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Clique wars.
**Sequal to Mascara**

Chapter 6.
I woke up to the hot California sun blazing on my skin.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Josh said giving me a smile.
"Goodmorning.." I yawned.  "What time is it?" I asked tiredly.
He looked down at his wrist.
"Time for me to get a watch." He teased.
I laughed a little, then pulled out my phone.
"Oh my god Josh, it's 10:30!  We have to get to school!" I exclaimed jumping to my feet.
"Woah Emma." Josh said anxiously, pulling me back down.  "Are you really going to school looking like that?"
I looked down at my sweats and sweatshirt covered in sand.
"Good point.." I admitted.
"How about we just spend the day at the beach?" Josh asked patiently, giving me a smile.
"My mom's going to kill me Josh," I grumbled.
He then picked me up bridal style and started carrying me back towards our houses.
"Oh well." he sighed.  "If you're already going to get in trouble, than you might as well make it worth it, right?"
I guess he was right..
"Okay.." I said a little unsurely.
As we approached my house, Josh set me down.
"Now go get your swim suit on, and meet me back here in 15 minutes." He said boldly.
"Will do." I smiled, walking up the steps to my bedroom.
I quickly ran to my closet and picked out a purple tie-died bikini, then threw on my white cover-up overtop.
I walked to my bathroom, pulled my hair up into a bun, and bobby pinned my bangs back.
I then brushed my teeth and re-applied my makeup.
I checked my phone as I left the bathroom, I still had 5 minutes left.
I slipped on my white flip-flops, and grabbed my aviators.
I then walked back down my terrace steps to meet Josh.
He was already waiting for me.
And let me tell you, Josh has abs, and he looks amazing shirtless.
"Ready?" He asked patiently.
"Mmhmm." I replied softly.
He held my hand as we made our way back towards the beach.
When we got there, I pulle doff my cover-up, then layed my towel across the sand.
"You're seriously going to sit here and tan?" Josh questioned.
"Yupp." I teased, laying down on my stomach.
Josh then picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, then started walking down towards the water.
"What are you doing Josh?! Let me down!" I squeeled.
"Nope." He started.  "I'm going to teach you how to have fun."
I kicked my legs, trying to get Josh to release me from his grip, but it was useless.
Suddenly, I was plummiting into the refreshing ocean water.
As I came back to the surface, I spit out the disgusting salt water.
"Oh it's on!" I teased, splashing him with water.
He smiled, then tackeled me.
"Let me go!" I screamed in a giggle.
"And if I don't?" He smiled deviously.
"Then i'll kiss you." I replied happily.
He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.
"Well then I guess you owe me a kiss." He said sweetly.
"I guess I do." I smiled, turning to kiss him.
"Emma," Josh then started.

"I love you."
I smiled pretty much the whole time I wrote this..Just me?(:  It's too bad the next chapters will probably be the opposite .

I already have to write on 25 profiles to notify people for when the next chapter's up..26 won't kill me.  Just comment if you want to be notified.(:

If you read this, and liked it, pleeeassee favee♥

Anyone want to be notified when the next chapter's up? Coment herrreee♥

Most of the character pictures are up on my profile.♥

ps. Those of you who haven't read my previous story, might not understand some of the names. But no big deal.(: Read my previous story if you want? It will help you understand the story better♥


{{ Feedback? It would mean a lot to me.♥ }}


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Clique wars. **Sequal to Mascara** Chapter 6. I woke up to the

87 faves · 10 comments · Jan 14, 2012 12:13pm






littlemissnice2 · 1 decade ago
notifiy me please

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xximaddicted · 1 decade ago
Notify me please! :) love it <3
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kgrabowski · 1 decade ago
notify me please?(:
you're amazing!
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julzznlauzz · 1 decade ago
Make the next a happy chapter btw love it
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MorganLeighhh · 1 decade ago
Your amazing , notify please .
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ImJustThatAwesome · 1 decade ago
So GOOD!! :D
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Moxoxo88 · 1 decade ago
this was so cute and I'm mad that the next chapters won't be like this :p
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ClaireTherese233 · 1 decade ago
So cute. <3 notified please. (:
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ceb8 · 1 decade ago
awwww this chapter was soo cute;) notify pleaseeee!
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TheMascaraSeries · 1 decade ago
**This is supposed to say chapter 7. I'm blonde.**
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