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Quotes added on Friday, January 9 2015

  1. bethlm02 bethlm02
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 6:56pm UTC
    I'm the one who wants to
    love you more
    Celine Dion.

  2. bethlm02 bethlm02
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 7:01pm UTC
    IdinaMenzel <3

  3. Sweden* Sweden*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 7:01pm UTC
    Thick thighs,
    Cutting all ties,
    Cries from pretty eyes.
    slowly prises the lost lies.
    To only find, words that dies.
    Tries to arise, after falling.
    Despise the size of her thighs
    She puts on her disguise.
    And hide in the dark,
    alone. Hating her scarred.

  4. grlsmmy* grlsmmy*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 7:07pm UTC
    Thick thighs,
    Cutting all ties,
    Cries from pretty eyes.
    slowly prises the lost lies.
    To only find, words that dies.
    Tries to arise, after falling.
    Despise the size of her thighs
    She puts on her disguise.
    And hide in the dark,
    alone. Hating her scarred.

  5. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 7:25pm UTC
    An important thing to remmeber is that we mature with the damage, not the years.

  6. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 7:33pm UTC
    The thing is that you keep telling me that if it's true love, the words will slide out. But I'm too scared because if I say them, the world wil crash down around me and leave me with gaping holes in my heart where there never were.

  7. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 7:49pm UTC
    "I felt the strength tightening around my throat, constricting my airway, slowly leaving me gasping for air. I struggled against the entity as it's darkness slowly engulfed my every fiber, its force churning in the pit of my stomach. It's whispers like small stabs filled every nerve ending my body with pain. It was everywhere. Then, as I relaxed into it's ever daunting presence, it ripped itself away from me, leaving a gaping hole where there never once was one."
    — Something I wrote at 3am, Love will leave holes where there never were
    My quote

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. anonymousecretsxxx anonymousecretsxxx
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 9:30pm UTC
    i feel like a lot of my friends secretly hate me.

  10. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 9:46pm UTC

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. jennyracinggirl jennyracinggirl
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 10:23pm UTC
    I still can't get over this.. How am i supposed to go on now knowing that you like me and that if you weren't in a relationship that you are in now and that you would be with me.. It was hard being around you today knowing that but in a way it makes me happy even though if nothing between us happens..

  13. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 10:41pm UTC
    Wherever you want to go, take me with you.

  14. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 10:52pm UTC

  15. Solo Love* Solo Love*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 10:55pm UTC
    it's been quite a while since we've known each other. it's been quite a while since you've trusted me with anything. you're the only person who knows my biggest secrets. you're the only person i actually tell things too. you're one of the very few people i talk to. you're one of the very few people i can actually tolerate. but even after i tell you that i trust you with my life, you still don't talk to me about anything other than your favourite boybands. rather, you talk to people who you don't talk to you as much as me, about things you'd never tell me. right infront of my face like i'm not even there. like i'm just some ghost who tells you all her secrets but you can't tell her anything. like a speck of dust that catches your attention when you sneeze but disregard once you recover. it hurts. it hurts to know that i can trust you with my life but you can't trust me with a single thing.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 11:16pm UTC

    My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

  18. _Jannette _Jannette
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 11:18pm UTC
    Format by jannette aka _Jannette.
    I envy people who can come up with witty comebacks on the spot because I need at least a 3 day notice

  19. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 11:32pm UTC
    How odd I can have
    and to you it's just words.

  20. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 11:37pm UTC
    Format coded by Amenah. Please don't remove this or any visible credit.
    And you know,
    you know, you know it's 'cause you're beautiful. YOU SAY YOU'RE NUMB INSIDE
    but i can't agree. so the world's unfair. keep it locked out there.


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