I told him you were skipping." she replied. 
"Why would you do that?" I asked, and I truly didn't understand why she would do that. 
"It's all part of the fun, isn't it? You mess up my relationship, I mess up something of yours." she responded. 
"What exactly did you mess up?" I asked, racking my brain. 
"Your big footall game against Valley High." she told me, the smirk on her face growing. 
"Avery, that's the biggest game of the season, not to mention our opener! If I miss the bus, I can't play!" I screamed, and she just laughed. This wasn't funny! What was she laughing at?
"You shoulda thought of that before you screwed with mine and Derrick's relationship." she said. 
She was getting fiesty. At least she can fight back. 
There was something about Avery that I just couldn't put my finger on. She was the school rebel, obviously, and she gave the school a bad name. And it was all because of me. And to be honest, I thought it was really hot. 
So is Avery. 

sorry for not uploading yesterday! here's a longer chapter to make up for it! 

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hit me with your best shot Chapter 7 Troy's POV As the final

63 faves · 3 comments · Jan 3, 2013 5:09pm






sooky234 · 1 decade ago
Cool :) I like how it is in Troy's Perspective.
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macjohnson8 · 1 decade ago
Notify me please!
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Mandy324 · 1 decade ago
Kl, keep writing and mabye even upload again today?
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