Witty Profiles

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  1. waitingforyourtouch waitingforyourtouch
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    Am I the only one??
    who wants to die,
    be dead for like a day,
    see how everyone reacts,
    then come back to life.

  2. juturna* juturna*
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 7:26pm UTC
    Most Wittians have to atleast remember or know some of these:
    The Brandoncyrus days.
    The "Big 2011 Witty crash".
    When DamnnTaylerx, Jayciecutie01 &, Jade672 ruled the top quotes section.
    FramingMatthew is the most courageous, strongest &, amazing person on witty. (Nobody will ever take his place)
    R.I.P Matthew. All of Witty misses you ♥
    When not even one person talked about One Direction or Hunger Games.
    AlNicholas was the ultimate Witty boy.
    When Lollipopx3 wrote the best witty stories.
    SocietyKilledTheTeenager is the strongest witty girl on here ♥
    When the advertisements were never here
    When we saved Witty Profiles from getting deleted! :D
    When quotes came from the heart ♥
    When Witty was Witty

    Where did this Witty go? :(
    No hate comments, please.

  3. Andreaxoxo Andreaxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 6:26pm UTC
    Shoutout to the Sprouse twins
    for being the only Disney stars that didn't start a singing career~

  4. hailstorm37 hailstorm37
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 11:10pm UTC
    Lick your lips 3 times
    blink once, and keep your eyes wide open until you fave this quote.
    I bet you will sneeze or yawn.

  5. NeverForgetYourBeauty NeverForgetYourBeauty
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 10:52am UTC
    My mom thinks witty is full of old men.
    Please fave this if you're not an old man.

  6. byewitty* byewitty*
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 5:34pm UTC
    So you're a directioner and criticize Taylor Swift?
    Can I tell you a secret?
    She kissed Harry Styles and you never will.

  7. byewitty* byewitty*
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2013 9:52pm UTC
    ~bee mine~
    Format by Breeze

  8. byewitty* byewitty*
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 12:10pm UTC
    When your try so hard,
    then everyone gives up on you.

  9. byewitty* byewitty*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 2:19pm UTC
    Why spiders?
    Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"?

  10. byewitty* byewitty*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 2:25pm UTC
    There are all kinds of courage.
    It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our
    enemies, but just as much to our friends.
    -Albus Dumbledore

  11. forever_mine_123 forever_mine_123
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2013 11:47pm UTC
    hi pope francis.

  12. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2013 5:40pm UTC
    *When God created me*
    God: I'll put in a few tablespoons of talent.
    God: Whoops!! I accidentally put failure instead...
    God: Well I could put attractiveness in to replace it. No big deal.
    God: *Drops whole bottle*
    God: Oh no! That was ugliness not attractiveness...
    God: Whatever mind as well put in some awkward too...

  13. kristabff kristabff
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2013 6:32pm UTC
    So apperantly Kidz Bop is releasing
    a version of Thrift Shop...

  14. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2013 6:12pm UTC
    *My conversation with my mom*
    Me: I am 100% postive I haven't met the person I'm going to marry.
    Mom: How can you be so sure?
    Me: Because I'm destined to live alone with 43 cats all named Steve.
    Mom: Why would you name them that?
    Me: It's an inside joke.
    Mom: With who?
    Me: ...Myself...
    Me: *Feels the shame radiating off my body*

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2013 1:43am UTC
    getting addicted to a show and then
    watching all the episodes and feeling so empty when you finish them, because it's over. just freaking over.

  17. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 4:35am UTC
    how to break up with someone
    you: your ex is attractive.
    partner: which one?
    you: me.
    you: BYEEEE

  18. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 4:45am UTC
    am i the only one who tries to
    learn lyrics to rap songs so i can surprise people during car rides.

  19. TaintedCorruption TaintedCorruption
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 2:15pm UTC
    Sister: What's a pedestrian?
    Me: Ask mom.
    Sister: I can't it sounds dirty.
    Mom: But you are a pedestrain
    Sister: *cries*

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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