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Commercial: *Fit girls running everywhere*

Me: Yeah, right..that's exactly what I want to do when I have cramps.

Commercial: My period and I are best friends.

Me: Bull crap..being friends with my period is like being friends with the Grim Reaper.

Commercial: I just want to hold really soft things.

Me: Pfftt...No I want to curl up in a ball or eat all Chocolate in sight.

Commercial: It makes me feel really pure.

Me: It makes me feel like a B/tch.

Commercial: I like to move in slow motion.

Me: I like to yell really loud at everyone around me.

Commercial: I do all of this in white.

Me: I wear baggy clothes and mainly black.

Commercial: And on the third day I want to dance.

Me: On the third day Im bloated and just want to stay out of the public eye.

Commercial: *Shows blue liquid on pad*

Me: What the heck is wrong with me? Is that what's supposed to happen? Mom something's wrong with me!




Me: What a joke.. Must be some Super Human thing..

Ridiculous Tampon Ads...

I have this arguement with myself everytime I watch these commercials.

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Commercial: *Fit girls running everywhere* Me: Yeah, right..that's

296 faves · 3 comments · Aug 7, 2012 11:06pm






dukey95 · 1 decade ago
for everyone, yes I know the commercial was a joke, I just made up my own second half while watching it!(:
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hiimhi · 1 decade ago
Wait, you know that commercial is a joke, right?
Not trying to be a I'm just slow lmao
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i_will_awake_down_the_line · 1 decade ago
oh my gosh i totally agree
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