Witty Profiles

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  1. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 1:42pm UTC
    Disney ChannelIs really stupid.

  2. Melrose* Melrose*
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 3:43pm UTC
    I feel bad for the guys on here who have to read quotes about our periods.

  3. Pluto* Pluto*
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 2:54pm UTC
    When It Rain During Weekends: Oh it's raining? That's nice.
    When It Rains During School: Look! It's raining! Wow rain... It's so pretty! I Can't believe it's raining! Everybody, look outside! It's Raining!

  4. hermione23katniss hermione23katniss
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 9:50pm UTC
    Plot twist: "Four for you Gretchen Wieners. You go Gretchen Wieners. And none for Glen Coco. Bye."

  5. alpharedw13 alpharedw13
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 4:13pm UTC
    *My thoughts during summer vacation*
    May: Whoo! School's out, I don't have to wake up early anymore and I won't be on a tight schedule!
    June: Well... I'm bored. WHERE ARE THE CHIPS?!
    July: When does school start again? My friends never talk to me :( *munches on cookies*
    August:: NOOO school can't start next week! Where did the summer go?

  6. ThatsJustLifee ThatsJustLifee
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 1:54pm UTC
    Feeling like a bug is on you
    And having a mini heart attack just to find out it was a stupid piece of fabric or strand of hair.

  7. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 6:23pm UTC
    i love running through
    hotel hallways.

  8. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 11:32am UTC
    "I've only asked out one girl
    since joining one direction
    and i'm still with her."
    - Liam Payne ♥
    format credit to OneDirection

  9. christymt christymt
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 10:15pm UTC
    Twinkle twinkle patrick star, I made myself a sandwich, my mommy named it Fred, it taste like beans and bacon. It smelled like it's been dead, writing's hard, so I have to use a pointy pencil pointy pointy pointy, pointy pointy point, P.U what's that horrible smell *DRUM SOLO!*
    I have a head, it ends in a point, pointy pointy pointy, pointy pointy point. This song is over, except for this line, you win this round, broccoli!!!
    Fave if you remember this(:
    v ♦ v
    - - -♦- - -
    Format by kclove5layouts

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. chubbiexbubblez chubbiexbubblez
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 1:06am UTC
    I Wonder If British People
    sit around trying to talk in an American accent

  12. whateveryousay1234 whateveryousay1234
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 2:12pm UTC
    “ugh i hate my life” said the 15 year old girl as she tried on her size 0 skinny jeans and puller her long blonde hair into a ponytail and then was driven home by her perfect boyfriend to her 4 story mansion with a pool and tennis court and walked into her gigantic room and laid on her king size bed with her white fluffy puppy and picked up her iphone to texted her 5 best friends to go to the mall in her new lamborghini

  13. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 5:30pm UTC
    Fulllllhouse. ;)
    Danny: Joey, Rebecca is pregnant..
    Joey: PREGNANT?
    Kimmy, Dj, Stephanie: PREGNANT
    Stephanie: Wait.... Whose pregnant?
    Joey: Uh......... I am
    Michelle: WAY TO GO JOEY!

  14. Buki Buki
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 1:34pm UTC
    *Talking to a 10 year old*
    Her: You know the girl from iCarly?
    Me: You mean Megan.
    Her: No, Carly.
    Me: No, it's Megan.

  15. TheGirlWhoLived TheGirlWhoLived
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 1:24pm UTC
    Of course us gays dress well. We didn't spend all that time in the closet doing nothing.
    24 hours ago · comment · like
    402 people likes this

  16. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 9:38pm UTC
    Me: So you're not mad?
    Mom: No, I'm not mad.Me: Oh thank goodn-Mom: I'm disappointed.Me: I'm screwed.

  17. bibliophile* bibliophile*
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 10:24pm UTC
    I gotta dig bick.
    you that read wrong.
    that awkward when you read that wrong too.
    and said moment after awkward.
    this is awkward.

  18. lipstickstains_ lipstickstains_
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 10:40am UTC
    Just Me?#2
    When i've got headphones in, i take them out and see if other people can hear my music

  19. l0vely l0vely
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    "I repeat words for emphasis...

  20. maceigh maceigh
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 10:06pm UTC
    Plot Twist: Having my period is as fun as they make it seem on the commercials.


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