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WhateveITa kes

Chapter 1
"It's time to get up now!" My mother screams, since I was ignoring my iHome that blasted music across the house. She was probably just annoyed with the fact that it was so loud, I thought to myself as I kicked off the covers and walked to over to my closet to figure out what to wear. It was my first day of high school. I had to look nice for teachers and then the occasional hot guys I would find at school. I was determined to find myself a boyfriend this year. My luck hadn't been so good, but I was going to start this year as a whole new me. After I picked out my outfit, a black ruffle top romper, I slid on my sandals and began my makeup. A few minutes later, my sister woke up, trying to figure out what she was going to borrow from me today. "Diana!" I yell, "You have plenty of clothes!" She sighs and goes back to her drawers, sullenly looking through her clothes. As he finishes up getting ready and spritzing cologne, my dad asks, "You ready to go sweetie?" I reply, "I just have to brush my teeth and fix up my hair, then I'll be done!" After I'm done, I grab my black Coach tote bag and head out to the car. I was terribly nervous for the first day, I didn't know what to expect and the school was really big. I also worried about the workload I would have as I balanced the three honors classes I was enrolled in this year. Hopefully, I'll do okay. As my dad pulls into the parking lot, I spot my friends Melinda and Sylvia. I call there names and they turn around happily smiling. Melinda's luscious dark hair grew long over the summer, and she was happy, since she had cut her hair short, and wasn't liking it. She was wearing a floral dress, perfectly complimenting the tan skin tone she had gotten because of spending everyday at the beach. Sylvia had her curls gelled perfectly and she was wearing a cute floral shorts and a pretty top, complete with her brand new Toms, which she had gotten for her birthday. We all smiled at each other as we each linked arms like we did in seventh grade, and walked into the big building we now called "our school."


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Whatever It Ta kes Chapter 1 "It's time to get up now!"

22 faves · 3 comments · Jun 16, 2011 1:19pm






hopelesslyinlove6 · 1 decade ago
thanks (:
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_YouAreTheOne_ · 1 decade ago
Love it :D
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heisweforever · 1 decade ago
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