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The Boy WhChanged Me

Chapter 26
Lexi's P.O.V.

I ran home and stormed into the house, looking like a complete mess.
"Excuse me, where have you been?!" my father said so loudly that my mother came running from the kitchen, in her silly Hello Kitty cooking apron.
"You are still grounded, where the heck are you coming from?!" my mother retorted sternly.
"You're grounded for an extra two weeks, for breaking our rules and sneaking out out while you're still grounded." my dad growled as he sighed deeply.
I was too depressed about Chandler that I didn't even bother arguing back, so I just walked upstairs silently, baracading myself in my room once again.
I look at my disgusting reflection in the mirror as I took out a razor.
I'm sorry, but I need to.
I cried silently on the ground as I had done it again.
I got up and slammed my desk, making everything on it tumble to the floor.
I saw a box of unopened cigarettes hiding behind my perfume collection.
I sniffled as I pushed my bangs behind my ear.
Am I strong enough to not start again? 

It was Monday morning, and I had to face school, ugh.
I slapped on a light green Hollister shirt and dark navy skinny jeans and black converses.
I was dropped off at school, and the day went by slowly.
Now it was time for my least favorite class of all, English, since my table consisted of sl/tty Trisha and cheating Chandler.
I watched him slowly walked in with his friends, followed by Trisha and her gang, whose face was caked with extra make-up today.
More kids walked into the room, and the bell rang for the class to start.
An old lady with braids in her hair and a strangely shaped nose walked in, obsessing on her phone.
"Do your classswork or whatever." the substitute mumbled.
Oh great, another one of those substitutes that don't do anything.
"So Lex, did you have fun at the carnival Saturday, I know I did!" Trisha said loudly, as half the class started to snicker.
I'm guessing she posted on Facebook all about her hooking up with Chandler, and that he ditched me for her.
"Lexi, now you can see that nobody wants you, you're trash." Manella, one of Trisha's friends said to me, as the class grew silent.
Her skanks started surrounding me, as they glared at me.
"You're pathetic and a loser, why don't you just like go away!" a girl with dirty blonde hair shrieked, as the teacher was too busy blasting music with her earphones.
"Just leave this school, nobody wants you here, you're just a little bratty b/tch." Trisha snarled.
You know, maybe that's a good idea.


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The Boy Who Changed Me Chapter 26 Lexi's P.O.V. I ran home

33 faves · 1 comments · Nov 24, 2012 6:34pm






cupcakes67 · 1 decade ago
o: Where is Lexi gonna go!!??
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