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39 faves · 3 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




patonrice · 1 decade ago
I liked this chapter. I do see the similarities however so try to mix it up a tad. think of different way to say things but I didn't notice the similarities until i read the other comments so I'd fix them but i don't think the world will come to an end if you just reword things. I love your descriptions of things. It's so crisp and sharp and I get the perfect image in my head of where the main characyer is. And I'm happy to hear emma gets her lesson taught. Oh she's so cocky and I hate her!!! ugh I hate her!!! but I lvoe her at the same time because she's like the perfect example of a cocky bisnitch and it's like so ...perfect the example is and I'm dying to see what fate has in store for this wipe! hahahah keep up the good work!
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unibugsrock · 1 decade ago
I didn't realize it, because I've never watched the movie, but I agree somewhat with brittanylovescupcakes. I'm still a little lost with the story line.
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brittanylovescupcakes · 1 decade ago
no offence, but i do find this story to be similar to Hannah Montana: the movie. Her mother stated that she wasn't "Alexis Texas" && that now shes going on a little trip, away, to get her act straight. try & mix it up in future writings, so it doesnt stay similar.
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